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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - turn-based Warhammer 40k RPG from Owlcat Games - now with Void Shadows DLC


Mar 16, 2015
Since I played very very slow I managed to miss all quest and progress bugs others reported. It also helped that I basically didn't use 4 companions so I could not run into their quest bugs.
But one small quest bug I ran into was mid Act 4 when you go talk with Lord Inquisitor and he
recruits you to be his general. I exhausted all conversation options and the last option left was "I do not care, I do not want to do it" LOL.
There was no Dogmatic option to says Yes or something similar. He still told me "I do not care what you think, this was an order" and I was able to continue but some quest triggers were clearly broken here as I was mostly nice to him in Act 2 conversation and even told him I want to join the Inquisition

As for Act 4 itself, now that I am getting to the end of it I must say that content wise it is not bad, I was expecting nothing to do with how others talked about it but with the main quest stuff, rumour hunting and lots of companion quests there was enough content for one Act. Maybe more space battles but I was always max level Navy long time ago and what I had was super easy on Hard so maybe not unless they balance it better.
But the lack of polish is noticeable, Act lacks all the little stuff you can see in the prologue and Act 1 and parts of Act 2 (Act 2 still has polish issues like Kiava Gamma area forever staying Chaos Cultist and lack of new non companion quests to get from your 3 main planets after you deal with their primary crisis).


Sep 22, 2022
I finished last night. I don't doubt the people saying the game is buggy and breaks easily but that was not my experience. I hit a few situations where I had to exit and reload in order to fix minor issues but never had any quests broken or anything like that. After I killed edgelord dark elf in the arena, I did get a dialogue option as if he had given me advice on the ship near the end of Act 3 but he stayed dead in Acts 4 and 5.

My character was split between dogmatic and iconoclast and I think I got the good "does what is best for himself" ending. Colonies got good endings except Kiava Gamma, which was mostly good with caveat. Not sure if I left some looming threat there or if the game was just leaving possibilities open for DLC with that slide. The only faction rep I maxed was imperial navy so the rest of them got neutral endings. Companions got good considering this is Warhammer endings . Jae had some mixed results and I have no idea what I could have done to prevent mysterious rogue trader from destroying her little empire. Who is this supposed to be? I also apparently let Pasqal become a heretic cult leader/potential future threat by allowing him to choose the resolution to his own quest. Not even sure if this is supposed to be a bad ending for him. I've seen another version that was worse.

I was surprised that the non-combat bridge officers got their own slides. I didn't talk to them much and just got neutral results for everyone except for Factotum, who had one of the most positive endings. Also, at some point I started ignoring NOMOS so I didn't get any of his options for the ending, which is fine as I probably wouldn't have messed with that anyway.

Overall lesson is to check in with everyone frequently and ask about their personal lives if you care about ending slides.
I used to click on everyone often and rarely they had anything to say. Only just at start of new act or after doing their companion quest anyone had anything new. Loading tooltip says to talk to character often but that shit lies.
I think I tried to get new info from Vox Master like 20 times, only time he gave me anything was start of Act 4 when he gives you a bunch of rumours and the nothing else later.
In practice, the only time something new appears is after you completed their quest.
Generally, they don't give a damn about what happens during the game.
"You defeated a greater demon? Who cares"
In this regard, Owlcat's games are shit.
There is not the slightest reason why it works the way it does.
Even Bioware games were better at this.

Reactivity in this game is completely non-existent, no matter what you do or the character you create, everyone doesn't give a damn.
Jan 7, 2017
I like how in this game, the only black character engages in TNB

Idira "I'm an unsactioned psyker, but don't you worry, I keep the ruinous powers at bay by abusing malt liquor and crack cocaine", I wonder how that will turn out. Fortunately, she is eventually made good by Argenta.

Also, that all of the fag characters are Eldar or Dark Eldar. Based Owlcat.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
DLC needs more Cassia content


Mar 16, 2015
OK so I jinxed myself with saying I missed major bugs. Now I ran into critical ones, twice in 1h.
This is on Xbox.
First I try to run the game and all I get is black screen instead of loading one. Ok I uninstall and reinstall it.
Then I try to play again and game freezes on colony screen after I opened that screen 2nd time after there was a colony event there. I had to close the game and then it would not load again but crashes before reaching 100% on first screen. Now I've done second reinstall.. wtf is this shit?!
I've tried to play over 50 different games on Xbox, this is 1st one that ever needed to be reinstalled..


