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Warhammer Total War: Warhammer III


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I wonder if it's just "sensibilities" that's the reason for skipping Araby, or other reasons, like it being rated low with focus groups?

C&C Generals did the best Araby :D

Araby is like if there was as a "Bretonnia" faction, called "Francia" with its people called "Francs" but instead of actual interesting stuff like peasantry being Anglos and knighthood French a la Plagenets in England, everyone was French and their units were a combination of stuff like Spanish tercios, Italian knights, British longbowmen, German landsknecht and Hungarian hussars and maybe French artillery, as well as French ox cavalry while viewed as Medieval France. They would also have a Jean of Arc that's basically a hysterical witch that is burning the countryside and mythic units like Nagas. All under the umbrella of French people.

If you disliked how incoherent and retarded this all is you would hate fun. This only being made in the first place of course that people thought those were all just Arabic and exotic and "fun". Of course people don't know as much about medieval middle-east except "haha funny camel men" so none of that would even be noticed as out of place.

Kislev is almost like this, almost, but at least Kislev has two different peoples and is mainly based off of Rus principalities and Cossacks with the Polish hussars being more of a side thing and part of Eastern European aesthetics. It still has some retarded stuff like axegun Stereletsy.

Nobody is against fantasy or "fun". Araby doesn't do well because it is retarded. I would love an actual medieval middle-east "Bretonnia" faction based off of Arabian nights taking influence from real life Abbasids but such a thing can't even have even the basic nuance like Bretonnia distinction between French knights and Anglo peasantry even in a "parody" faction.
To try to distill what this means - if the tone impairs immersion and RP-ing your faction, then it impairs fun, and it's a bad faction? If it's that, then I agree. But it's always a difficult balance to strike. I can see some tongue-in-cheek with all human factions, and the elves too.

I don't feel culturally appropriated about Kislev at all. I think it's a great blend of a westerner's fantasy depiction of "Eastern Europe", powered by somewhat informed cultural cliches :)

We've got to embrace:


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
RE: The campaign - it actually does incentivize you to turtle after securing a few provinces. Try to get your military allies to take care of everything else for you when you are in the chaos realms.

RE: Araby - filling the game to the brim with fantasy China, Russia, France, Japan, India, Arabia and whatever else you can think of in that train of though isn't my idea of creativity. Tomb Kings as fantasy Egypt is the only thing that works. You could have more human nations with "normal" units, I actually prefer that, but they have to gel with the Warhammer world/setting.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
Considering Araby is bascially Crusader Era Arabia as seen from the christian world, I think its obviously "sensibilities". I recall one of the Devs talking about having less cliche factions, or something to that effect.
And newer Araby is exceptionally boring, Bedouins who worship the Nehekharan gods. Stunning.

Case in point, this is not just you of course but basically everyone. Araby isn't "basically Crusader Era Arabia". If it was there would be no problems. Whatever Araby ever was in Warhammer was basically Ottoman military units, using Turkish names, clothed in some sort of weird mix up of Persian & Indian & Aladdin-nonsense clothing, having stuff like elephants that medieval Arabs or Arabs in general never used. Having titles like "Bey" and "Pasha" which was never used by medieval middle-east with people looking like 19th century French caricatures of Arabs.

Araby is not based on medieval middle-east or medieval Europeans view of Middle-east or even living up to the high standards of 19th century caricatures of middle-east. It's just literally retarded 20th century lack of knowledge on anything. It's not a deliberate stereotype even, it is just accidental caricature pretending to be designed archetype.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
Furthermore I consider that map painting fans shouldn't be catered to, especially when their idea of fun is that there should be no obstacles or distractions to them painting the map.

Fair, but now we have the opposite problem: Playing tall is better than wide because of the constant portal spam.


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I skimmed through the wiki page about them and they are actually very interesting. You guys are exaggerating.


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Whatever Araby ever was in Warhammer was basically Ottoman military units, using Turkish names, clothed in some sort of weird mix up of Persian & Indian & Aladdin-nonsense clothing, having stuff like elephants that medieval Arabs or Arabs in general never used. Having titles like "Bey" and "Pasha" which was never used by medieval middle-east with people looking like 19th century French caricatures of Arabs.
IMO you're being like a PhD in History who sees Civilization for the first time. It's supposed to be inaccurate, and it is inaccurate accross the board. For me much of the appeal is to examine how the human factions are warped through GW's imagination. I'm aware that they're not accurate and they are not aiming to be.


