Recondo is a hardcore real-time tactical RPG that has you leading a company of LRRP (Long-range reconnaissance patrol) operating behind enemy lines during the Vietnam conflict. You decide where to go, how and when you fight, what missions to take and how to train and equip your men in a procedurally generated jungle filled with enemies and dangers.
The game consists of a strategic phase (desk phase) where you plan/equip/admin and a deployment phase (field phase) where you directly control your Rangers during the missions and combat. In the strategic phase, you send your rangers on training, equip them for missions, and create fire teams that can deal with different scenarios. You also have to deal with military bureaucracy with the innovative memo system, which gives you a unique insider look at a rarely exposed reality of inter-agency relationships in a task force. Pick your Ranger team and your mission, use resources to gather intel on the job,and then deploy your squad. Once the chopper hits the ground, the hunt begins. All you got is your fire team and your plan. Nobody else is coming to help you. Use stealth or strength. Call in airstrikes and artillery using realistic radio procedures and get the job done. If everything goes well you should be able to extract with a few hundred VCs chasing you to the LZ. Welcome to Recondo commander.