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Underrail builds. Let me post my fav one to get going.


Dec 20, 2015
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
So, after finishing on DOM, this would be my build if I'd start over: https://underrail.info/build/?HgUDB...CfjNLwoVTKcKHwojCpMK1wq0rKOKnvgrir7wE4q-9Ad-_

Just finished a Dom playthrough with a slight variation of this, basically getting Strafe and Stasis. It's fun and extremely strong. I only really had problems around Silent Isles/Depot A.

So now, I would like to do a Hard/Oddity no Stealth melee build. Any suggestions?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Should probably have asked here instead of the main thread. Any input for a Pistols/Psi-build after the latest patch?


Mar 23, 2015
Should probably have asked here instead of the main thread. Any input for a Pistols/Psi-build after the latest patch?

18 DEX with Versatility (max melee, guns just for feats), dump PER to 3. Take Survival Instincts & Throwing.

Psi TM + whatever you like really.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Should probably have asked here instead of the main thread. Any input for a Pistols/Psi-build after the latest patch?

18 DEX with Versatility (max melee, guns just for feats), dump PER to 3. Take Survival Instincts & Throwing.

Psi TM + whatever you like really.

Nice man, thanks. Do you generally use melee weapons as well with that build or is that mainly to unlock reqs n' stuff? Have yet to start a "full" playthrough of the game because I want to do it when I have time to no-life it.


Mar 23, 2015
Should probably have asked here instead of the main thread. Any input for a Pistols/Psi-build after the latest patch?

18 DEX with Versatility (max melee, guns just for feats), dump PER to 3. Take Survival Instincts & Throwing.

Psi TM + whatever you like really.

Nice man, thanks. Do you generally use melee weapons as well with that build or is that mainly to unlock reqs n' stuff? Have yet to start a "full" playthrough of the game because I want to do it when I have time to no-life it.

They're very useful early, later on vs some enemies, and when trying to remain stealthy. Cheap shots and Expose weakness for feats. You can also use chemical pistols if you need them.

If you don't like SI you can dump CON to 3 and take enough PER for the feats (Ambush), and have more AGI & STR (or INT for Premeditation).

The DEX+Versatility double dip is just extremely good so you have a lot of options, hard to go wrong.
Jun 13, 2019
Been playing tin can pistols, using the different ammo types (especially explosive 44) has been pretty cool, but damage range and utility still feels lacking to f.e energy pistols. i'm getting like 600+ crits with .44 at level 16 and able to shoot about 12 times with 5mm guns using bullet time, but it still doesn't compare to 1200-2000 laser pistol crits from insane ranges, which is kind of shit. imo either energy weapons need nerfing or pistols need even more buffing in some way. they're definitely viable (don't know about Deep Caverns or later Expedition), just not Great tier.

Already thinking of giving up the run since realizing this



Jan 8, 2009
Should probably have asked here instead of the main thread. Any input for a Pistols/Psi-build after the latest patch?

18 DEX with Versatility (max melee, guns just for feats), dump PER to 3. Take Survival Instincts & Throwing.

Psi TM + whatever you like really.

Nice man, thanks. Do you generally use melee weapons as well with that build or is that mainly to unlock reqs n' stuff? Have yet to start a "full" playthrough of the game because I want to do it when I have time to no-life it.

I've been mulling over a Firearm Pistol + Knife build: max DEX, dump PER.

As Sheepherder said in the other thread, it's probably SI or special attack build. I'd rather diversify from SI that I've done a lot of. But the trouble seems to be feat starvation: there are Gun special abilities (Point Shot, Kneecap, Rapid, Execute), the New Feats I want to include (Gun Fu, Bullet Time), melee feats (Cheap Shots, Dirty Kick), and so on. Opportunist (& Execute)? Recklessness->Steadfast Aim->Critical Power? Expose Weakness? I'm not sure which route to build around since I haven't really done a lot of the gun feats before.

