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Torment Torment: Tides of Numenera Beta Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA
PrimeJunta: To be a pain in the ass / broken record, are you talking about "expository text" in the Falling sequence, the orbs, the tubes, the Meres, etc.? I really want to be able to provide a precise account of the Codex Consensus(tm) on Excessive Prose. Also, I'm going to go back and do my own review with these comments in mind (though of course I'll be focusing on the Meres primarily).

Hey MRY, PrimeJunta isn't Codexer, he's a dirty RPGWatcher.





Apr 18, 2008
itèll probably end up on console. enhanced edition, more voice acting etc

Just saw this gem on the Inxile forums:

So I don't know if its always been this way or if its just a new fade but all CRPGs seem to eventually have a Enchanced edition.
  • Will this game have an enhanced edition some day?
  • Since this game uses the unity engine, similarly to Divinity OS, is it possilbe that someday this game could be fully 3D?

They still exist and are allowed to breathe.
I would've thought that at least one good thing could come out of hipster/indie trash: people realizing that games don't HAVE to be 3D just because.
But nope. Morons will always be morons.


Mar 23, 2015
I played the beta for about 2h and got to the assassin. It's quite obviously unpolished but I enjoyed it and I have the feeling it'll be the best of the kickstarter bunch by far.


  • The narrator voice reminds me starkly of the MotB one. Is it the same guy?
  • Character creation is interesting, evokes memories of Morrowind. The systems aren't explained at all which adds to the charm. This will probably be changed at release but it is quite enjoyable having to learn something from scratch.
  • The start didn't seem too info dumpy to me. Only thing that felt somewhat out of place was the Spectre explaining the Tides in a detailed way before you attune yourself, that branch should IMO be locked until after the Crisis.
  • Your character portrait is horrible, I was hoping to buy a paper bag to cover the head but zilch...
  • The fact that you get told a lot about The Sorrow and the Changing God at the start seems right. Castoffs are a common occurrence here, unlike in PST, so it makes sense. Additionally, most of the stuff you get told is "common knowledge", so it'll probably turn out to be wrong as fuck. The greeter at the City entrance was weird, until he mentioned he was waiting for a girl - makes sense and hopefully expanded upon.
  • The companions are good. You can safely assume they are all lying to your face just like the first few in PST. Nitpicking would be saying they are all human, but I somehow can't give a shit about that, they are visually interesting enough.
  • The character systems seems to have lot of choices unlike PST, ie. you can't just pump INT and WIS and be able to do everything. Should give it a lot of replayability.
  • Same goes for quests - I feel like I have a lot more options for solving stuff and controlling outcomes.
  • Combat seems to take a lot of time - the animation speed could be increased a bit imho, or a slider implemented. Combat cyphers seem useless, especially because you can't sell them yet.
  • You can die through dialogue a lot.
  • Using the stat pools for everything is very interesting. It gives gameplay to dialogue instead of binary stat checks. The rest mechanic seems VERY intriguing, but I didn't get to test just how much changes when you do sleep, could also suck.
  • I like the world as much as Sigil. It seems more of a clusterfuck and random that PST, but that was tamed a lot by prior knowledge of DnD. So far everything is consistent, this might change further along. I got the tingles to explore and learn about the world.
  • UI is minimalistic and rough. I don't have any problems with the layout, it could use some texture work though, but that's obviously planned.
  • Writing, ehh. I was interested in the world enough to read everything thrown at me without judging it's literary value too much. Occasionally I skipped a few descriptive lines just to get to the meat faster, but I consider that normal.
  • Up to the point I've gotten there had been pretty much no story spoilers, if someone is worried about trying it because of that - don't be.
I'm cautiously optimistic.
Last edited:

Prime Junta

The character systems seems to have lot of choices unlike PST, ie. you can't just pump INT and WIS and be able to do everything. Should give it a lot of replayability.

