Here are some tricks I picked up from lurking on the TTLG forums. Upgrading the Thief games used to be rather complex, but recently the process was made much simpler by the creation of several unified patches, with user-friendly installers that do all the hard work for you.
Thief: The Dark Project/Thief Gold:
TFix 1.10:
An essential mod that improves graphics and enables high resolutions.
Thief 1 Sound Enhancement Pack:
Higher quality sound effects. Non-essential but nice.
Thief II: The Metal Age:
Tafferpatcher 1.0.3 Beta:
Similar to TFix but in addition also fixes various bugs in the game's levels. You may wish to avoid installing the "NTEX" texture pack which is part of this patch, as according to some it deviates too strongly from the game's original appearance.
Thief 2 Sound Enhancement Pack:
See above.
Thief: Deadly Shadows:
Thief 3 Sneaky Upgrade 1.1.0:
Essential mod. Enables high resolutions, and a few additional tweaks.
John P's Collective Texture Pack 1.0.3:
Graphics upgrade. Be warned that it makes this game's shitty long loading times even longer.