Eh.. the very first Striking Scorpion Phoenix Lord, Arha... joined the Dark Eldar. The current one, Karandras, is not the first Striking Scorpion Phoenix Lord.As it should be. Being space elfs, striking scorpions are gehy. And not even ghey but fun like dark space elfs. Just ghey. Therefore a slow walking very loud walking coffin with guns is inherently superior.hammer and bolter where striking scorpions get outstealthed by a slow walking very loud walking coffin with guns.
Striking Scorpion combat style is actually very very violent and cruel. It's actually the the most skilled close-combat Aspect Warrior. Not the Howling Banshees. Nope, the Striking Scorpion Aspect is the representation of Khaine's wrath. (Banshees instead are about Khaine's ability to cause fear. Remember, the "banshee" is defined in our current reality as a warning of bad things happening soon. And the screaming part is also another banshee horror-theme)
Anyways, Scorpions run around with chainswords. They have tiny blasters on the sides of their helmet that they use intense laser stings as in close combat. They use stealth to kill. And their armor is strong enough to stand up to bolter fire. (<- This is all actually from tabletop rules) Hell they even have SM-like HUDs.
One of the ritual weapons of the Striking Scorpions is.. a power fist with a shuriken catapult on it. (Talon of Horus, anybody?)
Yeah, even Eldar society, even amongst the Aspect Warriors, none are very interested in being a Striking Scorpion or even interact with one. They're literally the scariest, as they are the closest to being "dark side."