I tentatively disagree. Been playing a Slick Jack who Wields a Silver Tongue on my latest attempt, and with all the training bonuses he gets + Flex Skill + Charm + artifacts that give +1 level to Perception etc. I've been having an extremely easy time of it.

I previously attempted to play with a Tough Glaive who (does something else) and I was mostly just getting fewer options rather than different ones. I didn't play all the way through and this is just part of the game though so don't take this conclusion as final -- but I do get a strong feeling that talky, lore-y characters are going to be a lot more rewarding to play than fighty ones.

I also thought it was a little off that my Slick Jack easily beat what should have been a climactic one-on-one duel with a martial arts master. Balancing issue I think; from where I'm at you really ought to be a combat-focused character to beat those, and I was, like, the exact opposite.

Same goes for quests - I feel like I have a lot more options for solving stuff and controlling outcomes.

This is very true and really brilliant. Lots of surprising and unexpected consequences for stuff also.


Turned it off during character creation(once I got to the green specter guy) because the writing was a chore to read.

Will try the game once again on release but I'm honestly not expecting much.


May 26, 2007
I kinda like that part. Reminds me of the style of Andrew Plotkin, which btw should've also been on the list of recruits for this game. Some of the writers seemed pretty randomly chose to me anyway, so...
Well, perhaps. But Plotkin does/did it much better. Were it his writing, there certainly wouldn't be all that word salad in it.

Grey gravel crunches in the drive. Grey windows retreat behind wrought-iron balcony rails. Grey skies press down over the looming, shadowy edifice.

You do enjoy your job, but the decor can become a bit much sometimes. You shall hope that the inside of this mansion proves to be cheerier.

Delightful Wallpaper
A Cozy Mansion Mystery in the Making by Andrew Plotkin ("Edgar O. Weyrd")
Release 5 / Serial number 061117 / Inform 7 build 3Z95 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/11N)
(Type "about" for credits and game information.)

You survey...

...the Courtyard,

...which is quite deserted. Oh dear. This drama will be difficult enough without all your players in absentia. Well, you'll find a way to bring them around.

Wings of the house loom (or have we already had "loom"?) lean solidly to the east and west. The main entrance stands open to the north.


Compare the parenthetical in partucular.


Apr 18, 2008
Well, perhaps. But Plotkin does/did it much better. Were it his writing, there certainly wouldn't be all that word salad in it.

He certainly is great at saying a lot with few words.

Next time maybe they should hire a text adventure author for the text adventures, eh?

Ah, it's good as it is, I think, but I stand by my claim that there were random writers hired for this game. What there was some amateur chick nobody heard about at some point, wasn't it?

Bubbles Your opinion of Plotkin's writing?

Someone to tell you what you should hope? What is this shit?

Grey skies press down over the looming, shadowy edifice.
Wings of the house loom (or have we already had "loom"?) lean solidly to the east and west.

I love you, Plotkin. :codexisforindividualswithgenderidentityissues:


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
Bubbles Your opinion of Plotkin's writing?

I'll cut this short and post the type of evocative writing that I do like.

It is in the Thebaïd, on the heights of a mountain, where a platform, shaped like a crescent, is surrounded by huge stones.

The Hermit's cell occupies the background. It is built of mud and reeds, flat-roofed and doorless. Inside are seen a pitcher and a loaf of black bread; in the centre, on a wooden support, a large book; on the ground, here and there, bits of rush-work, a mat or two, a basket and a knife.

Some ten paces or so from the cell a tall cross is planted in the ground; and, at the other end of the platform, a gnarled old palm-tree leans over the abyss, for the side of the mountain is scarped; and at the bottom of the cliff the Nile swells, as it were, into a lake.

To right and left, the view is bounded by the enclosing rocks; but, on the side of the desert, immense undulations of a yellowish ash-colour rise, one above and one beyond the other, like the lines of a sea-coast; while, far off, beyond the sands, the mountains of the Libyan range form a wall of chalk-like whiteness faintly shaded with violet haze. In front, the sun is going down. Towards the north, the sky has a pearl-grey tint; while, at the zenith, purple clouds, like the tufts of a gigantic mane, stretch over the blue vault. These purple streaks grow browner; the patches of blue assume the paleness of mother-of-pearl. The bushes, the pebbles, the earth, now wear the hard colour of bronze, and through space floats a golden dust so fine that it is scarcely distinguishable from the vibrations of light.


