I didn't like NV, still surprised at all the love for it on codex. Here's how it works in my mind.
NV is just an action shooting game, it may be a bit deeper than others, but as an overall experience it was barely any different from playing Fallout 3 or 4, or Borderlands for that matter. Yeah it might have more choices with dialogue and stuff, but none of that was significant enough for it to make me feel like I am playing an RPG. I am still roaming with a gun, getting ambushed by bandits etc. I still had a quest to go and kill some baddies in some camp surrounded by iron fences. To me it doesn't feel much different to Stalker, yet I had a lot more fun in the Stalker games.
The problem I have with NV is the same as all the Bethesda games. They are trying to be action games, yet the action isn't fun enough. I had way more fun getting ambushed in Stalker because the AI was better, the enemies were generally harder so I used to shit myself whenever I got attacked, every bullet mattered, etc.. It was more hardcore and more intense. None of that was true in NV, I had plenty of ammo, I had a huge arsenal of weapons, and yet never had fun with any of them because I never had a reason to use them. I use to always try to kill stuff with my most basic gun, a basic rifle. If I was struggling I would run backwards and dig out an assault rifle, or machine gun or something. If that failed, I would go to my minigun, lazer minigun, grenades, rocket launchers etc. The problem is... I never got to that point. So I completed the game with a million rockets, grenades, and all kinds of stuff that I never needed. For actual gunplay, nothing beats playing Duke Nukem 3d and hearing my friends screaming obscenities at me because they ran into my lazer trip bombs. The Bethesda games (and NV) are not fun enough to do that.
Yet it doesn't work as a tactical RPG either.
So for me there would be no point trying to work out all the things it did wrong because there were too many. I didn't even enjoy the story. I completed it, did very few side quests because the ones I did do were boring. Vegas itself felt small and crap. If I am gonna play a shooter I'd rather play Blood Money or Halflife 2 episodes or something that at least has some real gameplay. If I am going to play a tactical RPG I'd rather play Blackguards, Jagged Alliance, etc. This half and half shit doesn't work. I guess it could work if it was made by a genius team with a big budget and the willingness to make a great game, but none of the Bethesda (or NV) games are even close to that.
p.s. also the very fact that it is balanced for different play styles ruins it. How it should work, is that I go into a building with my rifle, shoot a few guys up on the balcony, then a bunch of guys come out the doors on the ground floor and shoot at me. So I duck behind a statue or something and whip out my minigun. I mow them all down. But then some big killer robots show up, so I whip out my rocket launcher, and blast them and half the building the pieces. But these games don't work like that because the high end weapons have to made weak enough that if someone focuses entirely on playing as a Gatling Lazer Gun Guy or a Rocket Launcher & Explosives guy, they wont breeze through the game. But that means for me, a normal person who focuses on rifles or whatever, the few oh shit moments are ruined because I can't use my rocket launcher to save the day, because it is weak and has bad aim and whatever else. It is the opposite to how good FPSs work because in those games you save your big weapons for big oh shit moments, and when that happens, they do enormous damage. Anyone old enough to remember the BFG9000 from doom? But you don't get to enjoy that in these types of games because they had to balance the BFG9k for people who want to only play with that.
Also, grenades and explosives are generally shit in games. The only time I enjoyed them as much as I should, was in the first Sniper Elite game. You had great scripted missions and one of them has you sneak into a camp in the middle of a city, and kill a bunch of enemy soldiers and snipers. But once you do that, a cutscene plays and says the enemy know you are there, and they are sending tanks and a huge number of troops to kill you. All those guys vs you... The plus side is you are in a good defensive location, they are advancing to you, and you have a huge pile of anti personnel mines, anti tank mines, trip wires, grenades, etc. So you get 5 minutes to prepare and set up all your lols traps for the nazis and then hide and watch the carnage. That's how explosives should be in a fun game.
Again, none of these games work like that, because they are trying to do too much and doing a shit job of everything.