Mar 16, 2015
After two reinstalls it seems to work finally :D
Now I've done Pasqal final quest and in last battle Ulfar cleared all enemies with a bit of help from Cassia with her buffs, officer abilities and officer heroic.. felt like a real SM moving through all enemies cleaving with chain sword or blasting with plasma pistol :)
Enforced by no enemies getting a turn lol, felt like that Space Marine magic where they are so fast enemies cannot even react in time :)
Completely busted but also fun lol
I doubt it would look like Hard difficulty to anyone looking at it..


Aug 26, 2012
I got a kick out of Argenta's story arc. Early in the game, she seems almost soft hearted. A few times early on she expresses concern for civilians and kids and such. Even in Act 3, she's naive enough to be completely duped by The Commissar. Then you do her quest and all she cares about is slaughtering heretics. It was nice to see that kind of growth.

The quest itself was a huge letdown though. Real minimal effort put into that one...


Mar 16, 2015
Damage values are ridicilous in Act 4, it was already crazy in Act 3 but wtf.
Enemy damage needs to be cut by 50% but player damage needs to be 1/3 of what it is now. All the talents that stack need some limits like the soldier talent that gives critical damage per hit. Also it is way too easy to achive 100% crit chance, weapon and ballistic skill over 100% needs to give only half its value to crit chance, not full.. and versatility should give +3 or +4 to WS and BS, +5 ramps up way too fast.
And Cassia needs massive nerfs and bug fixes.
And abilities and spells need to follow rules as presented like 1 per round skills need to stop being available as soon as character gets its turn back from some ability in same round..
Even some things like Archmilitant heroic breaks this. For example. You activate it and use your free attack to kill a target that is marked as prey by a party BH with Savour the kill. That BH gets his turn to do his 2 or 3 AP non attack actions but as soon as archmilitant gets its turn back he can do another free attack.. it is busted and stupid..
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Dec 22, 2018
Damage values are ridicilous in Act 4, it was already crazy in Act 3 but wtf.
Enemy damage needs to be cut by 50% but player damage needs to be 1/3 of what it is now. All the talents that stack need some limits like the soldier talent that gives critical damage per hit. Also it is way too easy to achive 100% hit chance, weapon and ballistic skill over 100% needs to give only half its value to crit chance, not full.. and versatility should give +3 or +4 to WS and BS, +5 ramps up way too fast.
And Cassia needs massive nerfs and bug fixes.
And abilities and spells need to follow rules as presented like 1 per round skills need to stop being available as soon as character gets its turn back from some ability in same round..
Even some things like Archmilitant heroic breaks this. For example. You activate it and use your free attack to kill a target that is marked as prey by a party BH with Savour the kill. That BH gets his turn to do his 2 or 3 AP non attack actions but as soon as archmilitant gets its turn back he can do another free attack.. it is busted and stupid..
Of course, agreed on everything, as these are all pretty obvious things. Again, as I said earlier in this thread, it's insane to me that Owlcat let some of this shit go to release, as any mildly experienced player of this type of games, could tell them all that, and massively improve this game in like few fucking hours of work. That's why I doubt if they have anyone remotely competent when it comes to combat, seems like they just were lucky with Pathfinders by mostly just using existing system, while here when they had to actually do more of their own thing, their incompetence became super obvious.

If I was Owlcat, I would immediately hire some autist obsessed with their games like Desiderius, to tell them how to actually do fucking combat that works. They could literally spend few bucks and couple days of work, and avoid going through 4 iterations of the system and it still being fucking retarded :M


