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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War - turn-based 4X from Slitherine


Dumbfuck Bethestard
May 30, 2013
Cradle of Western Civilization
Like last time, my money is still on the Dark Eldar as next faction. I guess we'll find out soon.

Well, you lost your money. Plenty of steam achievements were added related to Adeptus Mechanicus. It is everything but officially announced at this point.


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Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
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A new faction joins the war for Gladius Prime. The Adeptus Mechanicus are an empire within the Imperium, with their own agenda, their own god (‘The Omnissiah’) and their own fanatical purpose—the discovery of knowledge, of technology.


Jan 10, 2011
Same, tough I got to say when you nab one of the roaming Castelian robots, its such a joy to unleash on the rest of the mooks. Now I need to see how well they do in MP.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Played my third full game yesterday evening. Was great fun pushing through a necron enemy with Space Marines.

Then I found a Chaos Space Marine army which already had wiped out the orks with a seemingly endless army of those steel dragon things.

I pushed on them but got wiped out since I couldn't deal with their veterancy ten elite units, the most advanced thing I had was a demolisher at that point.

So, I thought I was for sure done for but the AI proceeded to not take a single resource point or press on my city in any way. I basically had time to research the anti air I had skipped, build armories and start pumping them out which along with a terminator and predator mix was able to roll the map.

So, is it possible to lose this game against AI? It kind of puts me off the idea of playing it again despite it being crazy good fun otherwise.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Not all AI are equal also. I think necrons is a capable one with an op faction, but most dlc ones are on the weak side.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Not all AI are equal also. I think necrons is a capable one with an op faction, but most dlc ones are on the weak side.

Yeah, that could be the case. Still very disappointing, given the deterministic system I thought the AI could have been made extremely competent.

Guess I'll have to try and get some multi action if I am going to play more.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
There isn't a single 4X game that has good AI though.

I don't think I'm being unfair, I've lost plenty of other 4x games to the AI. I reckon the AI not being able to take strategic points or cities is pretty poor.

They are basically just spawning units for you to kill and can't actually play a strategic game at all. Though, as mentioned above maybe it was because the AI for the Chaos Space Marines is just broken.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Try out a tiny map on a high difficulty and you might change your mind in the other direction (that it's impossible to win). I haven't fought against the chaos space marines, though, because the random faction setting never picks DLC races for some reason.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
With a tiny map surely you might as well play Panzer General or whatever other actual wargame no?

It's not so much the difficulty that's the problem it's just that feeling that the AI is incomplete. Still a very fun game.


Jun 7, 2008
Tyrannids mauled me as SM on a very large map with 8 players. Mauled everyone else too.

Haven't got the Adeptus Mechanicus yet. Starting to feel like they're really milking this one. Refuse to get Tau of course but have everything else. Always fun to play.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
New unit pack - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2006870/Warhammer_40000_Gladius__Escalation_Pack/

New unit types for all factions enter the fray with the Escalation Pack.

Each of the new units brings something new to their faction, from exceptional abilities to overwhelming firepower.
Chaos Space Marines - Forgefiend
Fast walker unit with twin rotary guns.

The Forgefiend Daemon Engine was originally devised to sow death amongst enemy forces from afar. Roughly centauroid in form, the torso of the Forgefiend boasts twin weapon-mounts that carry hell-forged parodies of Imperial armaments. The most common Forgefiends are created with pairs of hades autocannons in place of their primary limbs, rotary gun-clusters that allow them to scythe down masses of enemy troops and even lightly armoured vehicles with contemptuous ease.
Tyranids - Hive Guards
Ranged tough infantry unit.

Hive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. Though they have no eyes, Hive Guard possess a weak telepathic ability that allows them to perceive through the senses of other Tyranids, giving them access to a wealth of targeting information that would overwhelm even the most sophisticated technological cogitator. The scant mental capacity apportioned to the Hive Guard means that, without the direction of the Hive Mind, they have been known to stand motionless, waiting for prey to come within range instead of moving forwards to engage.
Adeptus Mechanicus - Skitarii Rangers
Doctrina Imperatives infantry unit with a sniper weapon and move through cover.

Where the Tech-Priests are hunters of knowledge, their Skitarii Rangers are hunters of sentient creatures – the enemies of the Omnissiah in particular. These unstoppable cyborgs do not rest until the bloody deed is done, for they are driven ever onward by the imperative to locate their foes and ensure their destruction. They do this not in Drop Pod strikes launched from above, nor by sudden teleportation into the midst of the enemy, but by stalking their quarry over the course of weeks or even months until it can run no more. Once the designated target is in their crosshairs the air fills with the thump and crackle of galvanic weaponry, even as the Skitarii continue their relentless advance. The stink of electrocuted corpses is never far behind.
Space Marines – Scouts
Infantry unit specializing in reconnaissance and infiltration.

The first the enemy knows of a Scout Squad’s presence is when its advance is brought to a sudden, violent halt. Heads snap back and warriors crumple to the floor, neat holes drilled through their skulls by sniper fire. The sudden boom of shotguns sees foes thrown from their feet with bloody craters blasted in their chests and backs. Bolt pistols bark, counterpointed by the thump of heavy bolter fire and the screams of the dying as enemies caught in the crossfire are torn apart by mass-reactive shells. Even artillery and heavy weapons troopers are not safe, as ambushing Scouts burst from concealment to wreak havoc on the enemy’s rear lines. However a Scout Squad chooses to attack its foes, it will be with total surprise and from an unexpected quarter, their stealth and cunning proving to be just as deadly as bolter and blade.
Astra Militarum – Devil Dog
Fast tank unit with a deadly armour-melting cannon.

