Son of a bitch, Teclis would develop so slowly without that gold. I need to play again with Choices & Consequences. That sounds wild.
I played a little bit of mortal empires as I wanted to run an Empire campaign and I see that you guys weren't joking about VC. I just conquered Marienburg and started lebensrauming Middleland and the undead are already at my eastern border with all the provinces having like 80% corruption and growing. Most empire minor factions are either dead or 1 settlement left.
And yeah, it cannot be overstated how retarded the diplomacy system in these games is. I remember when I tried playing high elves, on turn 2 the initial dark elves invasion faction invited couple of high elven factions into war against me to which they merrily agreed. I just rolled my eyes and pressed alt+f4. I also particularly like the numerical values assigned to different modifiers. Waging incessant wars against common enemies is like "eh, whatever", but accidentally crossing someone's territory on one turn without doing anything is absolute REEEEEE.
I played a little bit of mortal empires as I wanted to run an Empire campaign and I see that you guys weren't joking about VC. I just conquered Marienburg and started lebensrauming Middleland and the undead are already at my eastern border with all the provinces having like 80% corruption and growing. Most empire minor factions are either dead or 1 settlement left.
And yeah, it cannot be overstated how retarded the diplomacy system in these games is. I remember when I tried playing high elves, on turn 2 the initial dark elves invasion faction invited couple of high elven factions into war against me to which they merrily agreed. I just rolled my eyes and pressed alt+f4. I also particularly like the numerical values assigned to different modifiers. Waging incessant wars against common enemies is like "eh, whatever", but accidentally crossing someone's territory on one turn without doing anything is absolute REEEEEE.
Build temples of sigmar everywhere. All of your region capitals should have sigmar temples to remove corruption, it also prevents osmosis. Also get the tech that gives untainted and make a lord arch-lector from offices, also have a witch hunter whose sole purpose is to remove corruption (get the untainted talent) and assassinating enemy heroes (to prevent them from spreading corruption). This way you can remove corruption from everywhere you go.
I had my armies stepping in Sylvania just starting removing corruption by just being present, something like 16 untainted from characters.
WE have these simple rules.Wood Elves are diametrically opposed to all Chaos creatures, and always side with "Order" races when vampires become too powerful. It's absurd for them to rampage through Northern Bretonnia, Reikland, the Vaults and the Grey Mountains to kill Dwarfs and men, but have +100 affinity with Clan Skyre and Sartosa.
Actually, I liked that feature. It prevented AI blobbing, and AI was forced to abide to regional restrictions. In my current attempt as skaven, dwarves are in middle of Vampire Counts territory. Having settlement, and are at war with vampires. Vampires are pissed.Occupying any of the Dwarf/Greenskins settlements as Empire/Bretonnia/VC was impossible in Warhammer 1, if you failed to keep the Dwarfs alive and ended up fighting Greenskins, you had to inch through the badlands razing every single settlement and using encamp to restore men. It was almost like destroying Norsca but with ten times the number of settlements. In Warhammer 2 you just get various maluses for occupying the "wrong" climate, but they're still useful for staging points and reinforcements during campaigns, and if you have the money and time (usually mid/late game) it's perfectly fine to settle them permanently.
They are still elves, it's obvious they would ally against an opponent.And yeah, it cannot be overstated how retarded the diplomacy system in these games is. I remember when I tried playing high elves, on turn 2 the initial dark elves invasion faction invited couple of high elven factions into war against me to which they merrily agreed. I just rolled my eyes and pressed alt+f4.
That's quite historically accurate. For example Poland adamantly refused idea of Russian troops reinforcing czech basin before Munch.I also particularly like the numerical values assigned to different modifiers. Waging incessant wars against common enemies is like "eh, whatever", but accidentally crossing someone's territory on one turn without doing anything is absolute REEEEEE.
How long do your ME/Vortex campaigns take guys, turn wise?
I played a little bit of mortal empires as I wanted to run an Empire campaign and I see that you guys weren't joking about VC. I just conquered Marienburg and started lebensrauming Middleland and the undead are already at my eastern border with all the provinces having like 80% corruption and growing. Most empire minor factions are either dead or 1 settlement left.
And yeah, it cannot be overstated how retarded the diplomacy system in these games is. I remember when I tried playing high elves, on turn 2 the initial dark elves invasion faction invited couple of high elven factions into war against me to which they merrily agreed. I just rolled my eyes and pressed alt+f4. I also particularly like the numerical values assigned to different modifiers. Waging incessant wars against common enemies is like "eh, whatever", but accidentally crossing someone's territory on one turn without doing anything is absolute REEEEEE.
Build temples of sigmar everywhere. All of your region capitals should have sigmar temples to remove corruption, it also prevents osmosis. Also get the tech that gives untainted and make a lord arch-lector from offices, also have a witch hunter whose sole purpose is to remove corruption (get the untainted talent) and assassinating enemy heroes (to prevent them from spreading corruption). This way you can remove corruption from everywhere you go.
I had my armies stepping in Sylvania just starting removing corruption by just being present, something like 16 untainted from characters.
Best advice is to kill the VCs as early as possible, rush them after taking Marienburg, or before, first 30 turns.
Having dedicated characters cleaning your lands is a waste IMHO, e.g. witch hunters are rare and good in an army, until you pacify the land through buildings leaving a stack can deal with rebellions in 4-5 regions giving you good income+xp through the battles.
