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What game are you wasting time on?


May 3, 2017
I'm impressed by how gradually the land is changing to desert (in the background). Being heading west through this dry area for a while.

Really is a shame that there's nothing but the shrine orbs and seeds to find in the world. Nothing that permanently helps you, I mean. I don't even bother with many of the chests.

Don't need the camera and first-person zoom feature. Could have kept just the cam and instead used R3 to switch targets, like L3 in Devil May Cry.



Nov 25, 2020
Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
I just started Dominions 6. It seems good but I don't really know what I'm doing yet.
Nobody does at first. Play some couple games against easy AI to explore and do weird shit, and feel free to ask about in the dedicated thread since we're lucky to have many great and active players here on the Codex.


Nov 25, 2020
Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
(I suppose it's art imitating life, once you have your sails set and are on correct course, not much else to do on a boat but get hammered and go to sleep. Maybe fish).
Wait, there is no drift or changing wind in this game ?
Also how long takes the average trip ?


Oct 26, 2008
Wait, there is no drift or changing wind in this game ?
Well, I admit a bit of a hyperbole on my part. There is drift and changing wind of course (only thing it doesn't simulate is high tide/low tide, but I've seen a mod do it).
So, you can wake up and find out you're on a sandbar (which is a bitch to get off, having to push the boat off by hand. I'm eyeballing the anchor mod which lets you toss it around and use it for maneuvering because od this),
or you hit a rock (no damage is implemented thankfully, I've been... rather enthusiastic in my port approaches),
or you wake up and the changing wind has spun you way out of course (or you forgot to lock the rudder) and set you back.
Yeah, on some waters you will want to properly moor if you want to sleep (not sure if it's a bug, but the game threw me off the boat once) and pay attention.

This also depends on the sail setup (some require more attention than others), I could easily sleep and sail on the basic cog, but once I switched to different setup based on a large lateen sail
for main propulsion and a small brig square sail at the front. I really like now they play together, if I ever get caught upwind, I can manipulate the rudder and the square can push the boat
towards a more "legit" angle for the lateen to get going again. And downwind, the motherlover just goes. Nearly cut down my travel time by half on some routes,
but needs constant attention and course adjusting.

It also depends on the region. The one labelled with hard difficulty has winds changing all the time and frequent storms, I also swear the game can sense your destination and will
summon the most obnoxious wind there is. The other archipelagos seem to have more stable weather patterns.

Now, that said, when you have everything set, the course and the sails, and the weather is also good...
I once hit the hammock and woke up with the bow casually boinking against the harbor.
But when shit hits the fan, you get into a storm or near a harbor with a tricky approach, the game will want your full attention.

Also how long takes the average trip ?
Average trip length depends. In a densely packed archipelago like Al'Ankh (african/arabian themed) you just might hit two islands per day, inshallah.
In Astrin (europe/mediterranean themed), the islands are more or less one day apart from each other, and if the winds are favorable you can make the trip in half day.
If the winds and tides get really bad, the same trip in the opposite direction might even take me twice as long.

You can easily plan out routes in any way you want, longer ones obviously pay more, so it's entirely up to you how you optimize your earnings.
Each archipelago has its own "ecosystem" of sorts, with some routes being more optimal than others. Learning it is part of the fun.

The game has basic survival elements, as in you need to watch the three bars for rest/drink/food. It's very basic and serves its function well - you need plan for provisions
and rest time or else you pass out and get towed back to the nearest port, this loses some money in the process, but the cargo should be intact, I think?
I only lost some things when I foolishly set out into the open waters with no prep and considered it a fair punishment.
It's not incredibly tedious, only thing you need to really be careful for is water cause it depletes the fastest and immediately knocks you out.

Another thing entirely is taking the high seas to sail between archipelagos (the three starting locations and a few other locations to discover)
this easily take a week or more and needs lots of prep and skill.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 16, 2012
Finished Dark Messiah. What a waste of time and 21pln. And I don't care if the game combat system is a bit less shit on higher difficulties. It's still a bunch of crude gimmicks sugaring a shitty campaign.

Trying to get into the first Dark Sun game now.


Jun 26, 2024
Got to the second episode of Postal Brain Damaged. The game itself is meh, but man (or DUDE, should I say) did they make the BOOM-sticks sound and feel fine in this game. It's almost on a Killing Floor level.



Jan 9, 2017
Finished Children of Morta base game, now I'm trying out the extras (family trials or whatever it's called). It was kickstarted about 10 yrs ago and the developers seem to be a bunch of Iranians. It's better than what I've expected, the pixel art is nice and there's a nice variety in characters (you're not bound to any one in a campaign, but rather pick one for each dungeon run based on the mechanics of it's enemies and the boss). My only real complaints is that the base game could be a bit longer and micromanaging a buffed up character with all the shortcuts is a mess.