He digs the earth with his claws, crowing like a cock.

A thousand voices reply to him. The forest trembles.

And all sorts of horrible beasts arise: the Tragelaphus, half-stag, half-ox; the Myrmecoleo, a lion in front, an ant behind, whose genitals are turned backwards; the python, Aksar, of sixty cubits, who frightened Moses; the great weasel, Pastinaca, which kills trees by its odour; the Presteros, which renders idiotic those who touch it; the Mirag, a horned hare dwelling in the islands of the sea. The Copard Phalmant bursts his belly by dint of howling; the Senad, a bear with three heads, tears its little ones with its mouth; the dog, Cepus, scatters on the rocks the blue milk of its dugs. Mosquitoes begin to buzz, toads to jump, and serpents to hiss. Lightnings flash; down comes the hail.

Then there are squalls, which reveal anatomical marvels. There are alligators' heads with roebucks' feet, owls with serpents' tails, swine with tigers' muzzles, goats with asses' rumps, frogs covered with hair like bears, chameleons large as hippopotami, calves with two heads, one of which weeps while the other bellows, four f[oe]tuses holding each other by the navel and spinning like tops, and winged bellies which flutter like gnats.

They rain down from the sky; they spring out of the ground; they glide from the rocks. Everywhere eyes flash, mouths roar; the breasts bulge out; the claws lengthen; the teeth gnash; the flesh quivers. Some of them bring forth their young; others with a single bite, devour one another.

Suffocating from their very numbers, multiplying by their contact, they climb on top of one another; and they all keep stirring about Antony with a regular swaying motion, as if the soil were the deck of a vessel.

He feels close to his calves the trailing of slugs, and on his hands the cold touch of vipers; and spiders spinning their webs enclose him in their network.

But the circle of monsters begins to open; the sky suddenly becomes blue, and the unicorn makes its appearance:

"Off I gallop! Off I gallop!

"I have hoofs of ivory, teeth of steel, a head coloured purple, a body like snow, and the horn on my forehead has the varied hues of the rainbow.

"I travel from Chaldea to the Tartar desert, on the banks of the Ganges, and into Mesopotamia. I outstrip the ostriches. I run so rapidly that I draw the wind along with me. I rub my back against the palm-trees; I roll myself in the bamboos. With one bound I jump across the rivers. Doves fly above my head. Only a virgin can bridle me.

"Off I gallop! Off I gallop!"

Antony watches him flying away.

And, keeping his eyes still raised, he perceives all the birds that are nourished by the wind: the Gouith, the Ahuti, the Alphalim, the Jukneth from the mountains of Caff, and the Homaï of the Arabs, which are the souls of murdered men. He hears the parrots utter human speech, then the great web-footed Pelasgians, who sob like children or chuckle like old women.

A briny breath of air strikes his nostrils. A seashore is now before him.

At a distance rise waterspouts, lashed up by the whales; and at the extremity of the horizon the beasts of the sea, round, like leather bottles, flat, like strips of metal, or indented, like saws, advance, crawling over the sand:

"You are about to come with us into our unfathomable depths, never penetrated by man before. Different races dwell in the country of the ocean. Some are in the abode of the tempests; others swim openly in the transparency of the cold waves, browse like oxen over the coral plains, sniff in with their nostrils the ebbing tide, or carry on their shoulders the weight of the ocean-springs."

Phosphorescences flash from the hairs of the seals and from the scales of the fishes. Sea-hedgehogs turn around like wheels; Ammon's horns unroll themselves like cables; oysters make sounds with the fastenings of their shells; polypi spread out their tentacles; medusæ quiver like crystal balls; sponges float; anemones squirt out water; and mosses and seaweed shoot up.