Nov 1, 2018
The entire first paragraph is basically stating what I said but more verbose and negatively. Including the criticism I made about armies in Tzeentch realm. Slaneesh temptations are good because they are powerful and it is a legitimate choice between making your campaign position much stronger or achieving campaign victory 30 turns earlier. I.E tempo vs. efficiency which is always a legitimate dilemma.

I am not interested in "absolute player freedom" drivel, like "I can't play this campaign on my own pace like Vortex" or "I just want to blob & chill". Sure if you do want those there is going to be immortal empires, where you can blob & chill to your heart's content. You have to play with less territories yes, because you can't blob freely as that'll create more problems but you still want to expand as much as you can because that's how you get the funds to sustain more armies as your main army will be in chaos realms. I especially find, in all games, the criticism that players doesn't have absolute control and ability to interfere, delay or completely shut out all given systems of a game to be completely degenerate opinion.

All the criticisms that really come down to "I can't blob at my own pace so this is bad design" are meaningless to me. There is also something to be said about the mental state of people who lash out at any timed content with shrieking disbelief like some sort of cornered animal. It's same with people complaining about timed objectives in Kingmaker and Wrathfinder too, some of the better parts of the game is existence of proper time management.

Also you know if you just want to bloooob, you can finish the game objective and just continue your campaign. See how Sunri is playing Cathay to 300+ turns as pseudo immortal empires.

What on earth are you smoking? Complaining that I can't blob and chill? The complaint is that this entire campaign is 'BLOB AND CHILL - THE CAMPAIGN'. It's boring with zero replayability because EVERY faction does the same damn thing every time at exactly the same turns. The entire thing is built around just building a max power LL army, and waiting for the portal spawns. None of the realms are the slightest challenge.

I actually hate painting the map as a goal, the dumb 'own X' or 'kill x' were the worst part of Mortal Empires, but this crap leaves you with nothing to do between portal spawns OTHER than paint the map, or just sit in a corner and hammer the end turn button. If you can't actually improve your LL anymore, there's nothing to do but hammer end turn.

There's zero choice at any point. The Slaanesh bribes aren't particularly powerful (possibly excepting the weapon, which IS a huge item, but if you don't have a combat LL, it's pointless, and even then its not good enough to warrant an extra 30 turns), and they don't scale. You can get similar money and XP benefits by getting the free money from the closing portal battles and just sitting in Khorne realm and farming the easy infinispawn armies for huge money and XP and using the respawning full replenish, and then you can still collect the Khorne soul piece after 13 turns of that. But at least they TRIED to do something with Slaanesh, I respect that, even though it wasn't particularly well implemented.

The problem is not 'I can't play this campaign on my own pace'. The problem is that the turn timers are incredibly slow, and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO outside the quest portals other than dick around painting the map, but it doesn't actually get you anything to do so. In my first Khorne campaign I conquered 1/2 the world and had 8 different Exalted Bloodthirsters with full stacks wandering around out of boredom, before I was finally able to enter the final portal and win, and that was WITH about 50 turns of just hitting end turn at the end. Nobody was a threat after about turn 30. If somebody is playing 300 turns, I honestly don't know how they haven't conquered the entire world.

Vortex was a mediocre campaign, but at least it had SOME level of time crunch attached to it, that somewhat forced you to take action at a reasonable pace, and there was more than one way to approach it - you could just take small territory with good scroll gain and harass the others without actually expanding, you could take a 'conquer it all' approach and paint the map, you could strategically strike out and suppress the AI that actually happened to be getting scrolls, you weren't locked into any particular way of playing, and what you did actually affected the pace of the game.

You know what would actually be interesting?

If in order to challenge any particular Chaos god, you had to take and hold a specific point on the campaign map when the portal spawn comes up - and then hold that location while your LL is in the Chaos realm, actually forcing you to take and hold specific locations to complete the objectives.

If the quest battles were influenced by actions and choices you made in the realm and there were actual events as you progressed and you had to actually make choices that had consequences - i.e. in Khorne realm, instead of dumb infinispawn, you're confronted with like 6 different armies of different levels in the Khorne realm, required to fight 3, and the ones that you DON'T fight are the ones that spawn in the quest battle.

