Don't release this shit, Eidos. Learn some tact.
Don't release this shit, Eidos. Learn some tact.
Its like we just entered the twilight zone of moderator stupidity.
Thiaf is now part of the social justice crusade, giving deaf people the ability to play games.
Gayrat seems to rhyme perfectly. And none of the newfags will notice!As much as I try, now I can't disconect the similarity of the word thiAF with deAF, even though they do not rhyme.
This game should be about the master Dheaf.
... and this is from the guy with half his arms and legs... maybe the NBA should lower their basketball rims so I can feel good about myself and play basketball... yeah and if they don't they must be... um... uncaringracistslegists, no... armists... nah, how about appendagists!
Yeah, down with those NBA APPEDAGISTS!!!
Hey you know what other game had the word chaos for killing? Dishonored! Good thing the new thief isn't copying it.Garrett taught Erin his methodology over several years. Killing is out, chaos must be avoided and only those with wealth deserve to be stolen from.
Umm nope. The thief we know was truly born when he decided to left the Keepers. Wait are even Keepers in Thi4f?But as time passed his ward grew careless, sadistic and morally askew. Unable to side with her any longer, both the teacher and scholar parted ways, and Garrett entered into a period of isolation and regret. The mysterious thief we now know was truly born on that day.
Umm nope. The thief we know was truly born when he decided to left the Keepers. Wait are even Keepers in Thi4f?
Umm nope. The thief we know was truly born when he decided to left the Keepers. Wait are even Keepers in Thi4f?
Yep, they're a "society of thieves". I wish I was making this shit up.
Unable to side with her any longer, both the teacher and scholar parted ways, and Garrett entered into a period of isolation and regret.
The pair come upon a ritual in the large manor they are infiltrating. Observing from the roof is safe, until the building begins to shake and crumble. Erin falls, and without her claw, meets her end.
What is this shitcauses Garrett to black out for a year
Oh! It smells all right!There was a lot of richness that I wanted to dip into so that you could take a smell and say, ‘you know what? This feels familiar to me.’
I've just vomited my guts out