Missed that bit on info on reddit. Was it from CA or just someone speculating?
I'm OK with waiting honestly. Hell if they're gonna implement some extra mega cool new features in WH3 I would have waited for an Empire update till then. The big combined map from the third game is the end goal of this whole thing imo. Let's just hope they actually do some code optimization for those end turn times.
Its here on the official forum:
link, about halfway down that thread.
They are just saying ALL races will get looked at eventually, but specifically in reply to a question on WE and BM. I see no reason they would not rework them eventually, but yea I am pretty sure its gonna be a long wait.
I agree that the 'real' game is TW:WH3 with the combined mega campaign and its worth waiting for, should be fucking glorious if they do it properly. But I dunno how they are gonna fix the end turn problem, aside from cutting the map down to ludicrous size. Tbh the new world section is already probably to small in Mortal Empires, but it doesnt bother me as I rarely play on that side of the map.