This all started when I implemented a dialogue VWF and dual-line hack for the
Polish translation of Rayearth back in 2013 and thought to myself "gee,
wouldn't it be nice to port this over to the English patch". But this idea was
put on the backburner due to other projects and various circumstances.
Some years later, in 2022, after completing a few other SNES romhacking
projects, I remembered this idea, but decided to dive in deeper. After dumping
the Japanese menu and later dialogue, it became apparent that the text itself
needed improvement. Having worked on the Sailor Moon Another Story
relocalization, I thought the game could use a thorough retranslation and
since the script was small and simple enough, I took a stab at retranslating
it myself in July 2022.
The old script contained some obvious contextual errors. Several item, monster
and spell names were mistranslated, changed or abbreviated. And while the bare
meaning is mostly conveyed in the dialogue, it's not a very good read and
loses much of the charm and quirks of the original Japanese, making some of
the conversations and humor fall flat. While usable, the old translation is
not the best representation of the original. So I went over the entire script
with a fine-toothed comb, compared each line with the original and rewrote and
tweaked the script until I felt it was true to the original intent and
enjoyable to read. I go over my translation choices in more detail in the
liner notes included with this release, so please refer to it if you want to
know more.
What you have in front of you is the sum of two months of work plus code
changes carried over from my earlier translation project. Over 80% of the
dialogue has been retranslated or rewritten, along with over 40% of the menu
text. I do think this patch is worth playing for the variable-width font alone
and new English script should make it a fresh experience even if you know the
game by heart. Anyway, I hope this is as fun to play for you, as making this
was for me. Enjoy!