v1.11: updated core files - this fixes video playback issues and crashes with hdradeons running under winxp (and more). the new stuff might interfere with saves made with TFix 1.10 or earlier, restarting the current mission is highly recommended. safemode.bat should help in case of catastrophic crashes or heavy rendering issues. try out enhanced.bat if you think you have way too much gpu and cpu power at hand.
There's also a patch for System Shock 2.
Best news of the day, I figure.
v1.12: fixed one broken texture, added the new editor. the exe has a proper icon now. added more keyconfigs.
TFix is needed for Thief Gold to get the new features, but do I still need Tafferpatcher for Thief 2?
Has Tafferpatcher been updated for 1.19?
DarkLoader needed some extra scripts for some FMs, do I still need to install those, or are they included in the 1.19 patch?
while thief3 v1.1 fixes the difficulty reset bug, i believe towns are still normal difficulty (i havent tested this, but it would make sense). thiefbot, while not being needed to fix the reset bug, can still be used to set the town difficulty to your personal preference
Oh, ok then.
Still, I find those more essential than texture packs, if somebody is planning to rapelay TDS.
mod_path ..\MODS\t2water+..\MODS\t2skies+..\patchedmis
movie_crop_exclude credits.avi+success.avi+death.avi+B18.avi+b19.avi+B20.avi+B21.AVI+B22.avi+B23.avi+b24.avi+b25.avi+b26.avi+b27.avi+B28.avi+B29.avi+CS18.avi+CS27.avi+CS29.avi+CS30.avi
resname_base ..\MODS\EP\EPBooks+..\MODS\EP+..\t2x+..\patchedres+..\res+D:\thief2
Also, can someone confirm, that T2X si compatible with the new patch v1.19?
Do I have to use Tafferpatcher to make T2X work? I prefer *genuine* Thief look.
SS2Tool http://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=4141.0 + everything stickied here http://www.systemshock.org/index.php?board=2.0Yo Infinitron cold you suggest a few mods for System Shock 2? I ahve Rebirth and all of that but maybe a comprehensive pack like the ones you have suggested for Thief would be awesome
v1.13: small mission fixes here and there, the installer now has a proper icon as well. mods can now be installed/uninstalled just by running the installer again, no need to manually delete anything.
Update Version 1.5 (2012-12-27):
- New installation routine that checks the existence of snd.crf in both RES and CRFS folder before continuing
- many Thief 3 sounds (doors, foot steps) exchanged with restored Thief 1/2 sounds
- various sound fixes (e.g. tension1.wav for Thief 1)
All was going swimmingly until I got Constantine's Sword and now I can't hit shit with it. Figured it was because I installed the fix and the audio mod while Thief was in it's steam file so deleted it and re-downloaded and tried again (inserting my backed up saves from the first game) and the sword is still useless.