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What game are you wasting time on?


Sep 6, 2022
Playing AVP 2 my niggas.
Great game, though this one is more story focused and not as tense as the original AVP.
Predator campaign is my favorite.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
I played the System Shock Remake demo and it surprised me, since I go into everything expecting to be bored in 5 minutes. But the level has me intrigued enough to boot up the demo a few more times.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Finished Hedon: Bloodrite. I'll copy my Steam review.

First things first: this is NOT a boomer shooter. It has boomer shooter elements, but it is not one. There's no boomer shooter that has such massive maps, so much emphasis on platforming and puzzle solving, so much dialogue and story elements. If you go into this game expecting a 1:1 boomer shooter, you are in for disappointment as you find yourself backtracking huge maps looking for the next item that unlocks progress. Hunting for keys and keycards in classic shooters got nothing on this game.

That said.

I enjoy the game. It has big maps, characterization, very interesting puzzles and challenges, and requires you to think things through to proceed. The first map is probably the worse I've played in any shooter ever: it's long, convoluted, and ultimately boring. But the game slowly gets better, and as you get used to how the game works in relation to standard boomer shooters, it gets more enjoyable.

The game's greatest strength is its ambition, which at the same time is its greatest weakness. You have loads of inventory items, but managing so many is very cumbersome, as GZDoom is not designed with this in mind. The maps are huge, but the GZDoom wireframe map is rather useless and you can get lost easily because of how many layers of altitude the maps have.

The backtracking can get on your nerves in the larger levels, as it is not always immediately obvious what you need to do to proceed: in a boomer shooter you know encountering a red-locked door means you need a red key/card. In Hedon, it's most likely you need to acquire three other keys before you get the key necessary to unlock this door. Some of the puzzles are obtuse, and you may not be aware you need to solve a puzzle at all. Some of the secrets are far easier to get than knowing how to proceed in the campaign. And the game has far, far too much platforming for my taste, with death pits or otherwise cumbersome "make a 20 second climb and try again" sections that encourage quicksaving.

But overall, I recommend it just because of how unique an experience it is. Just remember this is not a boomer shooter but an action-adventure FPS and you'll be good to go.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I beat the "main game" of Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi. There's post-game stuff, but I will save that for another time. It's a pretty straightforward dungeon crawler, with a six man party, and turn-based combat. In general, I like it, but I think there wasn't much enemy variety. Challenge wise, it was fairly easy, but I read that the post-game stuff is where it truly gets tough. Some good tunes, and the atmosphere was good. The story, I won't actually know until I beat the rest of the content.

Heroes of Might and Magic III is done, and I am now on Armageddon's Blade. While I slightly prefer the main game, this is still fun. Bloated stacks, and some maps being so-so. The walls of text every now and then is also unnecessary. Main game conveyed everything much smoother. All in all, still top tier stuff.


Sep 6, 2022
I'm hoping they go into what became of Leandros. Squealing Chapter business to the Inquisition can't have gone down well.
He is going to appear in the game, but they didn't say in what context.
99% chance of having fallen to chaos. Space marine plots are not known for their surprises.
His blind adherence to the Codex Astartes makes that rather unlikely.
More than likely he got his dumbass killed or something...
Retards like Leandros tend not to last long, even if they are Space Marines.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
His blind adherence to the Codex Astartes makes that rather unlikely.
More than likely he got his dumbass killed or something...
Retards like Leandros tend not to last long, even if they are Space Marines.

The other 1% is that he's the one who got promoted because of drama points. If they haven't mentioned who got promoted, this becomes much more likely.

It's not even bad writing, it's just overdone. Still can be good.

Whatever, I will probably buy this game at some point but it's not a D1P for me.


May 3, 2017
"Looks like I've got some things to do."

Now I know that Spyro has the lamest first line of a video game protagonist ever.

I've never played a game structured like this. There's no hub and it's not linear. You just keep warping into different areas that are connected like a spiderweb. Interesting. Connections seem impossible to keep track of in head. Edit: Oh, each world does have a hub. Didn't have that impression at first.

Enjoy the simplicity.

Music's decent. Mellow.

L2 and R2 rotate the cam. Big miss not letting player center it behind by pressing both.
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May 3, 2017
Charge/sprint with left button, best for metal enemies.
Blow fire with right button, best for soft enemies.
Glide by holding jump.
Roll left and right with bumpers, which I haven't put to use.
Rotate cam with triggers.

Burn these weird looking chickens (Everything looks cubic and charmingly weird.) to feed butterflies to your firefly, who then takes damage for you.

Simple. No upgrades, not needed.

A few fun flying levels to break up the ground gameplay.

I know that if they made this game now for the first time it would be over-designed (with either too many systems or far higher difficulty, since everyone wants to be FromSoftware), even from a smaller studio, and most indies can't because they don't have the money for a serious soundtrack. The squeezing and deforming of characters is above almost all indies too, despite it being 26 years old, because money.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
I've been playing some Arcanum with a Chad Dwarf Technologist character.
Pyrotechnic Axe and high Strength go BRRRRRRRRRRR.
"I hit you 3x for 3x 70 damage!!!"
- tech guy with pyro axe

"I hit you 20 times for 20x 30 damage."
- magic guy with dagger of speed and +dex sustain.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I've been playing some Arcanum with a Chad Dwarf Technologist character.
Pyrotechnic Axe and high Strength go BRRRRRRRRRRR.
"I hit you 3x for 3x 70 damage!!!"
- tech guy with pyro axe

"I hit you 20 times for 20x 30 damage."
- magic guy with dagger of speed and +dex sustain.
"I'll hit till you're dead. Can't count more than ten anyway"
t. Barbarian


Jul 3, 2007
Playing some Tropico 4 since GOG is currently giving it away for free, and I haven't played any Tropico game past the original one back in the day.