Super shitty & rough start: https://underrail.info/build/?FAUPBQMGAwhGMgBuAABkSzIAAFUyMjJLAAAANwAAAMKjKxcmDQbDkVvDkhE6S9-_

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
I've been mulling over a Firearm Pistol + Knife build: max DEX, dump PER.
Since I haven't posted this build in this thread


Regalia, Ninja Tabis, fat H-H shield, Serrated Tungsten, Rapid .44 Hammerer, molotovs and flashbangs

Played on Oddity DOM, super fun

If you want more gun feats, ignore pickpocket and invest into guns


Oct 21, 2019
Looks like I'm gonna end up with something like this: https://underrail.info/build/?HgQQB...ChxIGwrN4wojCoMKtwq5sGsKeK8Kcw4Lita4K4r2EBd-_

Not sure if I need cheap shots or even expose weakness since my primary damage output will be the gun. Vile weaponry is still nice since bear traps is a relevant safe tool through out entire game.

The last thing I need is to tune tailoring and other craft investments but it doesn't seem highly important - all I have to craft is a decent infused rathound leather, seeker NV and a gun, obviously.

Overall, SI looks far better for using both weapons but I just don't like the idea of using SI. And because of that I'll end up with basically a pistolero build which is less fun.

I'm thinking about xbows/melee build now but everyone says that xbows even more feat-thirsty so it'd be even harder to combine :/

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ

lol, that's almost my VER build only with Ambush instead of SI and some PSI for min-maxing. Even some skill values do match.

For that, definitely pick up Cheap Shots and EW. Cheap Shots are very good for crowd control because of proc stun and EW is good against some tough bastards - you do EW, then shoot as much as you wish. Very useful against tincans and Nagas.


Oct 21, 2019
Well yeah, that's because I used yours as a nearest one for threshholds, they were lower in my previous build but that's not a biggie anyway. I'm still 12 lvl so can tune skills a lot. Otherwise all versatility builds are similiar in a sense.

I was also thinking about nagas - yes but isn't W2C enough to deal with them? Especially when you cannot EW 4 nagas in a row. As for cheap shots - it seems viable only if using melee a lot although it does affect creatures unlike dirty kick and gives general damage bonus.
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Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
I was also thinking about nagas - yes but isn't W2C enough to deal with them? Especially when you cannot EW 4 nagas in a row.
Disable them and concentrate on one, or run away - this build requires remarkable mobility

EW is not strictly necessary, but very useful regardless: end game I was stabbing Burrower Warriors and Industrial bots with it


Oct 21, 2019
Okay, I wanted to post the final, my own version of versality build but I cannot really complete it (on paper, don't see much point to post exactly what I ended up with) nor this build really needs completion in order to work so I'll just leave the bulk of it here for any random new players who might stumble on this somehow. For the record - it's more than viable on DOMINATING.

Here it is: https://underrail.info/build/?HgMQB...Cox0CF8KHw5JLUwYSQjzCs3jCnisawoXita4K4r2EBd-_

So, for those who unaware, the idea of these versality max dex builds is to take increaced melee effective skill value by dex and "rearrange" it to gun skill with 0.8 rate thanks to versatility feat which is more than enough. In return you have huge bonus to melee crit chance, great initiative (not that relevant for a stealth build but it's still an awesome benefit to have, for waterways encounters for example), minimum AP cost for firing a pistol or swinging a knife and plenty stats to spare without the need to invest in perception at all.

In this version once you get the key feats such as Versatility, Ambush, Bullet Time, Critical Power and craft some decent Rapid .44 Hammerer you can safely choose a spot to trigger ambush, throw a molotov/flare/other incendiary grenade and open fire with popping Bullet Time, Psycho-temporal Contraction and Adrenaline Rush. Then, when you have only 15 AP left and there're still enemies around you press Stasis in order to prolong Bullet Time and other buffs for one more turn and continue. After that if there're still enemies around you can use Vanishing Powder/Flashbang to re-stealth or simply continue the fight conventionally.

