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This LP is rigged from the start...Hey, we made it to Vegas!

Whose side is the Courier on?

  • Independent New Vegas - Yes Man backing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NCR

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mr. House's New Vegas

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I returned to the Lucky 38 to report on my success to Mr. House.

The Brotherhood of Steel has been wiped out.

Singlehandedly destroying a Brotherhood of Steel bunker is quite an accomplishment. Platoons of NCR troops have died, trying to do the same. This welcome news comes just in time, as events in the wider world are coming to a head... Aaron Kimball, the president of the New California Republic, is going to visit Hoover Dam to 'boost morale'. Apparently, he hasn't considered the effect on the troops' morale of seeing their beloved leader get his brains blown out by a Legion sniper. I need you to make sure that no harm comes to President Kimball. It's fortunate that you've maintained good relations with the NCR...

Why do you care if Kimball lives or die?

I care because he is a known quantity - not the man so much as the political context he inhabits. Kimball rose to prominence as the "Hero of the Mojave" when he led a campaign of reprisals against tribals who dared to attack NCR citizens. Ordering the occupation of Hoover Dam was his first act of office. As water and electricity flowed to NCR cities, his popularity soared. Conversely, his failure to annex the Mojave these seven years, and the immense costs of occupying a foreign land, have eroded his popular support.

So why don't you want him to die?

Kimball's entire political career is inextricably bound up with the NCR occupation of the Mojave. It's his war. If I compell the NCR to retreat, Kimball will be the sacrifice offered to the gods, so decent NCR citizens can get on with their lives. In retrospect, the Mojave and Hoover Dam will seem like one man's misadventure. Kimball will be blamed, not me. Not New Vegas.

And if Kimball were to be assassinated?

Then the Hero of the Mojave would become the Martyr of Hoover Dam. And when, subsequently, I force the NCR to retreat...They lick their wounds, and dream of righteous vengeance against New Vegas. Hello, embargo, farewell, tourist economy. I've calculated and re-calculated those probabilities. Kimball must live.

He has a point. New Vegas has very little resources except its tourism. Other sources of income is just not feasible should I pursue the option of independence and sour relations with the NCR. In this regard, I truly respect Mr. House's foresight.

Sure, off to the dam I go.

I'm sure the assassins will wait for you to show up.

I'm gonna need Boone on this. Takes a sniper to spot another sniper.

Let's go.

Ready when you are.

History is about to be made.


Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Fucking tourism.

Fuck Mr House and his plans for New Vegas. The world has a retarded disjunction between starvation in the waste and places like New Vegas and New Reno, which exist on...



Absolutely nothing.

How is the post-post-apocalyptic society ready for such a leech on the economy? It clearly is not. NCR has trouble even growing food, and many soldiers are in desperate straights and more likely to spend caps on bullets than waste it on massive, empty casinos.


Fuck the Strip and Mr House's plans.


Aug 19, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Havoc said:
But the VO for Mr. House is pure awesome. :smug:
This. Mr. House is awesome.

We're talking about a coterie of bulging eyes fanatics who think all Pre-War technology belongs to them. They'll never accept my using an army of robots to defend New Vegas. While it's a fight I can win, I'd rather sidestep it altogether.

And Yes Man.
Then I'd have to help you! I mean, it seems pretty obvious Benny wouldn't want me to, but hey, not my fault I can't say no!
:love: :love:


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Hoover Dam. Mojave's point of conflict.



Since Mr. House has helped me in the past, I'll let you help us during the President's visit. However, I will be keeping a close eye on you. We've got a lot to do to prepare for the President's visit and not much time. Once we start we'll be on a strict timetable. Are you ready?

I'm all set.

Good. The President doesn't arrive until tomorrow morning. Get some rest, I'll brief you in the morning.

The next morning...

Glad you could join us. Most of my men are already on duty and the crowd has already started gathering outside. We've got a busy day ahead of us.

So what's the plan for today?

The plan is to get through today without the shit hitting the fan. So I'll be overseeing the security team personally and keeping in constant contact with people over the radio. It's a good bet that the Legion is going to try something today so we have to be prepared for anything. We'll do whatever it takes to get the President through this visit in one piece.

Let's get this show on the road.