Is it worth picking up the dlc bundle, it's on a 50% discount right now?


Sep 6, 2022
I've been playing some Arcanum with a Chad Dwarf Technologist character.
Pyrotechnic Axe and high Strength go BRRRRRRRRRRR.
"I hit you 3x for 3x 70 damage!!!"
- tech guy with pyro axe

"I hit you 20 times for 20x 30 damage."
- magic guy with dagger of speed and +dex sustain.
Dagger of speed is for pansies.
Just two or three good hits from a Pyrotechnic Axe will drop most things dead...

Unkillable Cat

May 13, 2009
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy
Finished Mega Man 5.

It almost had it. Someone finally paid attention, learned from past mistakes and tried to avoid them, while adding new things to the game. So close to being a winner, but then the stages past the Robot Masters cast a shadow on it all.

I figured that the decline of good thematic Robot Masters was inevitable, that it was only a downwards line. I was wrong. MM 5's Robot Masters aren't that silly... except for Charge Man being a literal train and Gyro Man being a literal helicopter... but on the other hand, they're robots made to be like vehicles. That's at least a logical progression. *hums Transformers theme*

That said, I'm torn on the new weapons. Charge Kick makes the slide an offensive action, but it's only useful for one Robot Master. Gyro Attack is a slightly-nerfed Metal Blade, but a slightly nerfed Metal Blade is still really good. But the Rush-weapons got nerfed hard, Rush Coil just don't work anymore and Rush Jet has no guidance. Fortunately there's a Super Arrow which goes a long way towards replacing them.

There's fewer 'gotcha'-scenarios during the Robot Masters-stages (except for Napalm Man's stage) but instead there are gimmicks. Less gravity, inverted gravity, a vehicle-section, vertical obstacle courses, and more. This makes the stages feel fresh and challenging and in a fair manner.

The concept of hidden collectables, introduced in MM 4, is expanded upon. The letters that spell out the name of the game are now scattered across the eight Robot Master-stages. Collect them all, and a new and somewhat unique weapon becomes available. +M

One stage puzzled me: The Stone Man-stage. In it are hidden rooms that can be found by blasting away hidden walls. I found three such rooms: One contained the hidden letter, another contained a couple of power-ups... but the third only had some enemies and a couple of fatal pits. What's the deal with that room?

A victim of MM 5's "fresh approach" is the music. It's not bad, but it's not outstanding good either. So far every Mega Man game had at least one ace tune, but MM 5 seems to be going for all-round average.

But once the Robot Masters are cleared, it's time for the obligatory fortress-stages... except something went Wrong here. Back are the 'gotcha'-challenges, back are the flickering slowdowns, and the fortress-bosses... what the hell is with them?

Overall, despite its shortcomings, MM 5 rises above all the other Mega Man-games except 2, and it's not far behind it.

On to Mega Man 6...
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Unkillable Cat

May 13, 2009
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy
I feel I should mention this right away, after a quick look at Mega Man 6: It has no official PAL-release so I'm stuck with the NTSC-version, which plays notably faster. On the upside I finally seem to have gotten the hang of things, and don't feel like a game journalist while playing Mega Man. Another upside is that there's far less flickering about, but that may change.

But I look at the screen with the Robot Masters, and they are so goofy and terribad that I want to stop playing. Only one of them (Plant Man) even makes any kind of sense thematically, but he looks like a clown. The others are so esoteric or repeated in their themes that they might as well be memes.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
I've been playing some Arcanum with a Chad Dwarf Technologist character.
Pyrotechnic Axe and high Strength go BRRRRRRRRRRR.
"I hit you 3x for 3x 70 damage!!!"
- tech guy with pyro axe

"I hit you 20 times for 20x 30 damage."
- magic guy with dagger of speed and +dex sustain.
Dagger of speed is for pansies.
Just two or three good hits from a Pyrotechnic Axe will drop most things dead...
Except the dagger clears the whole screen. It is a weapon of mass destruction :lol:


Sep 6, 2022
I've been playing some Arcanum with a Chad Dwarf Technologist character.
Pyrotechnic Axe and high Strength go BRRRRRRRRRRR.
I should've also mentioned that I am using grenades.
Explosive grenades sell for quite a nice sum of money and they are rather cheap to make (Explosive powder + Metal cans).
Stun grenades are OP, as they always were.

Dynamite can be real fun, you can do all sorts of shenanigans with it.


Jul 16, 2009
I tried chess after I didn't touch these for several decades. And now I'm undefeated champion against stockfish level 2 who won all games I played so far.

After I won I actually noticed I didn't move some pieces at all. Does doing castle counts as moving figurines? Because if not I didn't move 9 figurines during play. My black peons were happily watching stuff from back line.

Unkillable Cat

May 13, 2009
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy
Dynamite [in Arcanum] can be real fun, you can do all sorts of shenanigans with it.

You reminded me of one of my most memorable gaming moments: While playing Fallout 2, I realized I could plant live explosives on other people using the Thief-skill, and get away with murder.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017


Jul 16, 2009
Dynamite [in Arcanum] can be real fun, you can do all sorts of shenanigans with it.

You reminded me of one of my most memorable gaming moments: While playing Fallout 2, I realized I could plant live explosives on other people using the Thief-skill, and get away with murder.
Then they removed explodable thieving children from game.
Only in Europe because the Eurotards there complained.
I got tag childkiller, and I lived in Europe when I played it. Also I got gravedigger, and scourge of wastes tags.

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