Ok, let's say you can murder children in fallout 3 now; so you murder the gate guard, ok now what? The rest of the kids aren't gonna open the gate for you, so it doesn't do anything other than murder the guard?I don't understand how this argument somehow works in favour of Little Lamplight. Yes, you do have the draw the line somewhere, and Little Lamplight is so far beyond that line it's past the fucking horizon. And you're comparing that to skill points? "Little Lamplight is fine because standard RPG mechanics can be weird sometimes!" Jesus christ.
Little Lamplight falls apart the moment, as it was correctly pointed out Btongue's video, you are stripped of all your combat and intimidation powers when facing the children. I have seen countless of Bethesda apologists claiming that it was because of "censor reasons", but they all conveniently ignore that Bethesda knew, BEFOREHAND, what said censorship consisted of, and they could have avoided it just by not making a town full of children you cannot kill.
Little Lamplight is a glorified Pokémon fence. Something you should easily be able to get past, but you cannot because of the developer's incompetence.
I guess you can just say "I'm gonna intimidate the kid with my guns", well ok, you do intimidate him, but he's just a kid, he'll probably think your bluffing, or try to push you until you end up killing him, which brings us back to the "why would they open the gate when you killed their guard" situation.
I do agree that making a village run by children is a bit much though.
I'm gonna be kinda mean here and mention that you can't kill the vault 13's populace at any point, even after they kick you out; so I guess the devs are lazy cunts?