Risk was never mentioned at all in the conversation you're replying to you snarky little shit.
Even so, playing the game by codex recommendation, especially with a melee character, provides a lot more risk than any previous Fallout game or Wasteland 2. I may be wasting my time with a possibly edgy hipster, but it's a solid example of a game where those types of perks can be fun/viable. You're put in low hp situations all the time, and most of the deadliest enemies can outrun you.
The main problem trying to translate the experience is that in turn based you can simply slink away into cover with that ap, kind of ruining the last stand adrenaline rush fight of flight combat, whereas in real time you'd just get shot to shit 90% of the time. Secondly instant heal items, NV items heal over time, so you can't just spam them to get back up to high hp, leaving you in that low hp berserk state a little longer. That gameplay type doesn't work as well with something as strategic as turn based play though.