Complete the game, and then start rattling your bone-box.
Fair enough. I will refrain from doing so in the future. However, allow me to point out a few things here in my defense:
1) I made it to level 34 this playthrough, and at least 30 the first time I tried it. (First game I'm pretty sure I stopped after spending some time in Qintarra). My playing style is to always complete every side quest possible before progressing in the main quest. Which means that other than the main quest, there ain't that much left. Looking at a few different walkthroughs, I'd say I've made it through at least two thirds of the content of the game. And in -that- portion of it... no, I didn't see any great roleplay. Lots of other aspects were good to great, but dialogue and roleplay weren't one of 'em. -Story- isn't bad, I've been told there's some good twists in it that improve it, and I'm more than willing to give benefit of the doubt on that one based on what people have said, but I think at level 34 it's too late to start feeling like I can give my character much of a personality, thus salvaging the roleplay aspect.
I'd also like to point out that I said a lot of -good- things about Arcanum without finishing the game too. For all I know, the character development options get weaker in the endgame. That didn't stop me from giving it kudos for what I've experienced in my first 34 levels either. I was hardly inconsistent or looking to bash it. I gave both the good and bad out of my experience with the first 2/3 of the game. I think that's fair, and I think two different playthroughs where I got to 30+ levels is enough to have an opinion.
2) There's enough characters in Arcanum that have depth, e.g. Virgil has three different personalities, his character development completely depends on your actions. Did you know that? Then there's also Magnus, Torian Kel, Raven, Z'an Al'urin, etc, they also interact with other NPCs and comment on some areas/situations. And if you're a fan of romances, you can do that with Raven.
I knew about all that from the walkthroughs, yes. Magnus so far has had a little input, yes, and no one's contesting that Virgil seems to have decent content, but I -did- say that "other than 3 or 4 they have no content". Your response has been "Well, did you know about the three or four?" Um, yes. You're adding an "etc." in that paragraph that isn't warranted, you basically scraped the barrel in what you listed there. Again, 3 or 4 remotely fleshed out characters out of 28 isn't exactly "zomg awesome roleplay". I will finish the game someday, and judge for myself, but I think it's very fair to say that every single NPC in BG2 got -far- more fleshed out than pretty much everyone in Arcanum except Virgil, and I'm guessing it's roughly equal with him.
The writing in Arcanum is pretty solid. At least it doesn't feel infantile and unnecessary long-winded. Really, what else did you expect? Interparty banter?
Um. Yes. I enjoy it. It gives characters a kind of depth (you know, like being aware of the world around them, rather than just being pack mules and/or combat drones) that is very hard to pull off any other way. Lots of other people appreciate it too.
Personally, I find it extremely annoying (LOL STOP LOOKING AT MY ASS YOU SKULL).
That's not what I'm referring to as interparty banter. That's just little sound files that play every so often. What I'm referring to as interparty banters in PS:T usually involved around 5 or 6 lines of dialogue going back and forth between two and sometimes three party members. In BG2, there were more of them and more detailed even than PS:T. And in fact, the banters in PS:T weren't any "deeper" than those in BG2... the interparty banters in PS:T were pretty much strictly humorous. PS:T's depth was found elsewhere. As far as interparty banters goes, I think PS:T and BG2 were roughly equal, and PS:T stays even only because of the wonderful voice acting (as -all- of PS:T's banters were 100% voiced, I think BG2's were only partially so).
In any case, I would refrain from bashing a game I've not played through.
I analyzed, and gave both the good and bad, I didn't "bash". And I think my analysis was fair. The dialogue in Arcanum wasn't -awful-. But it wasn't as good as BG2's. Which you may think is some huge insult, but I don't. It's only an insult if you buy the whining and bitching about how godawful BG2 was by people who clearly are talking trash out their ass because they seem to have some bizarre emotional investment in the ludicrous idea that your first dialogue with Minsc in Irenicus's dungeon is representative of every dialogue in the game.