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Total War: PHARAOH


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
Does Pharaoh represent chariots as infantry lawnmowers? It strikes me that they really shouldn't work like that, just having more mass doesn't magically encourage a horse to run into a bunch of spears and this is long before the time period of heavily armored horses. Its fine for Warhammer games but totally wrong for a historical game. They should basically be skirmish units but they've always sucked ass at that in TW games due to being low model count, a huge target, and usually having less range than foot archers.
Not at all, the heavier hittite chariots are a bit feeble unfortunately.

The Egyptian chariots are pretty good though as they're skirmishers, can draw the enemy off the high ground and are good for hunting down fleeing dudes.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
CA is doomed for people that don't want what they shat for the last 10 years, only a new studio can come up with the things most people liked from past TW games and that studio will probably have devs that were fans of the old TW games. It will be buggy and underfunded and at best will be "diamond in the rough" type game.
Yes: https://www.ug1775.com/


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
People asking to get banned on the Steam forums, because they don't want to buy a CA product ever again, is peak comedy.

I was going to play this, because it reminded me of the city builder named Pharaoh, but now... ? Now, I just grabbed some popcorn, because the entertainment is free.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Their reasoning perhaps is that since nobody finishes campaigns, it's acceptable to have a shitty endgame. The logic, of course, is the other way around. Nobody finishes campaigns because of the shitty endgame. Tbh, you've won a campaign by turn 50 anyway, it's only brainless mopping up after that point, so they have a lot of work to do to fix this whole mess.


Jan 27, 2021
Not here
If this was The Creative Assembly of old, it would have been a great idea and they probably could have pulled it off.

But, it's not.


Aug 9, 2020
Feeling pretty vindicated now. Glad to see people realizing something I realized with Empire, CA's staff not only are terrible developers they're terrible people too. Excludes CA Brisbane because they were dead by then and I know people that know people, they are way higher class than CA UK and still pisses me off what Sega did to them. And naturally JVD is exempt as well he's cool.

Special meantion, Jack Lusted you're a massive cunt. Oh and as well special mention: CA Will and CA Craig you're also both total pieces of shit absolutely the worst people you'll ever encounter.
Last edited:


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
I think Atilla is supposed to work out the same. It gives you an imperium rating and the higher it goes the more the rest of the world hates you.

Also yes, the raving TW fan inside me who CA has shit on for over a decade is entering a kind of blood frenzy as they lurch around like a wounded animal.

I'm sure there are a lot of old time wargamers that are getting a kick out of watching the flames rise.


Vatnik Wumao
Jun 12, 2013
Mahou Kingdom
The old solution they had was to declare you public enemy number one when you hit the endgame. It worked for Rome and shogun.
The other solution is to simply make the victory condition to only take 40% of all territories on the map, or whatever percentage after which the game is already decided. This is what the classic 4X games do (e.g. MoO), and it's also what Total War adjacent Field of Glory 2 does in its tactical battles (which I have been playing the last few days, highly recommended).

Incidentally, I searched Youtube to see how other people were playing FoG2 on Deity (which is quite challenging for me at the moment, as I'm still learning the game) and I found a cool channel that has old school Total War content (Shogun 1, Medieval 1, and Rome 1), in addition to what I was looking for.

*chef's kiss*
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Vatnik Wumao
Jun 12, 2013
Mahou Kingdom
Feeling pretty vindicated now. Glad to see people realizing something I realized with Empire, CA's staff not only are terrible developers they're terrible people too. Excludes CA Brisbane because they were dead by then and I know people that know people, they are way higher class than CA UK and still pisses me off what Sega did to them. And naturally JVD is exempt as well he's cool.

Special meantion, Jack Lusted you're a massive cunt. Oh and CA Craig you're also a total piece of shit.
Personal grudges eh?


Aug 9, 2020
Personal grudges eh?
Yeah. Those three I mentioned because when we were calling out the putrid organizational culture at Creative Assembly they were the first group of people there defending it. Even though I suspect they left right before Warhammer (I know Lusted did) their attitudes started what has now ended up the cancer we see today. Just saying we tried to prevent this happening and look at where it lead us because we failed. I feel pretty damn good about this. Their fans are so stupid and should have listened to us we knew Warscape was trash, we expressed concern over the misleading advertisements and this willingness to ship now patch later (worst examples being Empire and Rome 2). The we being people like myself that got pushed out of their community.

Listen to the people and respect differing opinions. CA didn't understand that, they plugged their ears and pretended they were brilliant when in reality they were a half-rate studio slowly circling the drain and its too late to fix that now. Hell yeah fuck em!


