Also i like your build but i didn't understand the traps feats you picked. They seem kinda unnecessary. Also, i'll never take interloper: jumping beans are cheap to make, take one then enter stealth. You sprint while stealthed.
I picked one trap feat: Trap Expert. That's literally the only one. If you're going to go Traps at all, then you might as well cut down on the time it takes to set up a small minefield by 60%; and Trap Expert can easily mean the difference between being able to set a trap before some asshole patrols back around the corner, or not. That, or you might be able to lay down double the traps while enemies' suspicion meters continue to climb. Furthermore, it makes your traps harder to spot without a maximized Traps investment.
In strictly combat-centric terms, traps are a poor man's grenades, especially since Quick Tinkering was nerfed (and justifiably so: setting a trap for 0 AP with a mere 25 skill requirement meant everyone took Quick Tinkering, one of the first build memes). However, the skill is useful not only in combat, but also for not running over them yourself, and even for the (albeit minor) monetary reward when recovering them. Mines can also augment the power of grenades when they blow up together.
The biggest drawback of traps is that they're useless in the Arena or any other "you've been forced into combat NOW" kill box. That's why Quick Tinkering exists.
I'll have to test stealth with Jumping Bean, but frankly I don't like relying on consumables just to save a feat nor to that level. The description on the Wiki states that it doesn't work in stealth—like almost all other effects that add MP—so you may be abusing a bug.