Acquiring its name from the high-pitched howl this weapon makes upon firing, the Devil Dog is capable of punching far above its weight in armoured combat. Indeed, many Devil Dog crews style themselves as big game hunters or monster slayers, excelling in the eradication of enemy armour and exceptionally heavy infantry assets. A foe forced to fight protracted campaigns in dense terrain against the Imperial Guard soon learns to dread the hunched silhouette of the Devil Dog – those who don’t soon find their vehicles reduced to molten slag by this aggressive and fast moving tank hunter.
Necrons – Ghost Ark
Transport vehicle with healing abilities.
Ghost Arks are tasked with trawling for remnants of Necrons unable to self-repair. Recovered components are set upon by swarms of constructor scarabs that return the fallen Necrons to full function. Repaired warriors are then locked in stasis until the Ghost Ark is at capacity, at which point it will either return its cargo to their tomb world or else deploy them directly into battle. Ghost Arks are often used as conventional transports that ferry reinforcements into battle – however, they truly come into their own once their grim cargo has disembarked. Drifting behind the ranks of Necrons, the Arks flicker with emerald energies as they repair one fallen foot soldier after another. The enemy can only watch with dawning horror as their best efforts to slay the Necrons are undone.
Craftworld Aeldari – Hornets
Fast reconnaissance skimmer unit.

The Hornet is a small, single-seater attack craft deployed by Aeldari armoured forces in a fast reconnaissance and raiding role. It can be found at the forefront of Aeldari armoured attacks, speeding ahead of the main force of Wave Serpents, often operating alongside other high-speed attack craft such as Jetbikes and Vypers. Even by the Aeldari race's high standards, the Hornet's engine is a wonder of its kind.
Orks - Megatrakk Scrapjets
A metal tube covered in things that make enemies die.

A favourite amongst Speed Freeks and grounded Flyboyz alike, Megatrakk Scrapjets provide rocket-propelled acceleration, impressive firepower and the hilarity of ramming into enemy lines at the helm of what is effectively a gigantic, thrust-driven drill. These vehicles allow former Ork pilots to revel in the dimly-remembered joy of mowing down enemies at point-blank range – a joy which, of course, often caused the Flyboy to crash in the first place. Explosions blossom amidst the enemy as rokkits and missiles collide with their targets, while Grot tail-gunners blaze away with chattering big shootas – the array of weaponry welded, bolted, riveted and lashed onto a Megatrakk Scrapjet is fearsome.
T'au – Tiger Shark
Flying super-heavy fighter-bomber unit equipped with maximum firepower.

The Tiger Shark is a large aircraft deployed in a fighter bomber role. Often encountered flying in support of T'au Hunter cadres during major operations, the Tiger Shark's main role appears to be the deployment of drones although, more recently, those armed with multiple seeker missiles have also been encountered. Efforts by the Adeptus Mechanicus to recover damaged Tiger Shark craft from battlefields have been met by fierce resistance by T'au Empire forces, as well as by certain elements of the Inquisition.


Jun 7, 2008
I don't think you need the dlc. Just a fun fast moving turn based wargame. Very elegant design that really moves along. Since you destroy enemy cities rather than capture them there is no big sprawl/slowdown in the later game unlike your typical 4X which isn't worth finishing.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Is the game any good? Do you need the fucking Pile of dlc to get-the-full-experience™?
The game is very good, yes, one of my favorite 4X games. As for the DLC, it depends. The base game factions are perfectly adequate and can provide quite a lot of entertaining hours. You also have mods on top of that. The first caveat is that perhaps the Astra Militarum are imo somewhat underpowered without the Chimera from the Assault pack DLC, at least in the early game. The second caveat is that it's infinitely better when played against other people rather than the AI. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun and very cool against the AI as well, but the AI is a bit dumb so it gets ridiculous bonuses on higher difficulties. That can make some matchups impossible on certain maps. For example, I'm 99.99% sure you can't win as the Astra Militarum on a small map with regular settings against anyone that isn't another AM faction on ultra hard difficulty and above. I've won an ultra hard game on a small map as the AM against another AM faction, but that's it. You can win on impossible as anyone against anyone else on bigger maps, though, it's just that I'm a sperg and don't want to devote too much time to a single map.

As for the faction DLCs, they are all excellent. I like that the majority of the big factions are represented in-game now. The only ones missing are the Dark Eldar and the Sisters of Battle, but I'm hopeful they'll add them at some point. I believe the only other WH40k game with as many playable factions is Dawn of War. You don't need any of them, but they are definitely worth getting if you like the game. On top of that, they are regularly at -50% off.

TL;DR - get the base game. Buy the DLC if you like the base game.


Jan 10, 2011
SO if the unit pack DLC came out, that leaves the race pack DLC for this year if we go with Slitherines response. I feel Mechanicus and Eldari could use scout-type titans and SM/CSM should have gotten then knights as mercs.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
If I were to guess, the next DLC faction is probably going to be the Sisters of Battle. Battlesector is getting a SoB DLC, so they might use some of the same assets and kill two birds with one stone. I'd be more excited for the Dark Eldar, but the Sisters are cool as well, so it's a win-win regardless.

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