President Kimball is arriving shortly. If you want to do any last minute security sweeps or take a look around for anything suspicious, do it now. Once you're ready, meet me outside on the observation deck, but don't take too long.

The security sweep (I think) determines what sort of encounters you'll trigger during the Presidential speech. I checked with a nearby engineer who looked worried.


A check on the nearby closet revealed a pool of blood.



Checking the duty roster console also reveals the possibility of an inside man working for the Legion.


That's enough investigation inside, time to step outside. Being a sniper himself, Boone immediately gives a helpful remark regarding possible assassin spots.


I proceed to the nearest observation tower.


This tower definitely gives a clear sight at the stage. Perfect spot to watch over the crowds as well. I made my way to the helipad to check for anything amiss.


No go. I returned to Ranger Grant, satisfied with my security sweep.

I'm ready. When will the President be here?

Looks like that's his Vertibird coming right now. It's show time, let's not mess this up. Now if you'll excuse me. I've got some security procedures to oversee.

A Vertibird, huh. Must've been salvaged from an Enclave, I sincerely doubt they have the capability to manufacture one.


I make my way back to the tower to watch over the helipad for anything amiss.


Hmm. What's that engineer doing there?


I watched as the President makes his way down and the engineer stalked his way behind the Vertibird. I couldn't see what he did. But that warrants investigation. I quickly make my way down of the tower towards the helipad. The helipad guard wouldn't compromise, I couldn't waste any time. The speech has already started. I activated my stealth boy and made my way up to the helipad.


Alternatively, I could enter the Hoover Dam visitor center and break into the hatch to climb upstairs. But I felt this is the quickest and safest route to take. Another option is to find the engineer in the crowd and pick his pocket for a detonator and inform Grant immediately.


I was on the helipad and begin my investigation.


A quick reference on a repairs magazine revealed an oddity.


Time to warn Grant.

I found a bomb on the President's vertibird.

A bomb on the President's vertibird? Only a limited number of people had access to the vertibird. We have to get the President out of here now. I'll cancel the speech and have security search the area. We can't relax until we get the President out of here safely.

I quickly returned to the tower and froze when I spotted the body of a ranger on the bottom.


That's not good, a shot suddenly rang out. I feared for the worst as I climbed up.


Another dead ranger. Or is it? Closer examination reveals he's holding to a sniper rifle. This could be the Legion's inside man, shot by an alert Ranger on the ground. Phew. I set my sniper scope at the leaving vertibird. Alert for any further attempts.


Looks like mission accomplished. The vertibird rotors started to spin as President Kimball made his way into the vehicle. I doubt the Legion has anything that could take out an air target.


:salute: Smooth. I slipped away from the panicking crowd at the ground and made my way to the Lucky 38.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
If not for you, President Kimball would be dead. So you needn't feel guilty when the NCR's rout from Hoover Dam demolishes his political career.

What's the next step?

The Legion has nothing left to wait for. Their assault on the dam could begin at any moment. Before that happens, I'll ask you to complete one other task. It may seem trivial, but that's far from the case. Between the Strip and Helios One lies the El Dorado electrical substation. Humble as it appears, the substation has immense strategic value, for it's there that you'll jumpstart the Lucky 38's dormant reactor. Gain access to the control room and install this override module. Just so you know, there are NCR troops guarding the station.

What's this about a dormant reactor?

The strain of defending Las Vegas from annihilation exceeded my power systems' capacity. My primary reactor shut down. For years, I played a miser with my emergency power supply. I began to run out of reserves around the time I woke the first batch of Securitrons. Negotiating an allotment of power from Hoover Dam was crucial. That's what powered the Strip for the past seven years.

Why didn't you restart the reactor earlier?

I needed the operating software on the Platinum Chip to bring it back online. And to start the reactor itself requires a tremendous jolt of current. Very attention-getting. The NCR has its hands full now, of course. I doubt they'll raise much of a fuss.

You already have power. Why is this important?

This is not a good time to be dependent on energy from Hoover Dam. When the Legion attacks, the NCR may cut power altogether. And I'll be needing a good deal more power than the NCR has alotted to the Strip. Broadcasting encrypted VMQ-boosted command signals to hundreds of Securitrons eats up more power than you might expect.

I'll take care of it.

With this accomplished, all preparations will have been made. The battle for Hoover Dam will be upon us before long.

