I had the most epic battle with Carnifex last night. I was only level 13, but thought my character could do it. It took several tries though.
Carnifex got the first move but I upgraded the hell out of my armor, and it mitigated the worst of his damage.
In fact, he barely lays a scratch on me. I'm still crippled but my health is looking pretty good. I manage to incapacitate him with a flash grenade, and run a short distance away to hit him with a crawler bolt. He returns to his senses and runs over to me, and I just barely sprint away. He is fatigued as he wasted his adrenaline incapacitated. He then succumbs to the crawler poison for 2 turns of stunning.
After that I stand right next to him and throw a napalm grenade at our feet. We both catch fire like crazy. Carnifex freaks out but is stunned so can't do anything. All the while he is taking substantial damage. Eventually he breaks out of the stun and runs from the fire. I stay there right in the middle where it's hottest, because it's safer there than where he might try to cross. The damage is notable, but I have a trick prepared. I added regeneration to my armor so every turn I burn, I also heal that hp back. I wait in the fire for my shit to recharge, my bones to mend, and I also swap in some molotovs on my belt. I smash one on Carnifex and he runs for it. My HP is starting to get pretty low though from all the burning.
I have two turns of it left, just enough to cover with last stand. Meanwhile Carnifex runs to the corner. I carefully inch toward him, not getting too far from the fire. I then incapacitate him with another flashbang and get right next to him. I taze him in preperation for a finishing blow, but at that point he was too weak for it. He falls over dead and I have just enough time to walk out into the middle of the arena.
It was a really cool fight, I should of got a video of it.
Press Z and target enemies through doors and shit.
Thanks, that was bugging me for a while.