Dec 6, 2021
Damage values are ridicilous in Act 4, it was already crazy in Act 3 but wtf.
Enemy damage needs to be cut by 50% but player damage needs to be 1/3 of what it is now. All the talents that stack need some limits like the soldier talent that gives critical damage per hit. Also it is way too easy to achive 100% hit chance, weapon and ballistic skill over 100% needs to give only half its value to crit chance, not full.. and versatility should give +3 or +4 to WS and BS, +5 ramps up way too fast.
And Cassia needs massive nerfs and bug fixes.
And abilities and spells need to follow rules as presented like 1 per round skills need to stop being available as soon as character gets its turn back from some ability in same round..
Even some things like Archmilitant heroic breaks this. For example. You activate it and use your free attack to kill a target that is marked as prey by a party BH with Savour the kill. That BH gets his turn to do his 2 or 3 AP non attack actions but as soon as archmilitant gets its turn back he can do another free attack.. it is busted and stupid..
Of course, agreed on everything, as these are all pretty obvious things. Again, as I said earlier in this thread, it's insane to me that Owlcat let some of this shit go to release, as any mildly experienced player of this type of games, could tell them all that, and massively improve this game in like few fucking hours of work. That's why I doubt if they have anyone remotely competent when it comes to combat, seems like they just were lucky with Pathfinders by mostly just using existing system, while here when they had to actually do more of their own thing, their incompetence became super obvious.

If I was Owlcat, I would immediately hire some autist obsessed with their games like Desiderius, to tell them how to actually do fucking combat that works. They could literally spend few bucks and couple days of work, and avoid going through 4 iterations of the system and it still being fucking retarded :M
The game has a ton of problems that could easily be fixed with a few hours of work. I am 100% certain that the release was suddenly and dramatically shifted to be vastly earlier than most of them were expecting. Maybe they'd been planning to announce a delay for several months, so they were still on an internal timetable of a year+ out, and then in November when the delay was supposed to be announced management suddenly gave them an ultimatum and they had to scramble to release the game in its present state. I don't know, it's impossible to guess the truth (which is why they should make a formal fucking announcement/apology) but any possibility makes more sense than "they genuinely thought this was a release-ready product"


Dec 22, 2023
I revert the choices with Cassia.

Fuck mang, they throw her to all the bad ends, ironically the best end for is a loveless political marriage or
she never marries
Why do you do this, Owlcat?


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
let Pasqal become a heretic cult leader/potential future threat by allowing him to choose the resolution to his own quest
This, like for Cassia's quest, is actually something that changes based on how you've acted around these characters and treated them. Both Cassia and Pasqal have hidden stats that determine their stance during these crucial moments in their personal quests.
I.e. Cassia can be a very aggressive character that enjoys taking charge, telling the Eldar to fuck off during her final quest, or someone who is still looking to find a path to peace and mend the schism created in her house and with the Aeldari that were used for their Atlas.

Same goes for Pasqal, who in my playthrough decided to reject the teachings and willingly format c:'ed himself. Yrliet also has a hidden counter that will define her ending slides and overall stance towards you and your crew.
Fuck mang, they throw her to all the bad ends, ironically the best end for is a loveless political marriage or
I feel like Cassia has 3 pretty decent ending options, all of which are kinda "happy", for it being 40k that is.
She either: 1) marries you but because you're both in positions of power, you barely see each other, 2) you basically part ways, and while not married, neither one of you take on a new partner and still stay in touch, or 3) she doesn't become novator and abandons her house to stay with you, but her mutations are accelerating so she becomes infertile and disappears one night, leaving you a bittersweet lovenote "My love, from our first meeting to our final days together, you were the only morning light that shined in my heart, never fading. You have a life ahead of you — live it happily, for both of us. As for me... I love you endlessly. Yours, Cass."

Overall I'd say all 3 of those are pretty decent. Especially compared to
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Dec 22, 2023
let Pasqal become a heretic cult leader/potential future threat by allowing him to choose the resolution to his own quest
This, like for Cassia's quest, is actually something that changes based on how you've acted around these characters and treated them. Both Cassia and Pasqal have hidden stats that determine their stance during these crucial moments in their personal quests.
I.e. Cassia can be a very aggressive character that enjoys taking charge, telling the Eldar to fuck off during her final quest, or someone who is still looking to find a path to peace and mend the schism created in her house and with the Aeldari that were used for their Atlas.

Same goes for Pasqal, who in my playthrough decided to reject the teachings and willingly format c:'ed himself. Yrliet also has a hidden counter that will define her ending slides and overall stance towards you and your crew.
Fuck mang, they throw her to all the bad ends, ironically the best end for is a loveless political marriage or
I feel like Cassia has 3 pretty decent ending options, all of which are kinda "happy", for it being 40k that is.
She either: 1) marries you but because you're both in positions of power, you barely see each other, 2) you basically part ways, and while not married, neither one of you take on a new partner and still stay in touch, or 3) she doesn't become novator and abandons her house to stay with you, but her mutations are accelerating so she becomes infertile and disappears one night, leaving you a bittersweet lovenote "My love, from our first meeting to our final days together, you were the only morning light that shined in my heart, never fading. You have a life ahead of you — live it happily, for both of us. As for me... I love you endlessly. Yours, Cass."