Getting to the El Dorado is simple, but the NCR guards will not allow entry. I snuck in, started the plant and escaped before the guards noticed anything amiss. From there I could return to the Lucky 38...but I decided to return to Cottonwood Cove to settle some unfinished business with Boone.

Upon reaching the Cove, Boone spoke up.

We're near a Legion slave camp now. I've...been here before. Let's get one thing straight. I see any crimson, I'm taking the shot. You don't like that, you're on your own.

As long as you don't mind me joining the fun.

I don't think I'll hold it against you.

I was thinking of assassinating Caesar before the Hoover Dam battles. Not sure what sort of tactical advantage that will give us, but I figure it will at least give Boone a chance to blow off some steam.

The whole Cottonwood camp is irradiated. Piles of lesser legion's corpses dotted the landscape. The raft to the Fort is still there. We take it up to Caesar's camp. This time, we don't surrender our weapons at the entrance.


We're cleaning house.


I set up a special present outside Caesar's tent.


All set.


Popped in quick to hand the invitation.


Outside, twenty kilos of explosives detonates at the same moment. I didn't even have to hit the detonator. The mines triggered a chain reaction. I hopped out just in time.

Boone walked up to me when the explosion cleared.

Caesar's dead. Bet he didn't see this coming when he was having his coffee this morning. Still. It's not gonna stop the Legion. Might not even slow them down.

Still feels pretty good, though, doesn't it?

Yeah, it does. But we got these bastards pretty good today. Whatever happens from here on out, we killed that prick in the middle of his fortress. Ought to give the rest of them something to think about.

You must've been at Bitter Springs. What happened there?

There was a...mis-communication.

Sounded more like a massacre.

Yeah. I guess that'd be the word. We did what we were there to do. Lot of people got killed. That's war. Maybe looking back you'd do things differently, but that's not how it works. In the field, if you hesitate, you or someone you care about will die. They teach that from day one.

Sounds like you have some regrets.

You don't come out of a tour of duty without regrets. It's best just not to think about it.

Do you think about Bitter Springs a lot?

Yeah. Always. Even when I sleep.

Maybe it would help to go back there.

I don't think so. It won't change anything. And that's a memory I don't want refreshed.

That's that, then. I walked back to the fortress exit to return to the raft when Boone changed his mind.

Hey. I thought some more about what you said. I think maybe you're right. Maybe I should go to Bitter Springs. I don't know what I'm hoping to find there.

It'll be good to settle his demons before facing the Legion at Hoover Dam.

Okay. We'll make it a point to stop there.

I hope this isn't a mistake.

Is it because of Bitter Springs that you think you've got bad things coming?

Life has a way of punishing you for the mistakes you make. Big enough mistake, punishment can take a while. Mine's not over.

Life doesn't work that way. Your misfortunes are just bad luck.

That's what they tell you in the casinos, too. Because it's the only way to get you to buy back in. If people knew the truth, that something's watching you, waiting to take it all away from you, and it never loses...That's all it's doing now. Waiting for me to buy back in.

How do you know your punishment isn't over?

Because I'm still alive.


Eh...what the fuck? I hope Bitter Springs is worth it. Boone is an oddball. Not as whiny as Carth, but doesn't really make you want to know more.


Feb 9, 2010
War Saw, Potatoland
Boone is like Max Payne. A bitter man who lives only to hunt down those responsible for murdering his family. But at the same time, he's pretty damn awesome.



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin

Bitter Springs look more like a refuge camp than a town. As we entered the small settlement, we were greeted by tents left behind by the Great Khans.


NCR forces now controls the camp. The Khans probably left in great haste and most of the tents are left undamaged.


Traces of their artwork remains. The Khans are still tribal in nature, but their nomadic habits could be attributed to NCR rapid expansions in the west. Legend has it that they were preying on Shady Sands, a small settlement that eventually grew into NCR. Rumors has it the late President Tandi was kidnapped by the Khans once and held for ransom. Eventually, a kind stranger laid the smackdown on them with a help of a SMG-wielding hired gun. Much blood was shed and the Khans were not as strong as before. They migrated here to the Mojave deserts....Bitter Springs, to be exact.

And the NCR found them again.

