When I'm 3 missions from finishing my playthrough...
v1.17: cleanup before the map overhaul.
v1.18: corrected the name of the mesh pack (sorry, Daemonite!). a couple of map fixes to Cragscleft prison. EP2 ready - just drop EP2 (http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141621) into your Thief folder and it will load automatically (note: EP2 is still work-in-progress, visual anomalies may occur). fix for the over-sensitive AIs (beta). overhauled the Assassins level. fixed the starting area of Lost City, and Song of the Caverns. old file cleanup is now handled differently, should help to avoid issues with TDP crashing when the user has reinstalled the game without deleting the folder properly.
The game:
- Your chosen difficulty setting is now applied in the City sections. Even with the 1.1 patch only the proper missions would use the difficulty setting while the City would always use Normal difficulty. (There's an option to restore default behaviour.)
- Mod support - the features are described in the readme. Stay tuned for 1.1.4...
- There's now one set of options files for all locales and FMs
- The load/save list will now not show folders which are not savegames
- Allow the FM and mods installation folders to be inside the game root
- For unobstructed screenshots it's now again possible to remove the HUD completely by setting HUDScaleFactor=0
- New tweaks:
- Better mouse response, including removed motion blur
- More realistic physics
- Scale the difficulty up or down. (Can be set to zero for a 'notarget' cheat)
- Remove purple fog and bouncing arrows
- Disable auto-raising of the blackjack and dagger
- Reduce or remove headbobbing
- Stay first-person, even in death...
- Classic speed. (Walk by default, run qualifier)
- Alternative background modes for the maps/readables screens: Black, transparent with a fixed light, fully transparent and unpaused, ditto with mouselook
- Alternative background modes for the pause screen: Black, transparent with a fixed light, fully transparent
- Useful options for exchanging savegames with other people:
- Plaintext folder names, e.g. "The Blue Heron Inn 01-12-14 12_52_27" instead of "44B7761B-AFE0C308-2B5AD5A3-12B6CE09-FA239DB7"
- Force refresh of the savegames index on start-up
Originally the plan was to provide an additional 'Fat Edition', which would use the new mod support to provide the Minimalist Project, John P's textures and the Gold Project in one installer. This has been postponed - the Gold maps are still being worked on, and testing has shown that a configuration tool for the mods is necessary.
The changes to FMSel are very minor compared to The patch for the NewDark 1.21 source can be found here.
Many thanks to bikerdude, Child Of Karras and Beleg Cúthalion for testing.
The focus for 1.1.4 will be the Fat Edition, and hopefully fixing some original issues with high framerates.
Fixed bugs in
- Make sure the FM and mods install paths are set
- Some FMs contain unused files that would be picked up by the mod support. To be able to use external override files an FM must now explicitly enable it
- Reduce the time spent in the loading screen by removing excessive updates of the progress bar
- Exclude the SaveGamePath from override file searches
- Relax the permissions on the folder specified by the SaveGamePath registry value to fix GOG issues
- The DisableDotBugFix option was inverted, causing problems when playing certain FMs with a game installed to ...\GOG.com\...
- A couple of minor improvements
- All camera modes are in 1st person as DEFAULT (I sympathize with 3rd person players but "The Minimalist Project" breaks many things in third person.)
- Death camera is fixed to 1st person view.
Changes made to user Interface:
- Frob highlight in a more subtle color than the original.
- Hud size Minimized - colors tweaked for visibility since it is smaller.
- Retro Hud is offered as an alternative to Minimalist Hud.
(Removes the T3 lightgem and replaces it with a casing that is more like the original. The compass
is also minimized in this Hud as well.)
- Custom Menu Screen. [This is now made optional]
(Thanks to S_HOLE at the ttlg.com forums)
- Original Thief Fonts Added through the creation of custom bitmap fonts.
[The fonts were updated in version 1.3]
- Modified Thief header that swoops in on main menu (text changed to reflect that “The Minimalist
Project” is installed). (Thanks to John P. for the original Thief header “glow” texture)
- Loading page logo changed to reflect that “The Minimalist Project” is installed.
- Weapons and Items placements on screen are reversed - based on originals.
