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Game News Trailer News: Dragon Commander


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Divinity: Dragon Commander; Larian Studios

I want to be a Dragon Commander. Watch the new trailer:

Swen Vincke, Larian Studio's head honcho, penned another one of his blog entries, topic is Self-Censorship.
Admittedly, some of the topics are a bit controversial, even if we did base them on real-life issues that dominate political agendas around the world. But the wording used by our writer is pretty much in synch with Larian’s culture i.e. it’s very satiricial, and since the internet is the internet and some of the satire will be lost in translation, it’s probably inevitable that flak is going to head our way.

It also doesn’t help that our lead animator decided that on this particular game he was going to show the world what he thinks of censorship. He made the most obvious sexist camera shot ever for the introduction of the dwarven princess to the dragon knight, and then queried me whether I thought it was over the top, and whether or not such an expression of artistic freedom belonged in a game. As I was debating the issue openly I somehow managed to get half Larian around me, who vigorously let me know that censorship is a thing of the devil and what they thought about their right to aim a camera at a dwarven princess’ breasts.
Sexist camera shot, eh? Codex approves, except perhaps Roguey, but she doesn't count.


Jul 9, 2011
What's with the generic design on every race except the Dragon People? 

Also when I look at color coded units - hey my balloon is radiant blue, and mine is puke green - I'm getting a rash. Can't the developers at least one time create a mechanic that let you differentiate without changing everything into a Power Rangers episode?  :decline:

Though Dragon Mode looks cool. I hope it won't be absurdly overpowered


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
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I like the trailer. This game looks really promising, especially when it comes to the (both literally and figuratively) very colorful cast of characters. Also, last fun Dragon game I played was Drakan: Order of the Flame*, so it's about time for another one.

*Divinity 2 had dragon-flying too, but it was not the most fun part of that game.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Though Dragon Mode looks cool. I hope it won't be absurdly overpowered

Just my thought on that. You get the feeling a good Dragon player will be able to beat any bad odds in a battle just by killing everything with his dragon. Hopefully it don't have helth regen or something like that.


Dec 29, 2011
Codex 2012
Tags: Divinity: Dragon Commander; Larian Studios

He made the most obvious sexist camera shot ever for the introduction of the dwarven princess to the dragon knight, and then queried me whether I thought it was over the top, and whether or not such an expression of artistic freedom belonged in a game. As I was debating the issue openly I somehow managed to get half Larian around me, who vigorously let me know that censorship is a thing of the devil and what they thought about their right to aim a camera at a dwarven princess’ breasts.
Sexist camera shot, eh? Codex approves, except perhaps Roguey, but she doesn't count.

"Guys, if we keep the sexist camera shot in, it would really piss off that Roguey person who reckons we're out of cash!"



Jul 9, 2011
Though Dragon Mode looks cool. I hope it won't be absurdly overpowered

Just my thought on that. You get the feeling a good Dragon player will be able to beat any bad odds in a battle just by killing everything with his dragon. Hopefully it don't have helth regen or something like that.

I'm afraid that in the multiplayer mode it will end up being a duel mechanic. When one player will start to loose, he will activate his Dragon. And in response his opponent will do the same. So instead of a Dragon changing the tide of the battle in multiplayer modes, it's going to be a Dragon fight. After which the winning player will be too damaged to cause any substantial chaos to enemy forces. So you just might not use the Dragons at all. I really hope I'm wrong.


Nov 13, 2007
Project: Eternity
I'd prefer to not have any rts elements and leave all units movement and such to a strategy portion.
Still, looks fun.


Feb 18, 2006
What's with the generic design on every race except the Dragon People?
Her name is Prospera.

youtube legend said:
Prospera gives the rundown on how to be a Dragon Commander!

About the game, it looks interesting.
One can only hope they got it right.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
:obviously: interview: http://gamebanshee.com/news/110830-larian-studios-interview.html

Me: I was asking about DLC, and your Q&A guy said that you guys didn’t want to knock out DLC after DLC?

Swen: No, we don’t. No. With this one [Divinity: Original Sin], we’re giving away the tools we actually used to make the game. How crazy is that? You could essentially re-create something like Planescape with the tools we are giving you with the game – although that would have all sorts of copyright problems, but you could do it.

Me: But what about a full sequel to Divinity II? A full RPG, AAA environment?