This is the place. We got sent from Camp Golf, looking for some Khans who'd been making trouble with one of your settlements. I guess one of the settlers was connected, because we sent everything we had. We figured this was a gang hideout, but...they'd led us to their home. There's a ridge called Coyote Tail on the south side. That's where we set up.

We made our way south..and went past a row of graveyards marked with crosses.


Boone went silent until we climbed up the ridge overlooking the graveyard.

Canyon 37. That's what the NCR calls the pass down there. It was the Khans' only escape, so we set up here to guard it while the main force attacked from the front. Standing orders were to shoot on sight.

What happened?

Main force got spotted too soon. We heard shooting. Then Khans started coming through Canyon 37 in bunches. It was all wrong, though. Women, kids, elderly. Wounded starting coming through, too. We radioed to confirm our orders but command didn't get what we were seeing. They told us to shoot till we were out of ammo. So that's what we did.

How could you kill innocent people like that?

With the Khans, any of them can be dangerous. There's a lot you can see through the scope. Still. I often wonder the same thing. Anyway...I don't know why we're here. Thought maybe it'd help me see things better. I'd like to stay here for the night. Think some things over.

We can do that.

We stood watch over the Canyon overnight. Boone told me to get some sleep while he took over the watch. I agreed. Barely 15 minutes later, he woke me up with his sniper drawn.

Something's wrong. Got a group coming our way. Looks like a Legion raiding party. It's big. Might be too big. Even for us.

You're kidding right? We killed Caesar for fuck's sake!

If you want out I won't blame you. But I'm going to stay. See if I can hold them off.

Why would they come to Bitter Springs?

Easy target for grabbing slaves. Bunch of refugees, just a few soldiers defending it. I don't think they're here for us. Too bad. Would've made me feel good about myself.

You don't sound surprised.

I'm not. Always figured this was how it was gonna end for me. Just didn't know when. That day you showed up in Novac, I had a feeling I was supposed to go with you. That it was time to end all this. And now I know.

What are we waiting for?

Tell the truth...I think this is exactly what I've been waiting for.

So Boone wanted to die for what he did. He thought of it as his 'redemption'. Losing his wife was just part of the package. I'm not going to let him die like this. Perhaps, after all this is over, I can convince him to move on instead of dwelling in regret.


Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
Infantryman said:
Boone is like Max Payne. A bitter man who lives only to hunt down those responsible for murdering his family. But at the same time, he's pretty damn awesome.


Not quite like Max Payne. Max didn't shoot his own wife to spare her rape and torture.


Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
Azira said:
Infantryman said:
Boone is like Max Payne. A bitter man who lives only to hunt down those responsible for murdering his family. But at the same time, he's pretty damn awesome.


Not quite like Max Payne. Max didn't shoot his own wife to spare her rape and torture.


Remember he's a fucking sniper. He shoots the head, so he sees the faces of his victims before the shot.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin

They didn't notice us. I attempted to take a shot with my sniper, but they ran straight into the town itself, forcing us to abandon the ridge. They have started firing at the refugees. I need something to draw their attention.


Something big.


And bright.


Helios One's charge pierced from the heavens and rained death. Two Legionaries left this world instantly.


The third one was seperated from his head with a 10mm aimed shot. The first wave is clear. We took higher ground to get a better aim at the oncoming waves.


Nine dead Legionaries and six mongrels later. It was all over.


The morning sun lifted the darkness over Bitter Springs. No refugees died in the battle.

Huh. We made it through after all. Not sure what to make of that.

Time to set Boone straight.

No one is judging or punishing you. Things just happen.

If that's how it is, there's not a lot of comfort in knowing it. I don't know what I'm supposed to do about all this.

I think he's done enough regretting. Everybody makes mistakes. Depending on what's said to him, it might affect the reward and the ending for Boone.

Get over it. It's war. People die. Why should it matter whether they're soldiers or civilians?

He seemed to understand and argued with himself. Convincing himself more like it.

With the Khans, the only difference between a soldier and a civilian is that the civilian is more likely to miss when he shoots at you. Maybe Bitter Springs just seemed different. Maybe it's same as killing legionaries.

That's not exactly my point...but...

They'd have died whether or not they were soldiers. Whether or not I was there. And my leaving the NCR hasn't stopped any wars or saved any lives.


There's no controlling war. No sense regretting what you can't stop.

