you get me wrong. Im not saying to stab with spear. Im talking 3str and having huge penalties to melee with a stick. But str requirements do not matter when throwing it! Hence there is only 1 viable choice: tungsten winged spear!
No, I understand you entirely. I read your previous posts also, with the screenshots of huge-number crits and all that jazz.
You've misunderstood me—which is understandable. The Spear Throw nerf touched me in a bad place, so using Spear Throw in any capacity will always remind me of it. Spear Throw may be great when used as you describe, but the nerf reduced it to utter mediocrity when used to complement an actual melee spear-stabbing build. We can reasonably assume that Spear Throw was originally intended by Styg to complement melee spear-stabbing builds, so what you've done is repurpose it and make it great again.
I suspect that Spear Throw's potential to be used in YOUR way is what prompted Styg to nerf it, because it went from working just fine with a melee spear build to being extremely janky and somewhat subpar with a melee spear build.
Not only I, but also Parabalus, ItsChon, and others were annoyed by the Spear Throw nerf, and some avoided the relevant update for a while because of it.