Overall I'd say all 3 of those are pretty decent. Especially compared to
I actually cheat and up the stats until I see the ending.

No, choice 3 sounds romantic but it's bad for both you and Cassia, like it's some tearjerking visual novel stuff. Seriously
she mutates, has no kids with you and leaves with a tearful note?
, that is terrible mang.

So I revert the options, I think 2 is actually the best way, we have our teenage romances but we grow up and have our own lives instead.


Apr 14, 2018
I revert the choices with Cassia.

Fuck mang, they throw her to all the bad ends, ironically the best end for is a loveless political marriage or
she never marries
Why do you do this, Owlcat?
Her endings are fine if you don't romance her.

But to be honest most of the romance ending sucks. The only exception is Jae. She gets a nice ending with her being your wife(then she get killed by a random new Roge Trader for some reason).


Dec 22, 2023
I revert the choices with Cassia.

Fuck mang, they throw her to all the bad ends, ironically the best end for is a loveless political marriage or
she never marries
Why do you do this, Owlcat?
Her endings are fine if you don't romance her.

But to be honest most of the romance ending sucks. The only exception is Jae. She gets a nice ending with her being your wife(then she get killed by a random new Roge Trader for some reason).
Funny because I hate Jae.
Anyway, yep, just gonna do the noble Novator Cassia ending and hope for the best.

t. simp who wants the best for his gurl


Mar 16, 2015
Damage values are ridicilous in Act 4, it was already crazy in Act 3 but wtf.
Enemy damage needs to be cut by 50% but player damage needs to be 1/3 of what it is now. All the talents that stack need some limits like the soldier talent that gives critical damage per hit. Also it is way too easy to achive 100% hit chance, weapon and ballistic skill over 100% needs to give only half its value to crit chance, not full.. and versatility should give +3 or +4 to WS and BS, +5 ramps up way too fast.
And Cassia needs massive nerfs and bug fixes.
And abilities and spells need to follow rules as presented like 1 per round skills need to stop being available as soon as character gets its turn back from some ability in same round..
Even some things like Archmilitant heroic breaks this. For example. You activate it and use your free attack to kill a target that is marked as prey by a party BH with Savour the kill. That BH gets his turn to do his 2 or 3 AP non attack actions but as soon as archmilitant gets its turn back he can do another free attack.. it is busted and stupid..
Of course, agreed on everything, as these are all pretty obvious things. Again, as I said earlier in this thread, it's insane to me that Owlcat let some of this shit go to release, as any mildly experienced player of this type of games, could tell them all that, and massively improve this game in like few fucking hours of work. That's why I doubt if they have anyone remotely competent when it comes to combat, seems like they just were lucky with Pathfinders by mostly just using existing system, while here when they had to actually do more of their own thing, their incompetence became super obvious.

If I was Owlcat, I would immediately hire some autist obsessed with their games like Desiderius, to tell them how to actually do fucking combat that works. They could literally spend few bucks and couple days of work, and avoid going through 4 iterations of the system and it still being fucking retarded :M
The game has a ton of problems that could easily be fixed with a few hours of work. I am 100% certain that the release was suddenly and dramatically shifted to be vastly earlier than most of them were expecting. Maybe they'd been planning to announce a delay for several months, so they were still on an internal timetable of a year+ out, and then in November when the delay was supposed to be announced management suddenly gave them an ultimatum and they had to scramble to release the game in its present state. I don't know, it's impossible to guess the truth (which is why they should make a formal fucking announcement/apology) but any possibility makes more sense than "they genuinely thought this was a release-ready product"
I do not agree with you considering they told us this is 4th version of their combat system.. this is the best they could come up with lol.. a system where either side wins on turn 1