Because war, war never changes.


Boone dons his Punisher costume.


The Courier and Boone's efforts in defending Bitter Springs against Caesar's Legion that night will be remembered for days to come.


Aug 19, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Azira said:
Infantryman said:
Boone is like Max Payne. A bitter man who lives only to hunt down those responsible for murdering his family. But at the same time, he's pretty damn awesome.


Not quite like Max Payne. Max didn't shoot his own wife to spare her rape and torture.
But he would've, damnit. With dual handguns. While diving in slow-motion.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
With the Caesar's death and President Kimball's safety guaranteed,there's only one thing left to do when we reached Lucky 38. I told Boone to wait at the Presidential Suite for me as I made my way to the Penthouse floor where Mr. House awaits the good news.

Hey. I want to thank you for bringing me to Bitter Springs. Things seem...clearer now.

Arcade, who was awaiting my return at the Lucky 38 immediately opined his thoughts on Mr. House's agenda.

I have to say I don't understand where you're going with Mr. House. The man's been manipulating the locals for as long as anyone can remember. If you help him kick the NCR and Legion out, he's going to keep right on doing it. The people in Freeside will be just as bad off as they ever were. If you can fine a way to push Mr. House out of the picture as well, everyone will be better off.

I'm working on it. I focused my mind as I entered the Penthouse floor. Where is Mr.House's weakness?


As you can see, Vegas is humming along. I've tested my c3i broadcasting arrays. Everything is in order. And just in time, as it turns out. The forces of Caesar's Legion are on the march, establishing a staging area east of the dam. Their assault could begin at any moment. So that's where you'll be heading, if you're ready - Hoover Dam.

Why do I need to be there? The NCR has an army.

Indeed they do - an army that'll be too distracted with killing Legionaries to notice the real reason you're there. Your objective is to reach a control room halfway across the dam and install an override module similar to the one you used at the substation. The override will enable me to control the entire dam's power output. You may remember how the bunker at the Fort was rather dimly lit? Well, just like the Lucky 38, it needs a big jolt of electricity to power up. You've already uploaded the new operating system to the Securitrons. All they need is power and they'll be in fighting trim.

You do know Caesar is dead, don't you?

By my calculations, his death will affect the shape of the battle for Hoover Dam minimally, if at all. The Legion's aggressors will outlive Caesar. Indeed, they'll try to take the dam as a tribute to his memory. Given a year, they'd have him deified - but by then the Legion will be breaking down, driven by internal conflicts, a monster consuming itself. It's irrelevant. In the short term, the Legion is still monster enough that defeating it will make me look powerful indeed.

What should I expect at the dam?

Imagine two snarling dogs fighting over a curve of bone, perhaps the rib of their master, long-dead. It'll be a pitched battle, that's a certainty. Perhaps the greatest battle the Earth has seen since the human race made itself extinct.

Speculations on the Legion's tactics?

With Caesar dead, it's hard to know what to expect. The Legate, Lanius, is renowned as a brutal man, not a subtle tactician.

What about the NCR's defensive plans?

General Oliver's strategy - or "tunnel vision", as I like to call it - has been to mass troops at Hoover Dam. He wants to out-fight the Legion in a straight-forward slugging match, and then, when they rout, pursue and destroy them in detail. A crushing, decisive victory of this sort would overshadow the tactical ingenuity of Chief Hanlon's defense four years ago, you see.

Mr. House, what is your plan for New Vegas?

I've resurrected Vegas, spirit intact. What I need now is the ability to enforce my rightful claim. Not just against Caesar's Legion, by the way. In fact, the NCR is a more present and insidious threat.

How do you intend to enforce your claim on the city?

To enforce, one must have force - a position of strength. Years ago, when I detected NCR scouts roaming the Mojave, I could tell from their uniforms that these were no mere tribesmen. I knew it was only a matter of time before an army appeared to take control of the dam. And I knew my Securitrons wouldn't be enough to oppose them. And so I recruited the Three Families. Vegas belongs to me because I mustered enough strength to bring the NCR to the bargaining table.

Wasn't the NCR's army big enough to defeat your Securitrons and the Three Families?