- Weapons and items now slide in quickly from the side and after a few seconds slide away again,
leaving only the weapon amount numbers visible. The Retro Hud remains true to the originals. (A
variation of a tweak generously donated by Philky of TTLG.com)
- Loot popups appear in lower right hand corner once and fade quickly.
(closer to the way it works in the first two games)
- Lock Pick Hud removed.
- Hud Clamps removed.
- Hud Gears removed. (Tweak donated by Philky)
- Original font colors have been added. (Tweak donated by Philky)
- Black screen when reading like in the original games.
- Health bar is wider to keep in tone with original games.
- Health gems are replaced with shields as in the first games.
(If you choose the Minimalist Default Hud, the shields will slide out of place and appear only
when you are injured.) Note: this will affect the textures of the Health Potions and the gems in the Hammer priest’s wands, since these all share textures originally.
- Mapped the "use" function to pressing of the center mouse button. Weapon scrolling is
still in effect. [No center mouse wheel? Just remap it.]
- Many are tweaked to be more Thief-like.
(Hopefully control is more precise.)
- Creeping will not make you silent anymore, be forewarned.... only crouching is silent now.
- Head bob reinstated, but lessened to a degree.
Removed from game:
- Loot Percentage [This is optional]
- Fatigue [All guards become tired rather quickly while Garrett could run without losing his wind at all. Rather than
punish the player with fatigue, I removed it completely. The gameplay feels much more balanced this way. In a
future release I aim to try and make only overweight guards fatigued.]
- Arrow Trails.
- Mechanical Eye Overlay.
- Mechanical Eye Sound.
- Back Button. [Use escape instead]
- Gear select sounds.
- Automatic blackjack raise in first person.
- Glowing feet. (from the tutorial part of the game)
- Custom sound support and several custom sounds. [User may add their own sounds as well.]
- Tutorial helptext files reflect Minimalist Project changes.
- Weapons Exposure. [Like the original games, drawing a weapon will now leave you slightly more
exposed as indicated by a slight increase in lightgem visibility. As in the originals, the blackjack will not
make you more exposed.]
- Edible Food. [You may once again eat food, just like the original games. Eating a food item will restore
1/4 of a hitpoint. Four items will restore 1 full point.]
- Loot Glimmer: Remove or have activated by frob distance.
[The loot and junk in TDS look very similar. There are slight differences but unless the textures can be changed in
such a way that they stand out from each other, Loot Glint will be activated by player distance from the item. This
means that you will no longer see the item from long distances. Contributed by Sneaksie Dave and Bumbleson.]
Custom Difficulty: Play Styles
- Playstyles have been added in this revision. The player can choose from the following styles.
Cutpurse, Assassin, Thief and Ghost. All Playstyles have the same AI difficulty and Density.
*It was necessary to give all playstyle levels the same AI sensitivity. All Playstyle levels perform at
Expert difficulty though they do not necessarily conform to all the established rules of the playstyle due
to the limitations of the AI.
- Enhanced AI sensitivity
- Broadhead Max: 15
- Water Max: 15
- Moss Max: 15
- Fire Max: 10
- Gas Max: 5
- Noise Maker Max: 5
- Healing Potion Max: 5
- Flashbombs Max: 5
- Oil Flasks Max: 5
- Mines Max: 5
- Holy Water Max: 5
- Gas Bombs Max: 5
1.18h is up. didn't have time to work on missions, so it's just one fix really - managed to solve the issue with the steam build overwriting essential files. now everything should work right out of the box, no need to disable steam or anything.
Fixed bugs in
- Limit the frame rate to 90 fps by default, to avoid original issues with lockpicking etc. at high frame rates.
Thief 3 Gold - Public beta test (TDS Spoilers ahead, obviously!)
This thread should have been started at least six years earlier but for several reasons there was never enough man power among the T3Edders. Well, actually there isn't a lot now, either.Anyway, here's the deal:
As some may have noticed, for a few years now the idea of a T3 overhaul was debated and experiments were done. While snobel works/worked on bringing all existent tweaks and patches into the Sneaky Upgrade (such as JohnP textures, the Minimalist Project, T3 Tweaker), I combined all proper missions into one map, thus eliminating the loading zones. You can download these missions as an FM compatible with FMSel as it is shipped with the most up-to-date Sneaky Upgrade. Just download, install, play.