Or if in the Khorne realm instead of it just being a 'run around and kill X until you hit the total', each person challenges at the same time, you all fight 1 battle a turn over 5 turns and all of you are given choices of armies to fight, with tougher ones giving more blood, and only the nation with the highest blood total gets to challenge the battle for the soul (or if you aren't the highest, you may have to fight the highest total before you can challenge the Daemon Prince).

If there was anything to do with portals OTHER than autoresolve the easy close portal battle for free money and XP - like, say, the realms were actually bigger, and the only way to replenish casualties would be to go to a portal in the Realm, and a friendly army had to interact with a portal in the real world to replenish you.

If the marks were anything other than an automatic debuff, like if they started STACKING the longer you spent there, penalizing you for taking too long.

If, after you obtained a soul, you had to make a choice to enter another realm straight from this one or return to the normal world - and there was a mechanic that actually caused a big problem or battle or event if you entered the realm of a god while still having the mark from being in another realm, or there was a severe penalty for trying for a second soul and not getting out before the portals expired, like failing to get the 2nd soul meant that you lost the FIRST soul that you had, and then had to go back and get it again.

If there was a choice to trigger portals earlier, but with potential consequences such as stronger/multiple armies, portals that CAN'T be closed until they've spawned at least 1-2 armies, or if they spawned much stronger armies only in the territory of the person triggering the early portals.

All of these are potential interesting ideas that could add replayability and depth to the campaign, and they did none of them. It's lazy and low-energy, even for CA.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
Whatever Araby ever was in Warhammer was basically Ottoman military units, using Turkish names, clothed in some sort of weird mix up of Persian & Indian & Aladdin-nonsense clothing, having stuff like elephants that medieval Arabs or Arabs in general never used. Having titles like "Bey" and "Pasha" which was never used by medieval middle-east with people looking like 19th century French caricatures of Arabs.
IMO you're being like a PhD in History who sees Civilization for the first time. It's supposed to be inaccurate, and it is inaccurate accross the board.

No, if it was like Bretonnia I would be fine as I said. I.E if it was based off on Medieval middle-east and parodied to a degree. I do like Bretonnia. Let me put it this way, once a "parody" of an "Muslim middle-east" faction will have the sobriety to actually have distinction between Arab administrators and Persian scholars like how Bretonnia has French knights and British peasantry I'll consider it similar. Not a very high standard don't you think? Moreover while Bretonnia are a parody, they are parody of medieval era, the knights look like medieval French Knights, just exaggerated. Similarly the peasantry are exaggerated British peasantry with Yeomen and such. While Araby has units that look like 16th century Persian/Indian units (in itself heavily changed heavily by steppe invasions and Tamerlane). The standards aren't same at all. One is exaggerated from a coherent theme of medieval England/France and Arthurian legends and Knight-errant stories. Other is not based on anything at all except pitch black ignorance.

Maybe one day there will be an "Araby" with people wearing exaggerated medieval middle-eastern armor instead of 15th century Timurid armor and using Timurid elephants then we'll reach the lofty heights of Bretonnia level parody. Hell Araby straight up has janissaries, that's some great medieval Arabia parody there. Let's add Redcoats to Bretonnia while we are at it.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
No wonder the Demon Prince is such a pushover, the Empire Captain you fight in your first battle has BETTER STATS THAN IT.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
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No, if it was like Bretonnia I would be fine as I said. I.E if it was based off on Medieval middle-east and parodied to a degree. I do like Bretonnia. Let me put it this way, once a "parody" of an "Muslim middle-east" faction will have the sobriety to actually have distinction between Arab administrators and Persian scholars like how Bretonnia has French knights and British peasantry I'll consider it similar. Not a very high standard don't you think? Moreover while Bretonnia are a parody, they are parody of medieval era, the knights look like medieval French Knights, just exaggerated. Similarly the peasantry are exaggerated British peasantry with Yeomen and such. While Araby has units that look like 16th century Persian/Indian units (in itself heavily changed heavily by steppe invasions and Tamerlane). The standards aren't same at all. One is exaggerated from a coherent theme of medieval England/France and Arthurian legends and Knight-errant stories. Other is not based on anything at all except pitch black ignorance.

