The guy who invented the invulnerable dodge space bar idiom should be locked in a room and left to die of dehydration. (I'd say he should be beat to death but obviously that would be impossible.)
I would send the invulnerable space bar to the same grave of the QTE combat designer.The guy who invented the invulnerable dodge space bar idiom should be locked in a room and left to die of dehydration. (I'd say he should be beat to death but obviously that would be impossible.)
There are different endings?Got the worst ending possible. Oh well.
This is the confusing part about euro trash action games masquerading as rpgs.They are mostly combat focused action adventure games with bad lasts way too long almost beat it but I can say without a doubt it sucks. All fucking rpgs that come out of france and germany are the exact same thing. Technomancer, of orcs and men, elex etc. Run around uninspired maps and beat up mob after mob in a shitty combat system. Out of all these type of game I probably enjoyed deminocon and of orcs and men the most.
I rather see a vampire game done isometric style similiar to underrail. In fact stygs should just make sequel to underrail and toss in vampires. Plot could be something similar to Owari no seraph anime.
A Serb making a vampire game inspired by anime sounds like a Japanese making a samurai game inspired by Beverly Hills Ninja.
This is the confusing part about euro trash action games masquerading as rpgs.They are mostly combat focused action adventure games with bad combat.
It is nothing like bloodlines.It is blood borne lite with floaty animations and unsatisfying weapon feel.Basically all you have to do is dodge and dodge you will considering how easy it is to exploit "dodge,hit,get blood from weapon,hit or heal blood ability,rinse and repeat".This is the confusing part about euro trash action games masquerading as rpgs.They are mostly combat focused action adventure games with bad combat.
I'm a bit confused now. In what I have seen of Vampyr combat looks bad because it's very different from what I am used in Bloodlines or other FPS/TPS games. But some people here claim it's very hard while others claim you can dodge spam to beat each encounter without problems! So what is it? Or do you need to find this dodge trick otherwise it's hopeless?
It takes less 10 minutes because damage is tied to weapons and not level.And you will need to dodge regardless of your level.Plus the game scales enemy levels in areas you have yet to visit compared to your level,so leveling will do jack shit.You can spam dodge and survive a long time(indefinitely) in a fight, the same way you can in any Dark Souls game, it doesn't help you with your boss problem though, does it . It just makes the fight incredibly long and tedious. People who complain about this are just plain retarded, how about you play the game properly and then you wont take 30 minutes to kill Mary.
As for level scaling, enemies scale to a level appropriate for the point in the story you're in, this is to prevent you from never sleeping and never facing consequences of advancing a night. If you don't rest and insist on fighting enemies 10 levels above you I can guarantee you'll have a terrible time since not only do enemies hp and damage increase but also their damage absorption.
The best way to handle leveling/combat is to level up when you see the enemies leveled up.
It takes less 10 minutes because damage is tied to weapons and not level.And you will need to dodge regardless of your level.
You can? How? I've been messing around with a level 50 character but I have to swap out save files every time i wanna try a different build.You can also respec for a small cost.
You can? How? I've been messing around with a level 50 character but I have to swap out save files every time i wanna try a different build.You can also respec for a small cost.
game lasts way too long almost beat it but I can say without a doubt it sucks. All fucking rpgs that come out of france and germany are the exact same thing. Technomancer, of orcs and men, elex etc. Run around uninspired maps and beat up mob after mob in a shitty combat system. Out of all these type of game I probably enjoyed deminocon and of orcs and men the most.
I rather see a vampire game done isometric style similiar to underrail. In fact stygs should just make sequel to underrail and toss in vampires. Plot could be something similar to Owari no seraph anime.