This game is a cargo cult PS:T.
Fight me.
Fight me.
Game with no gameplay still plays better than Wasteland 2Wasteland 2 was better than this.
So what's it like? Worth pirating?
What you're really saying is, "PS:T felt like an adventure game to me, feelings can't really be articulated, but they are real." Sure. If, in fact, PS:T felt like adventure games to you, then you're 100% correct in describing your feelings. That said, overwhelmingly the people who say PS:T is an adventure game say that not because it actually felt anything like an adventure game to them but because they are aggressively patrolling the boundaries of their preferred genre (a particular subset of RPG) and are using "adventure game" as a pejorative shorthand. I am extraordinarily skeptical that anyone (including you and Agris) when finishing PS:T thought to himself, "Wow, this really reminded me of Monkey Island and King's Quest."
I do think that PS:T is similar to Japanese RPGs. I think it's dumb to call it a jRPG, but it's less dumb to call it a jRPG than it is to call it an adventure game because some of PS:T's defining features (a well-defined player character, an eclectic cast of well-defined and long-winded companions, a huge word count, easy combat) and smaller features (e.g., flamboyant high-level spell effects) are closer to jRPGs than most Western RPGs and because Avellone admits that jRPGs were a heavy influence on PS:T. But jRPGs aren't at all like adventure games either -- they essentially never feature inventory puzzles, very rarely have environmental puzzles (e.g., Lufia II), and including large amounts of combat and grinding. The Codexian meme that jRPGs are "adventure games" rather than RPGs is just another example of this pejorative usage.
If you wanted an apt pejorative for PS:T, I would say that "visual novel" would be the one you're looking for. You'd be wrong, but that's the least wrong pejorative of the three (adventure game, jRPG, visual novel).
Ultimately, if you're going to use labels, those labels have to rest on something other than idiosyncratic feelings or they aren't useful for communication. Common usage, key features, ancestry, and creators' intent all make PS:T an RPG. What is on the other side of the ledger?
Erritiswho's his companion?TFW you meet MCA's companion and he's just Minsc 2.0
Healing + give her all damaging cyphers. There is a small encounter in one of the quests where you can give her an item that gives her +2 cyphers to use.Dammit, Rhin is useless but I feel bad about kicking her out. Does she ever become useful?
Wasteland 2 was better than this.
That can't be the right standard -- among the games that evoked the same sense in me would be: Ecco the Dolphin, Dwarf Fortress, The Age of Decadence, Sim Life, Ultima VII, Minecraft, The Incredible Machine, Shadow of the Colossus, and Super Mario World. Just off the top of my head. And among the games that did not evoke such a sense in me would be -- Gabriel Knight, Police Quest III, and Technobabylon, even though they are all plainly adventure games and even good or great adventure games.To me it PS:T plays an adventure game, because it invokes a sense of wonder, curiosity and encourages poking around and just trying weird shit. Because that's what I do when I play an adventure game.
Dammit, Rhin is useless but I feel bad about kicking her out. Does she ever become useful?
It's impossible to tell if these Year:2017 kiddos that stick around GRPD these days are being honest or just very clearly cautious in saying anything too good about this game. Reading lots of "decent", "average fun", "ok" in this thread. Is it just a meh game or is it a great game that you're afraid the kkkonsensus will turn against you further down the road and the Kodex thought police will knock on your door?
It's impossible to tell if these Year:2017 kiddos that stick around GRPD these days are being honest or just very clearly cautious in saying anything too good about this game. Reading lots of "decent", "average fun", "ok" in this thread. Is it just a meh game or is it a great game that you're afraid the kkkonsensus will turn against you further down the road and the Kodex thought police will knock on your door?
Wasteland 2 was better than this.
I certainly agree with you. WL2 DC is amazing, but this is a good crpg. In my opinion on par with D:OS, PoE, and Tyranny. It is not as good as WL2 DC or even MMX to me, or some smaller studio games like Underrail and AoD. But, graphics aren't a huge deal for me but this game looks really nice. Nice enough for me to take notice and appreciate them. The combat isn't bad. The content is good. And the rpg system is unique enough to keep me interested. And it isn't fast (so far). I feel like the character development choices I make are important and matter in most ways. In a lot of ways not really, as I save spam to save points and get good rolls. It is not necessary, but I see no difference in doing this or save spamming in WL2 to get the mod I wanted from breaking down a weapon.
This game would be a lot better with ironman. And if ironman is a possibility I can't find it.
That can't be the right standard -- among the games that evoked the same sense in me would be: Ecco the Dolphin, Dwarf Fortress, The Age of Decadence, Sim Life, Ultima VII, Minecraft, The Incredible Machine, Shadow of the Colossus, and Super Mario World. Just off the top of my head. And among the games that did not evoke such a sense in me would be -- Gabriel Knight, Police Quest III, and Technobabylon, even though they are all plainly adventure games and even good or great adventure games.To me it PS:T plays an adventure game, because it invokes a sense of wonder, curiosity and encourages poking around and just trying weird shit. Because that's what I do when I play an adventure game.
Let me give an example. My taste in classical music is really middlebrow. I like romantic, melodic pieces. Puccini arias and Tchaikovsky ballets and Dvorak symphonies all evoke a similar reaction in me. But I certainly wouldn't listen to Nessun Dorma and declare, "What a fantastic symphony I just listened to!" In fact, in merely experiencing a thing I'm usually not trying to categorize it. But when trying to categorize it, I don't just rely on my subjective experience of it because I realize that everyone's subjective experience is different.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT the not-Smoldering Corpse psychic bar. INFO DUMP HELL
I gotta say, Tybir is probably the most boring companion I've ever encountered in a story-driven RPG. I miss Eder![]()
You know nothing John Snow.
Nope. Avoid.So what's it like? Worth pirating?
They say games are more than sum of their parts. With TTON, I think it's other way around - lot of it's parts are better than what game is as a whole.
And holy fuck companions just suck. Half of NPCs you meet are more interesting than your crew of mysterious transdimensional gypsies/deadly female ASSasins/etc.