Yeah, never could see the point of this kind of reasoning from ideologues who also happen to be game writers. Only write sunshine and rainbows about any class they feel is marginalized/oppressed.
Hannah (the prostitute from the pestilence questline) dying was IMO one of the most emotionally impacting character deaths in a game (which is how you know it's good characterization). It was harsh and sad but that was par for the course given type of quest it was, part of Bloodlines charm was not shying away from depicting some of the worst of society's underbelly (sprinkled with fantasy elements of the settings obviously).
Generally speaking, Bloodlines has some of the most stellar writing and characterization for female NPCs you're ever gonna see in the gaming industry. i sincerely doubt the sequel is gonna measure up in that regard, instead we'll get boring woke cliches, meh.
Unfortunately, this. If this Ellison creature fails to see the pestilence quest for what it is, she has no business in writing... pretty much anything.