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Warhammer Total War: Warhammer III

Jan 7, 2012
Did they break aiming artillery manually at a specific point on the ground? Used to be you could hold alt and click to ensure an artillery targets the center of the mob rather than some random asshole at the edge, but it doesn't seem to work and turns it into a melee order for your artillery now?

edit: Seems to be an issue specifically with new chaos dwarf artillery. I think they are all coded as war machines (like empire tanks) with the assumption that you primarily want to drive them into melee rather than use them as artillery. Only Hellcannon lets you target ground, probably because its just copied from the chaos roster. EDIT2: I take that back, the empire tank lets you target ground just fine. So its just these new artillery that are screwed up somehow.

Those CD settlements really are hell. Bridges and corners everywhere.

e: If you get an alliance with Zharr-Naggrund, you can build Outposts with access to pretty much all units in the roster very very early.

I imagine building from allies also lets you bypass your caps a bit?
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Jan 10, 2023
Getting lots of stutters in the campaign map since the update.

Also magma cannons get stuck everywhere.
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Dec 27, 2020
Magma Cannons are a must-have.

Blundering about on legendary for my first campaign as Drazhoath, I killed Imrik and Tretch almost immediately. This drew me apart like dough stretched too far, chasing down Greenskin minor factions and the annoying neutral Chorfs in the Wolf Lands. Now Greasus and some other minor ogre factions are chewing at my southern flanks. I really like how they balanced out the outpost vs. factory mechanic and the multiple resources. Public order is a real problem wherever you have outposts stocked with slaves, but you can mitigate it with cheap laborer stacks patrolling around to deter rebellions and invasions. Regions with resources get you a lot more value as chorfs than most other factions.
Jan 7, 2012
What's your strategy for Factories vs. Outposts? Maximizing armaments to get stronger armies quicker and maintain unit bonuses, or focusing raw materials to get higher tier settlements quickly? Or using influence to rush settlements?

Never really had revolts in my game as Astragoth aside from once or twice. Though he has +2 global control and I was building the control buildings. If you make sure to refer to your labor screen every turn and sacrifice slaves over your cap the penalty isn't too bad. You can *usually* win battles against rebels if you manually control the defense on a province with fortifications built, I do that.

One thing I think I might try is just tons of slave armies. Chaos Dwarfs apparently don't suffer supply lines, so 19 regiments of slave goblins only costs 700 income/turn. That's... literally nothing. Just walk around with 4 stacks of them everywhere and its still cheaper than a regular army, see how much you can autoresolve. Maybe throw in 2 or 3 blunderbusses or something. Lack of supply lines also means that, like Bretonnia, you should basically always run armies around with 2 or 3 extra lords just reinforcing, since lords are generally a good performance:upkeep ratio and will level and get extra items over time.

Another thing I'm kind of coming around to is trading settlements away to AIs in exchange for NAP/Trade/Alliances. If you can score a defensive alliance with a race that is -40 aversion you usually keep it, especially once a few wars start and you get "enemy of my enemy" bonuses. If you don't do this then anyone with a negative opinion who borders you is almost always going to attack you eventually, but giving up a random shitty settlement that you aren't going to own the whole province for and which will probably produce 500 income max in exchange for permanently having your flank protected is invaluable. You can also sometimes exploit it whenever you're about to lose a settlement anyway.
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Dec 27, 2020
What's your strategy for Factories vs. Outposts? Maximizing armaments to get stronger armies quicker and maintain unit bonuses, or focusing raw materials to get higher tier settlements quickly? Or using influence to rush settlements?

Never really had revolts in my game as Astragoth aside from once or twice. Though he has +2 global control and I was building the control buildings. If you make sure to refer to your labor screen every turn and sacrifice slaves over your cap the penalty isn't too bad. You can *usually* win battles against rebels if you manually control the defense on a province with fortifications built, I do that.

One thing I think I might try is just tons of slave armies. Chaos Dwarfs apparently don't suffer supply lines, so 19 regiments of slave goblins only costs 700 income/turn. That's... literally nothing. Just walk around with 4 stacks of them everywhere and its still cheaper than a regular army, see how much you can autoresolve. Maybe throw in 2 or 3 blunderbusses or something. Lack of supply lines also means that, like Bretonnia, you should basically always run armies around with 2 or 3 extra lords just reinforcing, since lords are generally a good performance:upkeep ratio and will level and get extra items over time.

Another thing I'm kind of coming around to is trading settlements away to AIs in exchange for NAP/Trade/Alliances. If you can score a defensive alliance with a race that is -40 aversion you usually keep it, especially once a few wars start and you get "enemy of my enemy" bonuses. If you don't do this then anyone with a negative opinion who borders you is almost always going to attack you eventually, but giving up a random shitty settlement that you aren't going to own the whole province for and which will probably produce 500 income max in exchange for permanently having your flank protected is invaluable. You can also sometimes exploit it whenever you're about to lose a settlement anyway.

Like I said earlier, I'm blundering, but I've made it to turn 41 on Legendary without too many bad setbacks so I must be doing something right. I'm at 14 settlements in 4 provinces and just peaced out with Greasus. Generally, I just build factories when I have surplus raw materials. If a settlement has resources, it should be an outpost. All-factory provinces are a good placeholder if you are low on resources because they give more money and require no labor. Although I don't have it set up this way, I'm thinking that it's probably best to have at least one factory settlement in your outpost/labor provinces only because the money and armaments buildings also generate chaos corruption. An all-outpost province has no real means of generating chaos corruption without characters, and because you need public order to reduce Chorf slave decline rate, no corruption is bad news.

