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The Witcher Twitcher 3 is awful


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Inspired by cretin 's https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/witcher-2-is-awful.145913/

Recently I started replaying Twitcher 3 with the new patch. I played it once before when it was released, I don't remember if I completed it, bit in general I don't really remember this game.

The graphics are still great. The music is wonderful and fitting. Voice-actors are well-matched. Villages and towns look aesthetically realistic.

That's all good things I can say about it.

Now let's go to the bad stuff. I don't remember twitcher 2 much either, but I was fond of the first twitcher when it came to the atmosphere and dialogues (in the Polish version). The gameplay was bad, but the game was carried by story and quests which were fairly well designed. Nothing amazing, but being in the swamps running around and killing things felt depressing and dangerous as the world was presented. This was thrown away in the following twitchers for more colorful high-fantasy feeling.

Now onto annoying things in twitcher 3 particularly.

1. The story is simply uninteresting. It's just too high-fantasy for me to care. Some wild hunt raiders appearing out of nowhere, great sorceress battle killing bagzillion of enemies etc. Some old ancient Ciri's ancestry. It's just too unreal to make me care. Picking up turnips in Gothic 2 felt more engaging.
2. Level scaled loot. People keep expensive swords and armors in potato sacks in basements. So much immersion.
3. OK, this point might be unfair because a lot RPGs have this issue, but you jump into the river in full gear to pick up dropped plants. Quest designers should stop such silliness.
4. Huge world full of nothing, lots of villages with untalkable NPCs and with nothing interesting to visit or do. What's the point of such huge areas and so many places if there's no reason to go there or just do the most generic quests you can imagine?
5. Side quests are mostly boring filler. There's a lot of side quests but they are all so bland I already forgot most I did.
6. Youtubers lie. You can do quests in any order but inconsistencies appear, like in the example here: https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/the-witcher-3-goty-edition.109709/page-131#post-8318560
7. Geralt is Mary Sue, and annoying one at that. Sure, players like characters that are cool, but Geralt and his opinions are going too moralizing (I know it's in the books too), too elaborate and often I don't relate to them at all. The first twitcher at least was more reasonable with such.
8. Level restricted gear. Apparently you can't hold a sword that is almost the same as you currently have but sharper, because you didn't do enough fetch-quest jogging.
9. Only some choices possible, many times I'd like to do something else than I could choose. Why does it always have to be two choices and often either almost the same or in some cases too far apart and one being edgy? That's not good writing if I have to choose between two options but if I was in Geralt's place I'd do or say completely different things.
10. If monsters are susceptible to silver, why won't at least some soldiers carry such weapons considering monsters are everywhere? Even if soldiers weren't trained in fighting monsters (but again, why wouldn't they be if monsters are everywhere) they already know how to fight in general. Witcher is one of the most fake jobs you could have, like a lady in shoe store in China I've been to with sole purpose on giving stamps for warranty card.
11. A lone witcher is apparently better than a whole group of soldiers against a monster and acts smartass about it. Again, this makes no sense. While I get that a single soldier shouldn't be equal, 4 or 5 of them are still not a match for a monster, but a single witcher is?
12. Dialogues are often long, but completely uninteresting. Overdramatic gestures and pauses, tl;dr life stories, and general logorrhea. Just get to the fucking point, people (including Geralt). Nobody talks like this in reality.

I didn't play long yet, so I might add more later, although I might drop the game instead.

10/10 best RPG ever - gaming journos


May 1, 2020
Witcher 3 is a game with good writing trapped in a Ubisoft game with Skyrim gameplay and with open world design full of uninteresting ? made by a german. What a shame!


Sep 6, 2022
But I thought Witcher 3 was the GREATEST RPG ever made! That's what Kotaku said! GERALDO DEL RIVERO, MOTHERFUCKERS!
Jul 15, 2022
I normally wouldn't mind a high fantasy story, but in this case it rubbed me the wrong way. I was hooked on a more darker, political story from Witcher 2 but they threw all of that away. I presume they did it so the game can be easily marketed towards new braindead audience that's gonna drool over the graphics and whatnot.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
It's just a movie which plays like a single player MMO. Miss me with that shit. Good production standard, who cares?

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
What was wrong with any of the other "I'm very butthurt at Twitcher" threads?

Codex loves this series so much they want a thread for each game.


Aug 27, 2006
I still haven't played it. I enjoyed number 1, especially during the era of decline in which it was released, then number 2 came along and I didn't like what I saw when playing it, so didn't bother with the third. Maybe one day.


Dec 13, 2019
What's the point of such huge areas and so many places if there's no reason to go there or just do the most generic quests you can imagine?
5. Side quests are mostly boring filler. There's a lot of side quests but they are all so bland I already forgot most I did.
I disagree with this bit. What The Witcher 3 did well was breaking with the MMO style quests. While quests aren't amazing on mechanical level, they are well done on narrative level. To the point they don't feel like filler, but the integral part of the world, which has its own problems. I did quite a few quests before dropping the game (due to gameplay) and I do recall a whole bunch of them, so the boring/bland part is likely the matter of taste.

