Space Nugget
Job opening for AI Engineer (listed 5 days ago in the company's Glassdoor page):
"Path finding, Path building, LOS, State Machines, Sensory systems, Group behavior, Behavior Trees"
Doesn't sound like a visual novel to me.
- You have an eye for detail and passion for gameplay and AI behaviors.
- You can prototype new AI behaviors and turn these prototypes into robust, maintainable, shippable systems.
- Work closely with Design team on overall AI system architecture, AI behavior design, development, testing, and debugging.
- Keep abreast of latest AI technology and technique and provide usability/feasibility analysis for the project's AI requirements.
- Able to work closely with the Design team to build out and architect the necessary framework for good AI development tools for system and level designers.
- In depth knowledge of AI systems (Path finding, Path building, LOS, State Machines, Sensory systems, Group behavior, Behavior Trees).
- Experience with memory management, multi-threading, cross-platform development and a working knowledge of 3D math.
- Ability to participate in gameplay design and follow specifications.
- Unreal Engine 4 experience or experience in maintaining/extending an existing AI framework.
- Designed and implemented (or maintained) a full featured AI system for a published AAA game.
"Path finding, Path building, LOS, State Machines, Sensory systems, Group behavior, Behavior Trees"
Doesn't sound like a visual novel to me.