Just finished it.
To be honest, the first thing I should say about this game is that it's not Euro-Jank, it's more like 2A and very close to AAA. The visuals can be impressive (UE4), the atmosphere is good, the combat is reactive, the animations are mo-cap and even the music is good. ELEX looks retarded compared to this.
Then the second thing I should say is that the main story is good. Not great or spectacular, but it is solid and it doesn't try to subvert your expectations with retarded twists. This is really important for a storyfag like myself.
Even the combat is decent: it's fluid, you can dash (invulnerability frames)/parry/cancel animations and you have to manage your health/stamina/blood/position in fights which should have have some appeal to Dark Souls fans.
Then to my surprise they threw in some C&C: because I'm an old retard I was expecting the best outcome if I spare all human NPCs. And I was proved wrong
An entire district can be destroyed if you spare/embrace/charm the wrong arsehole. And the funny thing is that I had all the information I needed not to make bad decisions but I went with my gamey instincts and I failed because it was obvious that my choice was retarded in the game context. There are not many instances like this but the existing ones are really cool. Also you can visit the districts after you fucked them up.
The social system is more like a hit-or-miss thing. Things can happen independently of the player and the districts can feel the consequences. It's a nice touch.
Not a bad package overall.
But there are a few things which really muddle the experience:
- The main character is a light-SJW stereotype: atheist, open-minded, soaked with self-victimization and a hipster beard. Several times he expressed views I couldn't give a shit or I completely disagreed with.
- Unfortunately most side-quests are not worth the time or have some light-SJW backgrounds. Every feminist trope is in: strong independent women, pay gap, sexism ... something something about suffragettes. Tumblerinas in action.
- Shitty itemization and looting madness like in Fallout 3. After finishing the game I cannot name the weapon I've used. I know that it was a two-hand club but that's about it.
- The dialog wheel and the need to press all options to gather hints. No comment. This is disgusting.
- Story-telling with a cognitive dissonance impediment: the main character starts complaining about eternity as soon as he is transformed into a vampire
At first I was thinking that it is a slip-up but then there were several occasions when he acted like that.
- Another failure in the writing department: you simply have no reason to kill most NPCs. On one hand you have monsters which deserve to die and on the other hand you have people which are sick of London, are simply lonely or retarded. The narrative treats all of them in the same way. In their desire to make every choice challenging they have created a world in which every person exists in the gray-area and nobody stands up (except one guy which had to die no matter what).
- The night can take as long as you like therefore it's better to do as much as possible and sleep as rare as possible.
- If you use consumables during a mini-boss fight and you die then you lose the consumables. However Blood is never an issue because you can use a weapon with Stun and bite enemies for more Blood.
- Mini-boss/End-boss reused in like 2 fights. The first fight is brutal and then the second one is the last fight in the game :/
- The map is an abomination which doesn't even work properly on Kb + Mouse.
- Eternal loading screens. Lots of walking. Re-spawning mobs. Console controls.
Bottom line: Good for whatever it is. Definitely worth one play-through for Thief, VtMB or Dishonored fans. But overall it's not worth 40 potatoes.
It's a nice try from a small studio and there is some potential for the inevitable sequel. But this is no classic RPG while imho it's better than Life is Strange, Remember Me or Technomancer.