Stygian Software

How do you guys manage to make Energy weapons work? I made a character with these stats:
6 Str
8 Dex
3 Agi
5 Con
8 Per
3 Will
7 Int
The problem here is that it feels like I'm spreading myself too thin because I lack the sufficient Dex to use Energy weapons well without wasting all my AP on a single shot / 2 shots with a Laser (this will fix itself later if I keep investing Dex every 4 levels, but it will take a long time) and I feel that the 7 Int is sorta needed for the Electronics crafting Feats, but OTOH normal Mechanic guns seem to get better crafting Feats. The basic Laser weapon does pretty crappy damage and the Plasma gun is a hog for AP. I'm just not sure what I should go for with Energy weapons. They just seem inferior to normal guns.
You can later craft a electronic energy weapon, during alpha it was pretty OP and styg needed to nerf it (damn you styg), still quite good, does jump from enemy to enemy and has a chance to stun them.