10. If monsters are susceptible to silver, why won't at least some soldiers carry such weapons considering monsters are everywhere? Even if soldiers weren't trained in fighting monsters (but again, why wouldn't they be if monsters are everywhere) they already know how to fight in general. Witcher is one of the most fake jobs you could have, like a lady in shoe store in China I've been to with sole purpose on giving stamps for warranty card.
11. A lone witcher is apparently better than a whole group of soldiers against a monster and acts smartass about it. Again, this makes no sense. While I get that a single soldier shouldn't be equal, 4 or 5 of them are still not a match for a monster, but a single witcher is?
The whole point of witchers is they are specialized in dealing with monsters. 4-5 soldiers aren't a match for a monster, because 4-5 soldiers aren't a match for a single witcher. They can use simple magic, boost themselves with potions and have superior reflexes/perception on basic level. A witcher is pretty much superhuman by comparison to a regular human.

Soldiers aren't trained to fight monsters and they aren't equipped for that either. It's a bit much to expect from them to carry silver swords(!) when the war may break out at any time, again. Simply nobody has time or resources to deal with monsters, even if they happened to multiply due to the recent events and started becoming an increasing problem.

12. Dialogues are often long, but completely uninteresting. Overdramatic gestures and pauses, tl;dr life stories, and general logorrhea. Just get to the fucking point, people (including Geralt). Nobody talks like this in reality.
A matter of taste. It felt fine for me. Also, the language used in The Witcher (and by that I mean in the whole series) is very close to how people talk in reality. It's part of what makes it feel realistic.


Sep 6, 2022
Niggas, Imma replay Fallout 1 and 2, enough of this Witcher bullshit.
Those are legitimate cRPGs, by the way.
Virgin Geralt vs Chad Vault Dweller(who succeeds by sheer force of will and courage, not any magic bullshit).
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Neverwinter Nights destroys witcher. Hahaha.
Neverwinter Nights is garbage.
And the (very different) sequel too.

Not to say that TW3 doesn't have its problems. They are just different ones.

Back to the topic, the OP makes some good point (which could just be summarized in the 7-years-old conclusion "The itemization and progression system are garbage", but also a bunch of goddamn awful ones.


Feb 14, 2017
Yup. Not only is The Witcher 3 a pretty lame game which is overrated to fuck, but I'd say the gap between it's actual quality and perceived quality is not only the biggest since Skyrim and Mass Effect 2, but possibly the biggest of all time too. As well as the issues which you list (number 4 being my pet hate), I'd also list:
  1. Poor combat, which also has virtually 0 need for potions and/or oils.
  2. Dialogue trees which are usually just a case of "tell me more bollocks" as opposed to taking the conversation or quest in any meaningful direction.
  3. Witcher senses - press awesome button to win. Fuck off, even Assassins' Creed: Origins does detective work better.
  4. Main villains who CDPR name the game after and use as the main plot drive, but who are then absent for a huge portion of the game between the start and the finale, and who's return feels tagged on.
  5. To extend 4, a very contradictory game setup - "Quick! The Wild Hunt are after Ciri! You must hurry and find her before they get her!....but of course, feel free to nob about for large chunks of time doing silly errands, she can wait.
  6. So many repetitive Hunts that being a Witcher does indeed actually start to feel like a day job.
It's a fucking right turd. They do rectify a lot of the issues in the expansions, but the main game is an utter chore.
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Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
It's just too high-fantasy
Aren't Witcher books basically about classic European fairy tales with irony in it? Like there's Beauty and the Beast and Seven Gnomes in it.

Also in Witcher 2 one of the mages explains that a silver sword is just too expensive to give to any grunt.
First two, yes, then there's 5 book long epic story that is average.

And yet I find silver swords in potato sacks in basements :M

Also some characters are rich (like the warriors going to kill the Giant in Norway Skellige). Knowing they are hunting the giant and there are plenty of monsters on the way you'd think they'd bother to make and bring a silver sword with them.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
I think the quests are fine, I absolutely despise the leveled nature of the world. It's not a fucking MMO, stop gating content in this lazy fashion. Use other methods to gate content where it is necessary FFS.

There are other criticisms that could be levelled at the game but that is my main issue


Sep 6, 2022
Man, you polacks just can't make it without CD Projekt and Geraldo Del Rivero, can you?
That and being America's side bitch.
Anyway, Witcher 3 is extremely overrated. Whoever put it in Top RPG Codex games? Are you out of your mind?


Feb 14, 2017
B-But guys! This is RPG Codex's #15 best RPG of all time!
You know, that list is a pretty damn groovy list which maintains this places detachment from the everymong, and is largely respectable.

But having The Witcher 3 on there is a disgrace, and very much a Bao Xishun in Plate Mail.
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