I mean from what we've seen so far, the 'March 2020' release date shown on the Bloodlines 2 Steam page is reflected in the trailer's 'Q1 2020' date, but the lack of specificity might mean that Bloodlines 2 could need a bit more time in the coffin.
I actually hope so. March 2020 would bring the release right next to Cyberpunk 2077 and being overshadowed should not happen again to a Bloodlines game!
They've been saying Q1 2020 and March is the latest it could possibly come out if they're shooting for a Q1 release date. In their shoes, I would be busting my ass to get the game out in January or February so there's some space between it and Cyberpunk. Postponing strikes me as a very bad idea. The only thing worse than releasing your action RPG a month before CP2077 is releasing it a month after CP2077. Although obviously they'll release on the same day as the most hyped game of the year if they're really trying to recreate the feel of the original.