Indeed it was - and still is. But not without taking significant casualties. Would Kimball and Oliver have traded the lives of hundreds of soldiers for absolute control of Hoover Dam? Oh yes. They weren't afraid of me, they were afraid of Caesar - that attacking me would leave them vulnerable to a Legion offensive. And so they negotiated. Not out of the kindness of their hearts, as they try to make it seem. Because the calculus of power left no other choice.

You would go to war against the NCR?

The salient issue is that THEY will go to war with me, if given the chance. There's just one reason why the NCR hasn't contrived some outrage to justify invading the Strip - Caesar's Legion. The final battle between those two armies is fast approaching. I can't afford to let either side win on their terms.

Mr. House is absolutely right. However, he has miscalculated the possibility of a fourth side after Benny's death... :smug:

Say you keep control of New Vegas. What happens next?

New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment. The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon. What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury...A society of customers. With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and follow of a bygone generation.


In the meantime, you'd rule Vegas as some kind of dictator?

I prefer the term "autocrat". I would rule as chief executive. I would not answer to a board of directors or any other entity. Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.

What's to keep you from abusing your power?

My judgement. I have no interest in abusing others, just as I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time. Nor have I any interest in being worshiped as some kind of machine god messiah. I am impervious to such corrupting ambitions. But autocracy? Firm control in the hands of a technological and economy visionary? Yes, that Vegas shall have.

I need more time to think about this.

I have some things to take care of before the battle.

Then handle them with dispatch. The Legion's assault is imminent.

He has a point. But his promises for the good of Humanity ring hollow. What humanity needs right now isn't a mad technological advance and non-uniform development. There's no way Mr. House can ensure that the whole Mojave is developed equally.

Only the Strip's progress is guaranteed. The rest are just pawns and resources to exploit. Most probably secured by his army of Securitrons. And his indirect admission of his non-humanity status. A machine Autocrat? Ruling for a lifetime? When will it end?

A lone terminal underneath a staircase caught my attention...


It's now or never...


Mar 20, 2010
Yiffing in Hell
While I can't say I'm entirely pleased with the results (live boomers make me rage) the larp format is pleasing and interesting. Do continue ASAP !

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
It's a shame you never visited Jacobstown.

House's plan is asininely stupid. Kill him.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Could it be? A secret chamber holding Mr. House inside?


I can scarcely believe this man would still be alive. The alarm klaxon rang as the walls moved to reveal another room.


No turning back now. The elevator took me into the darkest secret of Lucky 38.


The room was totally dark. In the distance, I could make out a strange gigantic capsule. The hiss of pumps could be heard. I moved closer.


The sight inside the capsule stunned me. A shriveled remains of a man, a strange device was attached to his head. He looks centuries old. Could this be....


Mr. House?



The console did its work a loud hiss was heard as the gas discharged from the capsule escapes confinement.


The capsule mechanism raised its occupant upright.


Like a fish out of the water, the occupant gasped for breath desperately, shock written all over his face.


I am at a loss of words.


I don't like you.

Fool..to let...personalities...derail future...of mankind?...Stupid!

You won't be able to control anything. But I'll let you live.

No! Don't disable..cerebral..I'd rather be...killed...just..kill..me...


This should do the trick.



Mr. House was resigned to his fate. His eyes remained shut. He'd kill himself if he could. Trapped in this cold, dark, chambers for eternity. Unable to move. Without control of Securitrons, his communications with the outside world would be cut off. Truly a fate worse than death. I'm not that cruel.


Good bye, Mr. House.


Robert Edwin House, 261, President, CEO, and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip, industrialist, and technologist, founder, President, and CEO of the multi-billion-dollar pre-war robotics and software corporations, RobCo Industries, has died.

Born June 25th. 2020
Died November 13th. 2281


Without Mr. House's leadership, the Securitrons cannot be given orders. It's time to install Yes-Man. I found him still waiting outside the Tops.


Mr. House is out of the picture already.

You already took care of Mr. House? Wow, you work fast!

I'm ready for you to join me at the Lucky 38.

Mr. House is out of the picture and you have the Platinum Chip? Wonderful! Let's go!


And off he goes.


Hi! This is big, huh? A very big moment! Here goes! I'll just take that Platinum Chip off your hands, thanks! Wish me luck!


