I don't really know much about the quality of crafted items or whether or not these stats are good, so some advice would be appreciated. The Kevlar Cloth is only 76 Quality, I plan on using something at least 100. The regen vest is 98, the tichrome bar is 126, and the panel is 116. Anyone have any insight?
Also, does anyone know the persuasion check needed?
Personally, I don't think that kevlar cloth is ever worth it on riot gear, although if you do use it, definitely go with a laminated panel (reddish, which is what you've got) to maximize DT. Consider adding kevlar tabi if going this route.
I prefer to use a bio carrier vest (for toxic gas faggotry) or sturdy vest, and aluminized cloth (for fire faggotry), which when combined with a TiChrome shield result in about 34-35% total penalty, with Armor Sloping. Kevlar cloth is quite heavy, and I think regenerative vests are, too.