The more I play Fallout 2 (and overall, my experience with the classics) the less doubts I have Fallout: New Vegas is the greatest Fallout game ever made, by far.
The classics are so flawed in so many ways it just isn't funny. Many technical and gameplay flaws that are so annoying they ruin the experience:
- Inability to open the main menu when enemies are attacking you. This means that you have to potentially wait for 10 very slow turns before you can reload.
- The genius decision to have the health meter go down NEGATIVE values when you are killed, because apparently that is somehow useful for the player and totally not annoying. Plus you can't open the main menu as you are dying, which means you have no option but to weight.
- Companion AI that is extremely retarded and gets killed in the worst ways. Marcus, for example, decided it was a brilliant idea to get extremely close to a turret in the Sierra Army Depot.
- Isometric camera is shit as implemented, plain and simple. If the terrain isn't blocking your view, then it's the NPCs and your companions. I'm playing with the Unofficial Patch and sfall, and the latter allows the player to highlight things on the ground. Extremely useful, because you can't see SHIT on this game.
- Companions that stand in the fucking way. The "push" button isn't a solution, it's a bandaid on a problem that has been solved. You shouldn't need to use the "push" button: companions simply shouldn't get in places that block you from leaving.
- Companions acting on their own as opposed to acting on your orders, which leads to them being retards as usual. I suppose there's no such thing as "barking orders" in real life. The Combat Control menu is barely useful. Wasteland 2 solved this by making companions follow your orders, though they would go rogue from time to time.
- Cumbersome interface. Items are lined up on a column (why?) and trading with your companions is annoying as hell as you have to go through unnecessary options. No weight unit present on items, so you have to right click on them, select the binoculars icon, and only then do you see how much do they weight.
- The stupid hexagonal grid.
- No option to toggle the grid on/off for easier calculation.
- Dialogue barks that usually step onto each other. (Minor complaint, but still annoying)
- In the case of Fallout 2, the well known excessive use of pop culture references. SOME of them are funny, like King Arthur's Knights, but like most of these you HAVE to understand the reference or else they are simply nonsensical. Funny or not, they also took me out of immersion completely.
- Again, in the case of Fallout 2, le wacky quests (Coffin Willie, Lenny, Anna's Ghost, becoming a porn star, among others).
- Fallout 2 overall is a worse game than Fallout because it barely improved on it and it dropped the ball on a lot of things. It was also a precursor of the Bethesda meme of adding lots of pointless items into the game for no reason (loaded dice, dice, cards, marked cards, condoms (useful in one quest only IIRC), flower, and other crap).
So yeah. Fallout: New Vegas remade in the style of Wasteland 2 (but with the polish of Pillars of Eternity/Tyranny when it comes to gameplay and graphics), with expanded and finished content, would be the GOAT Fallout without a shadow of a doubt.
It already is the GOAT with JSawyer's mod, but I guess some assholes need isometric in their lives to like Fallout. So the accurate chart is:
Fallout: New Vegas (JSawyer's mod) >>> Fallout >>> Fallout 2