Interested to see if they do a full "Paradox" and remake the campaign, it really feels like a last minute rush job, which given the development I think thats what happened and they kinda tacked it on at the end.
The Hero missions are just dreadful, incredibly tedious as most of the time is spent just watching your guy/gal slowly chip through hordes of zombies or kiting the fast ones. Run back, shoot, run back, shoot, etc etc. Really compelling gameplay. And watch out if you happen to lob a grenade to close as its a restart of the mission and possible rage-quit moment. Oh and yeah and dont forget the pixel hunting gameplay... in 2019...
'Infected swarm' missions just seem fucking broken... 1000 fast zombies vs 50 soldiers? WTF is this shit? Another early one has 10000 slow zombies! Yes, ten thousand vs your 50 odd soldiers, its fun at first until you realize its actually impossible. So the 'choice' of missions is a trap, there is no choice, you just farm military points from missions until you have no option but to get through a swarm mission.
And yes obviously the 'normal' base missions should not have a timelimit, if someone really, really loves the Hunter's Meadow, and they just wanna keep building for 100 days or a 1000 days why not let them? Who the hell thought this was a fun idea to create arbitrary end state in a pseudo city building game? You know what could be a way to solve it, keep sending bigger hordes of zombies every X days, so if you must keep playing your gonna have to focus on defense. Funny that because it sounds like a tower defense game mechanic, surely it wouldnt be to hard to program that in right, spawn bigger and bigger hordes to enter the map? Oh wait, this game is literally designed as a tower defense game... Seems they forgot that.