WE have these simple rules.Wood Elves are diametrically opposed to all Chaos creatures, and always side with "Order" races when vampires become too powerful. It's absurd for them to rampage through Northern Bretonnia, Reikland, the Vaults and the Grey Mountains to kill Dwarfs and men, but have +100 affinity with Clan Skyre and Sartosa.
Rule 1. Don't let anyone fuck with theirs forest, keep it at least at current borders, and foreigners OUT.
Rule 2. If foreigners are willing to not exploit their forest, diplomacy is possible.
Rule 3. Most of foreigners are dumb fuckers anyway.
They are still elves, it's obvious they would ally against an opponent.And yeah, it cannot be overstated how retarded the diplomacy system in these games is. I remember when I tried playing high elves, on turn 2 the initial dark elves invasion faction invited couple of high elven factions into war against me to which they merrily agreed. I just rolled my eyes and pressed alt+f4.
That's quite historically accurate. For example Poland adamantly refused idea of Russian troops reinforcing czech basin before Munch.I also particularly like the numerical values assigned to different modifiers. Waging incessant wars against common enemies is like "eh, whatever", but accidentally crossing someone's territory on one turn without doing anything is absolute REEEEEE.
How long do your ME/Vortex campaigns take guys, turn wise?
Best advice is to kill the VCs as early as possible, rush them after taking Marienburg, or before, first 30 turns.
Having dedicated characters cleaning your lands is a waste IMHO, e.g. witch hunters are rare and good in an army, until you pacify the land through buildings leaving a stack can deal with rebellions in 4-5 regions giving you good income+xp through the battles.
How long do your ME/Vortex campaigns take guys, turn wise?
Best advice is to kill the VCs as early as possible, rush them after taking Marienburg, or before, first 30 turns.
Having dedicated characters cleaning your lands is a waste IMHO, e.g. witch hunters are rare and good in an army, until you pacify the land through buildings leaving a stack can deal with rebellions in 4-5 regions giving you good income+xp through the battles.
Having one on map character assassinating enemy heroes is good regardless I think. I tend to use caster and priest heroes while playing empire so I never really felt the need to use witch hunters.
Yeah the ideal is snuffing them out before they can expand but sometimes stirland and averland do particularly bad. It takes a good 5 to 10 turns to secure reikland and marienburg as well. Besides might be personal preference but I like fighting the vampires later on as well.
Outside of End Times and other crap, High Elves absolutely despise Dark Elves and would never ally with them. Aside from Dark Elf raids, warfare between various Kingdoms on Ulthuan has always been stated to be rare and very carefully contained. In contrast, the various Empire provinces, like the historical HRE, constantly engage in private wars with each other.
Your last example is in fact not historically accurate for the simple reason that the game does not model these causes and motivations - it's literally just slapping excuses on top of moronic AI decisions.
Outside of End Times and other crap, High Elves absolutely despise Dark Elves and would never ally with them. Aside from Dark Elf raids, warfare between various Kingdoms on Ulthuan has always been stated to be rare and very carefully contained. In contrast, the various Empire provinces, like the historical HRE, constantly engage in private wars with each other.
Your last example is in fact not historically accurate for the simple reason that the game does not model these causes and motivations - it's literally just slapping excuses on top of moronic AI decisions.
While retarded lore wise, it does make the game more interesting.
Would be dumb if you were playing e.g. dwarfs and couldn't engage in diplomacy with skaven in any way major way, this makes the campaigns more dynamic.
I always forget this piece of turd needs the full game's space every time you update. 700mb patch, 55 gb space needed. Time to free up space yet again.The Festag Update is out of beta:
You see? That's why they leave bugs in the game for months. They're afraid they will ruin people savegames.
Outside of End Times and other crap, High Elves absolutely despise Dark Elves and would never ally with them. Aside from Dark Elf raids, warfare between various Kingdoms on Ulthuan has always been stated to be rare and very carefully contained. In contrast, the various Empire provinces, like the historical HRE, constantly engage in private wars with each other.
How do you want to unfuck them? I remember Darren saying modders typically only plays with engine variables, but they don't do any serious programming. If engine wasn't programmed to do that, they can't do that.any mod that unfucks the battles?
How do you want to unfuck them? I remember Darren saying modders typically only plays with engine variables, but they don't do any serious programming. If engine wasn't programmed to do that, they can't do that.any mod that unfucks the battles?
They would need something like Oblivion script extender, which was quite brutal hack. But hack like that would also be able to unlock all DLC for free, and import custom made models... Somehow there is no mod that would add DLC factions for free, or mod that would add new legendary lords.
or mod that would add new legendary lords.
Fantasy New Content Team – WARHAMMER II
It’s going to be a quiet few months from us in the Fantasy New Content Team while we scheme and plot beneath the surface. We vow to resurface soon, and when we do expect some cold-blooded and explosive content… but of course that’s after the release of the highly anticipated THREE KINGDOMS from our comrades in the Historical Team!
Our focus most recently has been the Festag Update that we put in beta in December and released to all players on Monday. You can read all about the changes here, which we recommend as it’s a pretty hefty update. If you’re encountering any issues after downloading the update, please let us know over at our support forums here.
Fantasy Team – pre-production
The Fantasy Team have been extremely busy this month. Back-to-back meetings and intense workshops have taken place, but as yet there are still no acceptable suggestions for cryptic references to include in the what the teams are working on blog post. We’ll try harder next month, but there won’t be any actual news for a while as pre-production keeps on keeping on.