Maybe one day there will be an "Araby" with people wearing exaggerated medieval middle-eastern armor instead of 15th century Timurid armor and using Timurid elephants then we'll reach the lofty heights of Bretonnia level parody. Hell Araby straight up has janissaries, that's some great medieval Arabia parody there. Let's add Redcoats to Bretonnia while we are at it.
Maybe I'm ignorant but I don't get anything out of the ordinary in terms of parody when reading this description: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Araby

On a sidenote, while looking for Kislev wallpapers, I think I've found the inspiration behind the PoE portrait you're using: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/G5krB
Last edited:
Jan 19, 2015
Whatever Araby ever was in Warhammer was basically Ottoman military units, using Turkish names, clothed in some sort of weird mix up of Persian & Indian & Aladdin-nonsense clothing, having stuff like elephants that medieval Arabs or Arabs in general never used. Having titles like "Bey" and "Pasha" which was never used by medieval middle-east with people looking like 19th century French caricatures of Arabs.
IMO you're being like a PhD in History who sees Civilization for the first time. It's supposed to be inaccurate, and it is inaccurate accross the board.

No, if it was like Bretonnia I would be fine as I said. I.E if it was based off on Medieval middle-east and parodied to a degree. I do like Bretonnia. Let me put it this way, once a "parody" of an "Muslim middle-east" faction will have the sobriety to actually have distinction between Arab administrators and Persian scholars like how Bretonnia has French knights and British peasantry I'll consider it similar. Not a very high standard don't you think? Moreover while Bretonnia are a parody, they are parody of medieval era, the knights look like medieval French Knights, just exaggerated. Similarly the peasantry are exaggerated British peasantry with Yeomen and such. While Araby has units that look like 16th century Persian/Indian units (in itself heavily changed heavily by steppe invasions and Tamerlane). The standards aren't same at all. One is exaggerated from a coherent theme of medieval England/France and Arthurian legends and Knight-errant stories. Other is not based on anything at all except pitch black ignorance.

Maybe one day there will be an "Araby" with people wearing exaggerated medieval middle-eastern armor instead of 15th century Timurid armor and using Timurid elephants then we'll reach the lofty heights of Bretonnia level parody. Hell Araby straight up has janissaries, that's some great medieval Arabia parody there. Let's add Redcoats to Bretonnia while we are at it.
I can understand and appreciate your point regarding a certain amount of historical knowledge and accuracy being necessary for a good parody of a culture/faction (correct me if im wrong and thats not your point). I cannot follow your actual argument at all though: Kislev is all over the place, basically a mix of every slavic culture and stereotype possible (with things like the Roepsmenn and Ungols being anywhere from Finns to Cumans) and time periods (Armored Kossars looking like medieval Rus, but also Winged Lancers and other units straight from the early modern age). In what way is that more intelligent or respectful than the depiction of Araby?
EDIT: Apart from the fact that Slavs really dont care.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
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Slavs understand that whining about being caricatured by the "half-pindosy" is merely a demonstration of unmanliness.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
Maybe I'm ignorant but I don't get anything out of the ordinary in terms of parody when reading this description: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Araby

Yes you are ignorant, but it is not your fault because this is very persistent misrepresentation since basically 1970s. Basically 90% of what you see as "crusader era Arabia" is either not crusader era or from Arabia.

This is not some small difference of nitpicking details. When I gave comparison to that "Francia" above I wasn't exaggerating in the slightest.

For example Arabia has "Arabyan guard" based off on Janissaries and even called "Janissaries" by the "Arabyans". This is as if you added Tercios to your French medieval state parody. So add a Tercio unit into Bretonnia.

Arabia has its "Arabyan knights" called "Sipahis" based on Ottoman cavalry with the name Ottomans used, which is a Turkified Persian word, models are basically Persian/Indian 15-16th century. Here equivalent is if your "Bretonnian Knights" looked like Italian Knights of 16th century, (I.E like Empire knights, instead of great helms and mail armor and colorful cloth over it like Bretonnians have with exaggerated figurines on their helmets).

It has horse archers which to be fair were employed by medieval Arabs, but they were not Arabs, the difference here would be if Yeomen didn't exist but the French were the archers as well (completely losing the racial/ethnic caste nuance.