Swen: We… this is the same engine, right? Those graphics [Dragon Commander, Original Sin] are the graphics of an AAA RPG, I think we can agree on that part. So this means that we basically have the tools to do it. So why aren’t we doing it? The only reason we aren’t doing it is because the cost of creating those things is really, really high. So since we want to be self-publishing we need to put ourselves in a situation where we can support that type of game. It’s pretty much what CD Projekt is doing – pick themselves up, growing like this, taking our own destiny in our own hands, and if we’re successful then hopefully one day we’ll be able to do that.

Me: There are a few European games that have tried to match America in polish – notably Gothic 4 – who got the visuals right, but sacrificed gameplay… which sucked. What can you do to bring a balance between the two?

Swen: I don’t know. We’ll see. You’ve seen my approach [fund smaller games to eventually earn enough to invest in bigger ones]. I mean, I’m tackling it from different angles and we’ll see what happens. I know what we’re capable of.

Me: There’s a MOBA that came out recently, called StarVoid, and within two days of release barely any servers had any players. Paradox Interactive published it – and I tweeted the developer directly, asking what was up? They replied with: “We don’t know, we’re looking into ways we can increase the player base” and that was that. What can you do to get people playing your games?

Swen: That’s why we’re here. That’s why we’re doing this. I don’t think there’s been a good RPG in the last 6 years…

Me: There have been ones better than others at least.

Swen: Yes, but really good ones? I mean, including myself and including all our colleagues, there’s not a single one of them of them [who can name a truly great RPG]. I talk to developers, we all know what we want to create.

Me: To take one of your games for example – Divinity II, a game I genuinely loved – I get to the end, and I can’t help but think “ah, there should be 6 times more of this.”

Swen: Yes. That’s what we want to do here. The Witcher is the same story. I mean, sometimes it’s like an action adventure game, not an RPG. The ideas are there, but there’s a problem with the execution – but developers like CD Project Red, amongst others, are really committed to making these things better and better. I really think the closing gap between gamers and developers is going to make that happen.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Voice acting and facial animations are shit. What a waste.

It also doesn’t help that our lead animator decided that on this particular game he was going to show the world what he thinks of censorship. He made the most obvious sexist camera shot ever for the introduction of the dwarven princess to the dragon knight, and then queried me whether I thought it was over the top, and whether or not such an expression of artistic freedom belonged in a game. As I was debating the issue openly I somehow managed to get half Larian around me, who vigorously let me know that censorship is a thing of the devil and what they thought about their right to aim a camera at a dwarven princess’ breasts.
"I have the right to show everyone how much of a disgusting pigman I am"--some guys from Belgium. Fantastic. Don't expect to receive any more of my money in the future.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008



Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
Doesn't look like something I'd enjoy. Looks a little childish, without too much charm to go with it. But hay hay hay -- I haven't played it. I had Panzer Dragoon Something for mah Xbox, and I quite enjoyed that.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Voice acting and facial animations are shit. What a waste.

It also doesn’t help that our lead animator decided that on this particular game he was going to show the world what he thinks of censorship. He made the most obvious sexist camera shot ever for the introduction of the dwarven princess to the dragon knight, and then queried me whether I thought it was over the top, and whether or not such an expression of artistic freedom belonged in a game. As I was debating the issue openly I somehow managed to get half Larian around me, who vigorously let me know that censorship is a thing of the devil and what they thought about their right to aim a camera at a dwarven princess’ breasts.
"I have the right to show everyone how much of a disgusting pigman I am"--some guys from Belgium. Fantastic. Don't expect to receive any more of my money in the future.
We just like to look at pretty women, especially their ass and boobs. Be proud that men are at your knees if you flash some meat.


May 10, 2007
a shack in the hub
Sorry bros, but I'm with Roguey on this one. Larian have been, are and probably always will be terrible. Not because of , oh-noes-sexism!, but because of their generally retarded childish attitude that spawns such excuses as you-no-censor-me to justify their laughable design and management decisions and lack of competence. If after watching this

you believe that that's the kind of environment that leads to improvements in rpg design and better subsequent titles, than I don't know what's wrong with you. As far as the humour goes, meh it was kinda cute in the first divinity, if way overdone even then, but since then it just got old really fast and more and more embarrasing (and I don't think they were actually aiming for cringe comedy) Do all belgians fail at humour as much or is it just Larian's company culture?


Nov 6, 2010
Project: Eternity

Part of what makes Larian likeable is the fact that they don't take themselves too seriously. I prefer them doing raunchy 14 year old schoolboy jokes than no joke at all.
Besides they don't try to hide anything, it's out in the open, which is better than the endless parade of false motives and political (read hypocritical) correctness that certain big names have been feeding us for years...

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Hell yeah, here comes the tryhard train.


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