AoS has some neat looking models, but goddamn is the overall aesthetic ruined by Warcraft and generic mobile game fantasy aesthetic.
And I don't know why they can't make an RTS now that has basebuilding. Sure, you have to click more buttons, but the vast majority of the players aren't going to play ranked 1vs1 like a korean chimpanzee. When RTS wasn't a dead genre they used to make fun single player campaigns and didn't fool themselves that everyone was into competitive multiplayer.
And I don't know why they can't make an RTS now that has basebuilding. Sure, you have to click more buttons, but the vast majority of the players aren't going to play ranked 1vs1 like a korean chimpanzee. When RTS wasn't a dead genre they used to make fun single player campaigns and didn't fool themselves that everyone was into competitive multiplayer.