Dec 22, 2023
Damage values are ridicilous in Act 4, it was already crazy in Act 3 but wtf.
Enemy damage needs to be cut by 50% but player damage needs to be 1/3 of what it is now. All the talents that stack need some limits like the soldier talent that gives critical damage per hit. Also it is way too easy to achive 100% hit chance, weapon and ballistic skill over 100% needs to give only half its value to crit chance, not full.. and versatility should give +3 or +4 to WS and BS, +5 ramps up way too fast.
And Cassia needs massive nerfs and bug fixes.
And abilities and spells need to follow rules as presented like 1 per round skills need to stop being available as soon as character gets its turn back from some ability in same round..
Even some things like Archmilitant heroic breaks this. For example. You activate it and use your free attack to kill a target that is marked as prey by a party BH with Savour the kill. That BH gets his turn to do his 2 or 3 AP non attack actions but as soon as archmilitant gets its turn back he can do another free attack.. it is busted and stupid..
Of course, agreed on everything, as these are all pretty obvious things. Again, as I said earlier in this thread, it's insane to me that Owlcat let some of this shit go to release, as any mildly experienced player of this type of games, could tell them all that, and massively improve this game in like few fucking hours of work. That's why I doubt if they have anyone remotely competent when it comes to combat, seems like they just were lucky with Pathfinders by mostly just using existing system, while here when they had to actually do more of their own thing, their incompetence became super obvious.

If I was Owlcat, I would immediately hire some autist obsessed with their games like Desiderius, to tell them how to actually do fucking combat that works. They could literally spend few bucks and couple days of work, and avoid going through 4 iterations of the system and it still being fucking retarded :M
The game has a ton of problems that could easily be fixed with a few hours of work. I am 100% certain that the release was suddenly and dramatically shifted to be vastly earlier than most of them were expecting. Maybe they'd been planning to announce a delay for several months, so they were still on an internal timetable of a year+ out, and then in November when the delay was supposed to be announced management suddenly gave them an ultimatum and they had to scramble to release the game in its present state. I don't know, it's impossible to guess the truth (which is why they should make a formal fucking announcement/apology) but any possibility makes more sense than "they genuinely thought this was a release-ready product"
I do not agree with you considering they told us this is 4th version of their combat system.. this is the best they could come up with lol.. a system where either side wins on turn 1
That's every good CRPG combat comes down to....I think Wasteland 3 also comes down to alpha strike. As well as Nu-Com.


May 11, 2015
where east is west
and she herself did not know she was comitting heresy.

That's rather the point, isn't it? That's why they have to be so strict with heresy, because people can slip into it without realizing, just by dipping their toes into something that seems innocent at first. That's partly why the whole scenario is so desperately grim and tragic: you think the IoM are "fascists" until you realize the Lovecraftian levels of horror they're up against.

With the lore, what the scenario reminds me of is the concept of "fitness peaks" when people talk about evolutionary biology. Yes, the empire is tired, rigid, sclerotic, authoritarian, unable to innovate, falling into decay, etc., but it's difficult to see what else it could be, because the empire is on a "fitness peak" where they at least have a bag of tricks that enables mankind to survive in an incredibly hostile universe, and while there may be higher fitness peaks over there on the horizon somewhere, there doesn't seem to be any way of getting to them without going down first (i.e. falling apart, to the tune of mass horror and megadeaths), so they're stuck where they are.
Just today I learned that wider population does not even know about Chaos, Chaos Gods and other horrors of the Warp and Inquisition makes sure it stays that way. That makes everything different and IoM is even more fascistic that I assumed, even going into full blown Nacism.
Since people do not even understand anything about the power they are calling and using means they didn't really choose it, they are all just pawns in a greater war. So when whole groups of people get punished for it by the IoM they are not punished for their actions but for their weakness. For not being able to understand and resist something they probably had little chance of resisting.
It is not that different than Nazi goal of removing all weak from their society which included all arians with any kind of sickness or birth defect.
IoM is just working all weak ones to death and only removing them sooner once their "weakness" becomes too much of a problem..
Dude, you're arguing from the wrong foundations here.

This is a setting without justice and without even a telos to it. There are no real innocents, everyone has dirty hands in some way given what is required to keep stuff like chaos at bay.


Dec 22, 2023
I'm not sure where the lore on how people not knowing about Chaos even comes from, it's probably old, but clearly the rabbles in Footfall know what Chaos is, even the pirates talk about being loyal pirates.

What they might not know is xeno though, like the hilarious case in Janus where everyone thinks Eldar are mutants (and Footfall vice-versa).

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