I guess following the majestic expereince I had with Silent Hill 2, I was hoping for the same with 3 and 4. 3 felt like the safest entry in the series. It checked all the boxes. It was what I expected, gameplay wise, but the story was a huge letdown. However, the music, the tone, the art, the oppresiveness of the otherworld was harrowing. Silent Hill 4 was the experimental one. What I hated most about it was the inventory syste. Basically you have to travel back to the same hub to dump/retrieve items (of which you can only carry ten and they don't stack). This probably takes up 1 hour of your playtime. The game has fewer puzzles but they're well done. The monsters were the weakest in this entry. I like how focused the story is on its antagonist, who is a victim really, and it's interesting to see that you're encountering his demons in the otherworld. Henry is more of a blank slate, which makes him the weakest character. The star of 4 is easily Walter Sullivan. Now onto some favorite moments:
This screenshot constitutes one of my favorite moments of the entire series. Next to the wheelchair is an elevator with a gaping hole. You dread getting closer to it, fearing something is going to come at you. But nothing does.
The storeroom is another fantastic example of the horror that typifies the series.
Silent Hill 4 has good backtracking (run through the same levels but encoutnering new problems. The escort mission does get tiresome, but not as much as having to go back and forth to the hub. I loved this little moment from the hospital world. Again, I love how the series gives you the space to interpret without having the need to attack everything.
Love this tune from the final part of 4
All in all I really enjoyed them, in spite of the clunky combat, in spite of 4's asinine inventory system. Looking forward to the non-Team Silent outings.