In the end I liked this build a lot due to its insane burst damage although it's similiar to sniper gameplay style only with arguably less output but with room for error. Thing is, after early game I've rarely used melee because it's not working with ambush obviously even though still allow to do silent kills (silenced 5mm pistols are so meh). So I'm not even sure about including all those melee feats: Cheap Shots, Vile Weaponry, Taste for Blood and even Expose Weakness which are all fairly useful throughout the whole game. But there aren't feats which can replace them and tangibly strengthen the build so you stuck with them anyway unless you wanna set of QoL feats instead which is entirely possible (same goes for interlooper replacement). So this is really up to you - a matter of preference. Take Execute for fun, as an example. Blindsiding also can be taken much earlier (as I did actually instead of TfB).

As for the skills - all basic threshholds are there and the spare points could be allocated in

- Pickpocketing(up to 50-120 effective)
- Traps(up to 95 effective)
- Chemistry(up to 112 effective)
- Bilogy(up to 50 effective for mass focus stim production)
- Persuation(up to 110 effective)
- Evasion
- more into Throwing.

Spare stat point is for Agility/Intelligence (lower crafting skill investments accordingly)/Strength. Standart gear for stealth glass cannon: Seeker Nighvision Googles, Infused Rathound Leather Armor, Tabi Boots, Fat H-M/H-H/M-M shield.
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Dec 28, 2015

Ability points: The only problem I see is the 10 in CON. What is your plan there, why 10?

Skills: You are going to need Tailoring and some Mechanics for your tactical vest with beetle carapace that boosts psi.
I am also worried about not having stealth, but I never play non-stealth builds and I don't really know their needs.


Jan 19, 2016
I just wanted a lot of health, i didn't know where else to put it honestly. Since I have no real defense.

I played a level yesterday and I put 20 points into stealth on my own :lol: Getting gang banged by a lot of people with no warning at all was no fun.

How much mechanical and tailoring ware we speaking? I think I'll leave biology on 15 for now, I have it just for psi booster. Also I wanna leave Psychokinesis on this level. For force field and kinetic punch. So that frees some skillpoints

Thanks for your answer and everybody join the retard time.
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Dec 28, 2015
I like Survival Insticts, but it only needs CON 9. That's a wasted point that could have gone to INT.

Here are some pointers, feel free to disregard or ask again if you find them confusing.
For the rest of the post I will be talking about effective skill values. That's the number on the right on your skill screen.
I will also be talking about effective values WITH and WITHOUT the workbench bonus. You are going to get workbenches once you have the house, and they provide 15% bonus to crafting skills. There is a button in the Builder (under "Extras") that lets you see your effective crafting skills with and without the workbench bonus.

You need good Tailoring, so I 'd plan around getting it to ~120-135 effective (including the 15% workbench bonus). You can save more points with some late game drugs, but don't worry about that for your early playthroughs.

Mechanics could be topped at ~80 effective for the psi carapace (incl. the workbench bonus), but you may want it at 115 effective in the very late game for other reasons (WITHOUT the workbench bonus).

You will want 15-20 effective Bio for the carapace, but Bio can give you adrenaline shots (40 effective) and focus stims (50 effective) which are very powerful and you should use them. I usually want to be able to make these drugs while I am exploring, so I get it to those values without the bonus.

Psychokinesis is very useful against robots (especially Elektrokinesis, which scales will Psychokinesis investment), so personally I wouldn't abandon it. It also features Elektrokinetic Imprint that works like a trap, so I 'd use that and drop Traps instead. There are a lot of robots in the expansion. In order to spot enemy traps without Traps skill, wear motion tracking goggles when you are exploring.


Oct 21, 2019
i didn't know where else to put it honestly
Agility usually isn't entirely a dump stat for a cave wiz. Even more so, having sprint is a big deal even if you're planning to choose tanky approach. Since you have 10 con you can take even thick skull by the way in addition to SI. Tanky wizard, huh.


Dec 28, 2015
Thick Skull sucks, man. it works against stunning but it doesn't work against incapacitation. It is not worth the point nor the feat place. It sucks generally, but it sucks even harder for psi, because you get Locus of Control at lvl14.


Dec 28, 2015
I have my doubts about tank characters too (which the above isn't) in metal armor and full health. You are wasting a feat to do something that you could do with 80 points in Biology instead, and Bullhead covers for incapacitation as well. But maybe I could see this being reasonable for builds that have feats to waste while they are pressed for skillpoints.

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