I recall Yes-Man admitting a female scientist helped in reprogramming him. Someone in in Freeside. Someone who could beat Mr. House's programming. My mind immediately pointed towards the Followers' leader, Julie Farkas. She wanted Mr. House out of the way, but why did she trust Benny in the first place?

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud clank when Yes-Man's robotic shell collapsed on the floor. His face was displayed on the main screen where Mr. House used to be.


Well done, Yes-Man!

Wow, Mr. House had quite a set-up here! I can access his databanks and view telemetry on every Securitron on the network! Every Securitron on the network has been upgraded. Pretty neat, huh? The Securitrons at the Fort are on standby...I see a status log here confirming that the Mark II OS upgrade installed correctly!

Let's talk about the tribes I should get to know.

Of course! Ask away!

The Boomers have vowed to support me.

Really? Talk about diplomatic skills! I mean, just not getting blown up was a success! Now they'll only blow up the right sorts of people! That's what matters! That's one down, four to go!

The Omertas were planning to destroy the Strip, so I killed the conspirators.

Wow! That is amazing! You are just - a hero! I'm serious! That's two down, three to go.

I destroyed the Brotherhood of Steel's bunker.

You really know how to make a robot happy! Seriously, you just made my day. That's three down, two to go.

What do you know aobut the White Glove Society?

From what I understand, they're perfectly delightful! They're cultured, clean and super-polite! Benny didn't like them, though! He said they were "creepy".

I'll let you know when I'm done evaluating the White Glove Society.

Don't hurry on my account! I'm the one with the flexible schedule.

So the White Glove Society...I head to the Presidential Suite for a decent nap before heading out, Arcade, who noted the changes in management approached me.

I need to talk to you about something, if you have a minute. Any day now, Caesar's going to try to march across Hoover Dam and kick NCR out of the Mojave. We're getting caught up in something important out here. Hell, after how you handled Benny, you're practically right in the middle of all this. I know I'm just along for the ride, but it's made me think about the past, how I might be able to help out.

What are you talking about?

I wasn't always with the Followers, or with the NCR. My late father was an officer in a group called the Enclave, a remnant of America's Pre-War government. Memories being short around here, not a whole lot of people remember them. But they did bad things. Terrorized communities, kidnapped people. Eventually, someone stopped them. I was born a few years later at a military base on the coast, a place called Navarro.

Where did they go?

A lot of different places. I only know what I was told. Some of them were cut down by the NCR and the Brotherhood of Steel. Some of them went East. My mother never told me what happened to my father, but she and I went south with some others and integrated into the NCR. When the NCR learned that Enclave personnel had integrated, we kept moving to the fringes. It's one of the reasons I wound up out here.

What happened to Navarro?

After the Enclave's command structure fell apart, it was only a matter of time before Navarro was overrun by NCR forces. My mother and I left with some of the troopers from my father's old unit, the same people I've kept in contact with over the years. Anyone who didn't get out was killed by the NCR. Even some of the ones who escaped were eventually hunted down by the Brotherhood of Steel.

Where are you going with all this?

The Enclave did a lot of bad things, but there were good people at Navarro. Good people with a lot of experience. Not many of them are alive anymore, but I think they could make a difference in the fight against Caesar.

With the Brotherhood bunker destroyed, the secrets to their Power Armor are lost. If I recall correctly, the Enclave has access to power armor as well. If this is true, their aid will be invaluable. NCR has no influence in the Mojave after Hoover Dam is over. Arcade will be safe from harm.

Say no more. I'll do it.

Great! I'd like you to talk to the old-timers, the Remnants. I don't think I can convince them by myself. To them, I'm still a kid. But you're a big part of what's happening out here. When you talk to them, they'll understand how important this all is. I've kept in contact with them over the years, so I know where you can find them, but I doubt they'll open up to you unless I come along. I know I'm not always the most serious guy around, but this means a lot to me. Thanks.

I updated my Pip-Boy map with the locations of the Remnants. But first....



May 8, 2007
: x
Never forget!

Are you going to do optional stuff like vault 22, 11, 34, Jacobstown, The Thorn quests etc or are you going for the end-game now?


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
A lot of content is optional unfortunately. I think I'll follow the main quest leads as I go along. There really isn't any point going to those alternate vaults except as 'point of interests' in the main plot.

As one of the Enclave remnants is located in Jacobstown, I'll probably make a stop there.

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