I agree that the laborer stacks are strong for the money. They're good with heroes, a strong lord, and things like mercenary ogres to get a little more oomph without increasing the cost much. I traded Greasus' settlements back to him after I finished my war just because I'm trying to consolidate all the crap settlements that I have in a defensible area.

This is my main army right now. I just swapped out all my hobgoblins to a secondary army with Gorduz. I was using a lot of Sneaky Gitz, hobgoblin archers, and a couple cutthroats. I have another mixed army of hobgoblins and dwarfs with one canon, but I'm not sure it's that cost effective. My thought right now is to maybe try and snatch the peninsula from Ghorst and Kugath, build tall, and just try to defend if the dwarfs or Skaven attack me from the west. I'm a few turns out from hitting tier IV on my tower, so as long as I can keep the labor coming in and pay my upkeep I should be fine.

Jan 7, 2012
Incidentally, is there any reason for Orcs to hate Chaos Dwarfs with -100 aversion beyond "muh slavery"? Because canonically Chorfs enslave everyone anyway and Orcs don't exactly strike me as the race that cares the most about freeing their brethren in this universe. Doubly funny considering CA is trying to whitewash it all as chorfs managing "labor", meanwhile Dark Elves are actually slavers in-game and yet get on with penalties that are manageable for everyone but high elves.


Dec 27, 2020
Incidentally, is there any reason for Orcs to hate Chaos Dwarfs with -100 aversion beyond "muh slavery"? Because canonically Chorfs enslave everyone anyway and Orcs don't exactly strike me as the race that cares the most about freeing their brethren in this universe. Doubly funny considering CA is trying to whitewash it all as chorfs managing "labor", meanwhile Dark Elves are actually slavers in-game and yet get on with penalties that are manageable for everyone but high elves.
I think it's because Greenskins hate chaos. Chaos has no aversion and vampires have the same aversion as human factions. Doesn't really make sense that Greenskins have more aversion than humans do.


Dec 3, 2008
As much as Chorfs enslave everyone, greenskins easily make up the overwhelming majority of their labour pool.

Also, the Chorfs created the Black Orcs to try and make a better orc, which backfired as the Black Orcs orchestrated a massive uprising that very nearly ended the Chorfs until the Hobgoblins backstabbed it.

Black orcs tend to be the ones to rise to leadership positions, as they're considerably smarter and more disciplined than regular orcs. And they have an ancient grudge with the Chorfs.


Aug 1, 2013
Is the search function for a lord's skills page broken for other people as well? I can't get it to work anymore, but searching in the technology menu works just fine.


Dec 27, 2020
Is the search function for a lord's skills page broken for other people as well? I can't get it to work anymore, but searching in the technology menu works just fine.

Seems like they did break it.


Feb 7, 2018
So i met the evil dwarfs with my good dwarfs, i was demolishing them then this megadread earthquake cannon shoot something and all my artillery disappeared. I don't like that since the 2nd title they started to add these i win abilities
Jan 7, 2012
Chariots seem to have very weird collision which causes units stuck in them to have real troubles getting away.


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Lots of complaints about stuttering and low frames in the game after the latest 3.0 patch. I'm still in the Prologue, but it seems to be running okay on my end.
Jan 7, 2012
Haven't had performance issues but I've had the game randomly lock up in battles a few times. Occurs about 5-10% of the time but is really irritating when you lose 10-15 mins of work. Seems to only occur in long, large sieges which are of course the last kind of battle you want to redo.


Jan 10, 2023
Some things I noticed, not sure if bugs or features:
  • Raiding Zharr-Naggrund with a crapstack will net you a few hundred slaves every turn with pretty much zero consequences;
  • Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses will murder anything at close range, even your frontline. They seem to have a tendency to kill your own units if not perfectly positioned. They also suffer from a lot of LOS issues or their vision radius is really finicky;
  • The convoy events can spawn minor factions who stay on the map and even conquer settlements. A Khorne faction had a small empire in norsca and even asked for a peace treaty with me. Not sure if this happens with Cathay too;
  • They made changes to the AI in sieges were insted of defending the walls and the entrances the AI camps in the center of the city and send only a couple units at a time to defend the gates. I only noticed this in walled cities tho and its really annoying and kills any difficulty in sieges;
  • Another change to the AI is that it wont engage you if you have superior ranged power and it will also conserve ammo against lords/heroes, I guess it is a change to prevent players from wasting the AI ammo. This already happened when the game launched but it seems the AI is even more cowardly now. Well what happens is that you can send your mage and stay in the front of the enemy line and kill half its army before the battle even starts. Bonus points if its on a flying mount and every single unit in the AI army ignores him while you swoop and cast spells. This happened several times to me, especially against Cathay. I killed two armies and the dragon LL dude in a single battle by parking my hobgoblin wolf archers in front of the army and the AI just stood there. I guess they calculate that their ammo is worth more than my gobos so they wont fire at them and they also wont charge because I have superior ranged? Who knows.
  • Peformance is much worse in the campaing map. Some people say its due to the new tooltip system or other UI elements. Seems its much more common to Nvidia users too;
Really liking the new race and DLC but I cant help but feel they rushed the release.

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