This version has the following "features":
- No loading zones or blue fog in all nine proper missions (excl. the Inn tutorial)
- Re-designed transition zones (as faithful to the game as possible)
- Various fixes of broken/incomplete patrols, missing shadow-casting, un-ghostable AI positions
- Fixed Keeper enforcers, especially on HARD/EXPERT
- Reduced ambient fog
- Removed transition zone symbol from hand-drawn maps
- From the Sneaky Upgrade side the game was tweaked to allow slightly larger maps (content-wise) which was necessary for the Cradle and Museum maps
Plans for the future:
- Turning the tutorial mission into a proper mission on HARD/EXPERT (this is a lot of work)
- Tweaking/balancing remaining bugs etc.
- Including proper briefing videos like in this test
- Including proper hand-drawn maps (artists, volunteer!)
- Proper tweaking UI for the Sneaky Upgrade (AI awareness, equipment prices, HUD and font sizes etc.)
- Tweaking the movement of Garrett, maybe altered mesh
- Whatever comes up
What probably won't happen:
- Getting rid of City section loading zones (might work for small sections like Garrett's house or Fort Ironwood, but is a hassle in general because of the maps' complexity)
- Rope arrows and swimmable water
- Proper Pagan dialects
Now for the beta stuff. Download this FM archive (mirror, thanks to clearing & Brethren!) and install/play it via FMSel (instructions, if necessary, should be included with the Sneaky Upgrade).
Play the game on different difficulty levels with different playstyles. Try to get maximum loot, in short, try everything out that could be broken. One of the most current problems are broken volume boxes, so everything that is triggered by Garrett or an NPC walking into a specific area (an invisible box for the editor). If you notice that e.g. conversations or Garrett voice-overs don't start as they should – that's for the bug list. Please volunteer only if you know the original game by heart and/or are ready to dedicate a significant amount of time to the test. Bugs should be reported here, if possible with images or clear location/description so I can track things down quickly. If design/philosophy discussions can be held short and concise, they are allowed here, too, otherwise feel free to use the other thread.
Dat test video.
Fixed bugs in
- When binding Interact or Use Item/Weapon to analogue input, don't attempt to bind an opposite direction. (Original bug)
- When binding Backward, Right, Rotate Down or Rotate Right to analogue input, make sure the opposite direction is available for modification as well. (Original bug)
- When binding direction/rotation to analogue input, make binding any direction to any half-axis equivalent to binding the opposite direction to the opposite half-axis. (Original bug)
- Offset the mouse position in the keybinds screen to make it work correctly in widescreen and portrait modes
- Suspend the effect of the ClassicSpeed option while lockpicking, to make it work with the direction keys
v1.19: overhauled Training, Bafford's, Cragscleft, Bonehoard, Assassins, Sword, Cathedral, Undercover, Strange Bedfellows, Thieves Guild, Mage Towers and Caverns, some of them almost fully, some partially. some other small fixes here and there (the old sword should not be hanging in the air on the place where you have hit something with it for the last time when you pick Constantine's sword, for example).
Fixed bugs in
- Installer: Make sure the folder pointed to by the SaveGamePath registry value is available. If necessary set it to an appropriate default
- XBox360-type gamepads are now working including the analogue triggers (which show up as buttons Joy11-12)
- Make all 16 gamepad buttons known to the game available using modifiers ('shift' or 'hold')
- Button-type controls will no longer bind to analogue input
refresh my memory - what kind of sound issue?
- added some new HD textures (shields, windows, banners, stonewalls, temple paintings)
- added new cobwebs objects on "Break from Cragscleft Prison", "Escape!" and "Into the Maw of Chaos"
- added new plant objects on "Escape!"
- added new "Fire Shadow Model" (for the moment without new flames FX because of the FPS problem)
- conversion of all water textures from 24-Bit to 8-Bit color .PNG (all water textures lose 30 % of the filesize!)
- fixed the problem with the cellblock shields on "Break from Cragscleft Prison"
- fixed a problem with the spiders AI's on "Into the Maw of Chaos"
- fixed a problem with the "NewDark Graphics Settings Tool"
- fixed some textures
- placed some (in air flying) objects correctly
- changed some fire places to get a better FPS on some missions