Your comment that UA feels more like a game than a world is spot on. For example, we're looking at how we can restructure the levels so that it feels more like one contiguous dungeon (with load screens of course) without forcing players to go back to Marcaul between quests, taking away players' choice about what to do next. The simplification of the meta could come from removing faction favor and influence so that your journey to stop Typhon follows the storyline quests without all of the forced repetition through levels (and favor could become a thing for folks to earn to get better gear in the store, for example). My vote is also to obfuscate the Doom Counter, which to your point feels too much like an obvious game mechanic.
Anyway, don't hold me to this stuff yet, but let me know what you think. Also, all of this said, being realistic to those of you that though we were making something closer to the original UWs, I don't think we're going to be able to address all of the things that make it feel less like the original UWs, but we'll definitely make the game better. Thief + System Shock in a fantasy dungeon is still my go to simple description of the game
Nyast, you might be right re: PC, unfortunately, but we need to make the game better on PC regardless of the other versions. It does put more weight on the console versions. Of course, any work we do for PC is going to help those as well as Mac/Linux.
One last point about this update. It's a big step in the right direction, e.g., levels do feel more populated, loot is more rewarding, combat is better, etc., but we have more work to do. Most of the engineering time for Update 1 was spent on the save game system so we'll now have those guys able to spend more time on things like AI. The design and art teams can spend time "restructuring" things and make it feel more lived in.