I know no one cares, but Chrissakes why does Owlcat hates Ulfar.
He's redundant by the time you have him, with Argenta having the exact same skillset, only you are used to her and they also share the Dogmatic. He has also a terrible pre-made build that makes him perform significantly worse than Argenta. I did heed the counsel of random people and rebuilt him as a Warrior/Archmilitant through toybox, and he performs decently now, but why the fuck do I need a third-party add-on to make a Space Marine (that in tabletop DH and RT are unholy terrors) not suck donkey dick? Did no one even think about his role in a party and redundancy? Why the fuck a SPACE WOLF is not a WARRIOR by default?
Sometimes this game feels like it has been developed by schizos.
He is not a warrior because there are two warriors already but only one soldier.
Also I kept him as a soldier and he does well. Not as well as Argenta true but he lacks items for all his body slots and some are really powerful, like the -50 recoil gloves. Also they gave him a single target only dagger that is supposed to give 1 ap back and let you attack again on kill but that of course does not work :D
But he was useful in boss fights in Act3. Nobody can survive opening salvo of boss so I let the boss down him which is not a problem as he got up 2 turns later.
Also Argenta is not as OP now with burst fire varsatility fix and once other bugs are fixed it should also work better.
In a better balanced and less buggy game he would work better.
Like with Argenta you start with burst, then do single shot and then burst with wildfire. Holy bolt amulet lets her always hit with single shot but it does low damage.
With Ulfgar you open with burst shot with a heavy weapon (you do not need a talent as he he 80+ str), then move into melee to so single melee and move out to do another burst. There is amulet that automatically blinds those that do AoO towards wearer. In theory your action will blind that dude and you can burst him easily. And Ulfgar weapon skill is so good he easy parries AoO.
But that amulet does not work or it only works sometimes..
I think he is worse as warrior. Run and gun also gives him another melee attack but penalty is on BS, not WS. And soldier has critical talents that warriors lack. You are just making him even worse at damage dealing to make him a bit better at tanking when he does not need better tanking. He has basically heavy armor and full dodge already.