And all kinds of plants spread out into branches, twist themselves into tendrils, lengthen into points, and grow round like fans. Pumpkins present the appearance of bosoms, and creeping plants entwine themselves like serpents.

The Dedaims of Babylon, which are trees, have as their fruits human heads; mandrakes sing; and the root Baaras runs into the grass.

The author is probably more gifted than the guys behind Torment, but this text is only a weak translation, so I think it should even out.

G Ziets

Digimancy Entertainment
Nov 2, 2007
Columbus, OH
There should be an option to sleep in the Casmeen and Mimeon dialogue, but at present, it may not appear until after you've solved their quest. You can also sleep at the hostel in Caravanserai (by talking to Tranquility).

Prime Junta

GZiets posts and over two hours later no one has responded/cummed buckets?

Fucking wallflowers.

I have an excuse, I was asleep.

G Ziets Too much exposition! Too many adjectives! Path to Matkina too-heavily signposted! Slightly mundane companions! Otherwise doing great! Thank you.


Klytus, I'm bored
Jan 15, 2015
Riding the train, high on cocaine
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
GZiets posts and over two hours later no one has responded/cummed buckets?

Fucking wallflowers.

I have an excuse, I was asleep.

G Ziets Too much exposition! Too many adjectives! Path to Matkina too-heavily signposted! Slightly mundane companions! Otherwise doing great! Thank you.

Hey, don't shit on companions, Lando is cool. Except he is a Glaive with all the skills being jack skills :D

Prime Junta

Hey, don't shit on companions, Lando is cool. Except he is a Glaive with all the skills being jack skills :D

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with them. They're just all fairly standard fantasy cRPG fare. Any of them would be perfectly at home in, say, to name a game at random, Pillars of Eternity.

PS:T on the other hand had a necrophiliac floating skull, a mystic samurai, a guttersnipe half-demon, a psychopath who was actually physically on fire, an embodiment of lust, chaos, and evil who had sublimated her nature, an extension of a collective consciousness gone rogue, and a haunted suit of armour that hadn't noticed it was dead. Even the mundane-er ones (Annah, Zak'kon) would stick out like, oh, Durance and Grieving Mother in a more conventional setting.


The Real Fanboy
Aug 28, 2013
God's Dumpster
Codex USB, 2014
There is an argument for keeping the first few companions simple: It's to help the audience relate more to their story and to help open to up to what is a very weird world with some weird rules. That way later on you can start introducing weirder characters into the mix now that the audience is used to everything.

For example, despite Morte being a talking skull his characterization was one that we've seen many times before in other media. Now, I don't think they should just replicate Morte with a different form/voice since that's starting to push the line of simply appropriating Planescape's story.


The Real Fanboy
Apr 18, 2007
Game is awesome, George! Keep it up :)

It plays like a Torment game, without being too similar (which is good).

The intro is different and the narrative also different from PS:T, which some people (Junta) have a problem with. I don't think it subtracts from the overall experience to get abit of intitial setup and exposition on the world.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Ok tried it tonight and can't say much cause its running like shyte on my toster this I hope will be fixed on relaese game which looks A LOT worse than Twicher did should not run as slow on 4 core 8GB RAM comp; Tutorial was nice but again with too much crawling with 4FPS framerate but I wish the option to skip it and build char; its fine to read all this shit one time but like in Skyrim it going to be boring on the next replays; Morrowind Tutorial was in comparison very brief (as it should be) and had no BS combat section. One more thing I loathed were PC portraits; Does In Exile thinks someone enjoy to RP a Hipster SWJ Xir Person? Fix that too and add some choice please.


Aug 22, 2014
There should be an option to sleep in the Casmeen and Mimeon dialogue, but at present, it may not appear until after you've solved their quest. You can also sleep at the hostel in Caravanserai (by talking to Tranquility).

Ghostbusters taught me incorrectly apparently. If you pretend to be the Changing God and fail the check they don't like you very much.

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