It has "desert riders" which are called "akincis", straight up Turkish word, so add Spanish jinetes or something I guess to Bretonnia.

Its infantry is basically straight up Indian. Here you can add the German landsknechts to Bretonnia.

It has camel riders which never existed, add Ox riding French to Bretonnia.

It has Elephants which were never used in medieval middle-east. I don't know add Elephant riders to Bretonnia basically same thing.

Also add titles like "Hauptmann" to your Bretonnia.

Completely remove all the interactions between the fact that Bretonnian Knights speak differently as they speak different language.

So here you go, you have your Bretonnia, based-off Medieval France, having Spanish Tercios, German landsknecth, French longbowmen, Italian Knights, with French oxriders and elephants all dressed in combination of Russian and Swedish clothing, using German titles. That's basically what "Araby" is.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
I can understand and appreciate your point regarding a certain amount of historical knowledge and accuracy being necessary for a good parody of a culture/faction (correct me if im wrong and thats not your point). I cannot follow your actual argument at all though: Kislev is all over the place, basically a mix of every slavic culture and stereotype possible (with things like the Roepsmenn and Ungols being anywhere from Finns to Cumans) and time periods (Armored Kossars looking like medieval Rus, but also Winged Lancers and other units straight from the early modern age). In what way is that more intelligent or respectful than the depiction of Araby?
EDIT: Apart from the fact that Slavs really dont care.

As I said, Kislev is almost as bad as Araby and it's something I complained about. Bretonnai is a good parody basically, Kislev is borderline bad one, Araby is a terrible one with bears taking the place of camels. Mind you I don't think having mythical/stereotype cavalry stuff is bad, but bears are overused in Kislev much like camels are in "Araby".

For Kislev to be as bad, they would also have to add stuff like them using French titles and names for units. There to not existed gaspodar & ungol dynamic at all (with former representing Rus principalities and latter Cossacks/Tatars). There being stuff like Elephant units. Another saving grace of Kislev is the fact that the extras like Polish Hussars are secondary flavor, while there is not even a basis of "medieval Arabs" for stuff to be secondary to in Araby, except minor Bedouin stuff.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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Please don't get cross but this reminded me of the following old meme:


It has "desert riders" which are called "akincis"
The real akinci are even very specific in terms of the period where they are mentioned, aren't they? Which only goes to prove that GW have been picking and choosing indiscriminately, and there is no point asking for reason. I still don't agree the other human factions are less parodied.

No one is going to play Araby and take it as a historical depiction, so why care?


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
Please don't get cross but this reminded me of the following old meme:


The real akinci are even very specific in terms of the period where they are mentioned, aren't they? Which only goes to prove that GW have been picking and choosing indiscriminately, and there is no point asking for reason. I still don't agree the other human factions are less parodied.

Yes real life akincis were very specific marcher lord retinues.

Parodies are fine but they have to be coherent. Like Bretonnia. Cathay is a parody as well already, but also a coherent one. Empire is p. much not a parody but completely its own thing based off of HRE.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
Look man, I'm really not doing the old "Haha brown people mad" routine but this whole "Noooo you can't represent us like this!" thing does scream Balkan.
Jan 19, 2015
FreeKaner Kudos to you for taking the time and explaining your argument in detail. I agree on Bretonnia being a much more in depth/consistent and arguably better parody of Medieval France.
I still dont think Araby or Kislev are necessarily bad parodies/factions just because they are historically inaccurate, but jedem das Seine.
Last edited:


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
Maybe I'm ignorant but I don't get anything out of the ordinary in terms of parody when reading this description: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Araby

On a sidenote, while looking for Kislev wallpapers, I think I've found the inspiration behind the PoE portrait you're using: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/G5krB

Speaking of artworks, here are some good ones devs can use to "parody". Mind you these still wouldn't be as accurate as Bretonnia because they are still not medieval and Ottoman arms & armor is very composite in origins (Having basis in Turkic, Iranian and Arabic stuff) but at least it's something:






Dec 27, 2008
You don't need to install all three, just install the last entry that you possess.
You just need to own the games / dlc's on steam.
Would having the latest game unlock the entire world wap? From what I read it seems it has data for all of the games' factions, but only a few of them are playable unless you own the previous games, right?


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Only culturally-neutral parody pirate skellingtons from now on!

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