I can't fucking crack the secret to beating the ancient tomb on unfair. I've been rereading some of my posts and was trying to come up with different ways to make the ancient tomb easier for martial builds and four man parities. And I can't figure anything out. It looks you HAVE to recruit mercs.
It was a very difficult fight on my run too (sword saint PC), managed to beat it twice in about 30+ tries with Valerie dying on the first successful try. No mercs, used diplomacy on Jae-bae. Needs some luck not just with attack/damage rolls but also with initiative.
Valerie should have all available AC buffs, at this point it's just Barkskin and Shield of Faith potions.
PC and Amiri attack archer, Valerie walks up to middle of the room to pick up aggro from melees, engages half-orc to get Fighting defensively up. Linzi auto-casts daze on gnome.
Archer needs to die in the first round. With some luck gnome doesn't resist daze or Jaethal doesn't get one-shotted. Otherwise if archer one-shots someone on his second attack or if gnome resists daze and manages to hit Valerie... just reload. At least it's a fast process at this point in the game.
Then PC or Linzi cast grease on melees, Amiri runs up to the guy casting Enlarge. If a melee gets greased then PC and Amiri switch on him to use that sweet +4 bonus and AoO. If Valerie falls or if half-orc decides to switch targets and get out of grease it's time to reload.
At this point it's 4v2 with one of the enemies having to resist grease and other resisting daze each round.
Also one correction: Valerie loses -2 attack penalty with tower shields at level 5. I still find it worthwhile to trade 2 attack for 2 AC, compared to a heavy shield.