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
I haven't played it yet but the DLC for atilla Age of Charlemagne seems to have a decent win condition. You just need to reach imperium level 5, no "raid at least 50000" bollocks.


Jan 26, 2023
Vault 15
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I'm sure there are a lot of old time wargamers that are getting a kick out of watching the flames rise.
I couldn’t help but recalling when there was a huge feud between the old TW fans (what was the name of their main forum, Total War Central something?) and CA + reddit people. It was during Rome 2 I believe. At the time the old guard appeared totally crushed and laughed at. CA even had a meme about Bactria mocking them printed and hanged on the wall in the office. I wonder if those hearts are mended a little now.


Jan 26, 2023
Vault 15
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I haven't played it yet but the DLC for atilla Age of Charlemagne seems to have a decent win condition. You just need to reach imperium level 5, no "raid at least 50000" bollocks.
Imo it also has some pretty decent faction mechanics that impact the gameplay substantially. For example as norse factions you suffer no penalties when fighting naval battles with ground troops and you have to always pillage Britain otherwise you suffer some huge drawbacks. That was so fucking fun. I’ve done it on Legendary after many tens of attempts.


Jan 26, 2023
Vault 15
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I haven't played it yet but the DLC for atilla Age of Charlemagne seems to have a decent win condition. You just need to reach imperium level 5, no "raid at least 50000" bollocks.
Oh and Attila also had this Slavic factions DLC which have the most cool victory conditions ever in TW. They basically are required to build an uber pagan shrine that costs fucking a lot and requires access to many rare materials. Never finished it on Legendary, been smashed by Hunnu hordes each time. I failed mostly because of the imo stupid mechanic that when the city is besieged it suddenly stops providing food even if it’s only one city in total, and the besieged army immediately starts suffering attrition.


Jan 26, 2023
Vault 15
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Oh, it was not Baktria, it was Pontus.

This whole shitshow was because CA didn’t include Seleucids in the base game and instead added Pontus. Some people assumed Seleucids were left to be included in the DLC and started the uproar, with Reddit ferociously defending the developer. Of course CA later added Seleucids for free.


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Personal grudges eh?
Yeah. Those three I mentioned because when we were calling out the putrid organizational culture at Creative Assembly they were the first group of people there defending it. Even though I suspect they left right before Warhammer (I know Lusted did) their attitudes started what has now ended up the cancer we see today. Just saying we tried to prevent this happening and look at where it lead us because we failed. I feel pretty damn good about this. Their fans are so stupid and should have listened to us we knew Warscape was trash, we expressed concern over the misleading advertisements and this willingness to ship now patch later (worst examples being Empire and Rome 2). The we being people like myself that got pushed out of their community.

Listen to the people and respect differing opinions. CA didn't understand that, they plugged their ears and pretended they were brilliant when in reality they were a half-rate studio slowly circling the drain and its too late to fix that now. Hell yeah fuck em!
So how the hell was Shogun 2 battles so much better than anything since Medieval 2? They are super responsive and the overall graphics and UI are still the peak of all TW games. Did they lose all the people that coded and made art for Shogun 2? Warscape may be shit engine, but man all 3 games before Rome 2 look impressive to this day, nothing like the absolute shit smeared all over with Shithammer and its clones.


Aug 9, 2020
So how the hell was Shogun 2 battles so much better than anything since Medieval 2? They are super responsive and the overall graphics and UI are still the peak of all TW games. Did they lose all the people that coded and made art for Shogun 2?
Because Shogun 2 was a knee jerk reaction to poor sales from Napoleon and the realization that they needed to back track away from gunpowder. The reason it worked was because they played to the limitations. I'll be honest I didn't like Shogun 2 much but acknowledge its the best Warscape era game that they put out because it feels tuned to a specific idea - unlike Empire and Napoleon. Then Rome 2 was a total abandonment of everything Shogun 2 had fixed so we end up going back to the Empire way of doing things, except now with Shogun 2's Campaign Map limitations which were fine for Japan but dreadful for Europe. My suspicion was, Shogun 2 happened because internally some of the veterans felt like shit for how bad Empire and Napoleon turned out. They then stayed on with Rome 2 and immediately resigned after Rome 2 released - because we know a lot of the team was fed up with Rome 2 as its development was a massive shitshow that even put Empire to shame.

I can't tell you what was going on internally with the "factions" at CA after Rome 2. But what happened with Hyenas was a bit telling, 50% of their team resigning for abandoning Warscape makes you think. The future of CA will likely be Unreal 5 going forward - that's if they don't entirely drown from all the money and developers they're hemorrhaging. My prediction is they will.

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