May 3, 2017
On that little island where all your equipment is taken away and you have to gather three orbs. Nice, Link stubs his toe when kicking a chest open without bottoms.

I used a metal chest to electrify enemies with thunder.

Last edited:

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
I started Betrayer. It's very CRPG like but plays awkwardly with a controller so I dropped it for now. If you like open world exploring with dangerous enemies and a heavy horror vibe give it a go for sure.

Death's gambit is free on Epic (use a non-epic launcher) and it's a solid metroidvania soulslike. You drop your estus shards when you die rather than souls. Game is heavily focused around weapon skills and hitting enemies to build up mana/adrenalin to do huge damage is neat. Getting new abilities for your weapons is a pain though. I want to switch to a new weapon type but I lack any damage skills for them. Kinda sucks but I'll find something sooner or later.

Started a Dark souls 3 randomizer and I've had the worst boss luck possible. Pontiff replacing Vordt is very difficult.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Finished Castlevania Chronicles (2001), no save states. What a bitch of a game.
Also finished Shantae (2002). Also a bitch of a game, but for different reasons.

  • Great animations.
  • Cute set of characters.
  • Shantae's butt.
  • Transformations that unlock new paths.
  • Combat is trash, with your attacks having very little range and enemies being HP sponges.
  • During nights, their HP grows even more.
  • Very little sense of direction in the overworld.
  • No dungeon minimap makes navigating them a nightmare.
  • Certain parts are horribly designed, including the final boss that, althought not as hard as some of Castlevania's, manages to be much more infuriating.
  • Cramped Game Boy Color screen.
Overall :2/5:


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
I just finished Fallout: NV and its DLC after 120 hours. It was a great game and I heavily modded it. I included a full review of it on one of the official F:NV threads but its gets a solid 75/100 on the " BruceVC game rating system"

Now Im playing Sunless Skies and Im loving it. I played Sunless Seas and this is similar. Its harsh and unforgiving and its easy to starve or get killed

I also enjoy the whole RNG design and how the maps change and how you get different directions to ports so you need to explore


Feb 10, 2018
Attempted to continue wasting my time on Crystal Project and found that i don't want to play it anymore.
Not like i think this game is bad or anything, just got completely burned out of it after 20+ hours of playing.

Tried a bunch of demos of games that looked interesting to me, already shared my thoughts on Depersonalization here. Will definitely be trying the full version.

There is -30% discount currently.

Another demo is Worshippers of Cthulhu which is pretty much Anno but you're running a colony of sacrifice happy cultists.

Demo ends right at the moment when you're about to unleash your first demon on the neighborhood island :argh: .
Not as mechanically complex as something like Captain of Industry but the presentation is pretty neat(except for the opening cinematic with artstyle that doesn't fit the rest of the game).


May 3, 2017
I can't even criticize Darksiders for automatically turning the character towards enemies when you attack because they almost ALL do it. But I will anyway. It's lame! 2D games didn't do this. Why do all devs think melee in 3D is so much more complicated that the targeting needs to be done for the player?

Known about this game almost since it came out, but generic, simple look of the gameplay and hideous World of Warcraft art direction turned me off until today when I was very bored. I was correct.

Don't know what's going on. Started with so much fighting and chaos that by the time my character had lost and started talking, I wasn't paying attention anymore.

Will probably try some more. Well, maybe. Overrated. The Japanese are so much better at this.

Unkillable Cat

May 13, 2009
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy
Finished Mega Man 4.

Can't say I was impressed. Clearly they've shifted from squeezing as much content into the game, into making the game look more presentable. Henceforth we get a nice intro and outro, a nice 'Weapon Get'-screen, and some more snazzy effects.

Unfortunately this comes at the cost of gameplay. Despite MM 4 adding some new tricks, every care is taken to make each of these tricks as painful as possible. Charging up the Mega-Buster is a nice addition, but instead enemies are introduced where split-second timing with charged shots is necessary... and the game's incessant flickering due to overload isn't helping on that front. New elements in platforming are met with the same obsession of having large jumps merge with enemies sliding into view as the game scrolls, meaning even more 'gotcha'-attempts. Drill Man's stage is ESPECIALLY bad at this.

And then there are the Robot Masters. The themes felt kinda silly in MM 3, in MM 4 the themes form a circus. At least the levels are more theme-consistent this time, and I enjoyed the stages of Pharaoh Man and Skull Man, as they strike a good balance between theme, challenge and novelty. But I was more saddened by the rehashed material: Bright Man is Flash Man from MM 2 (with added Mega Buster action), Ring Man is Quick Man from MM 2 (with Metal Man's color palette), Dust Man is an inverted Air Man from MM 2 and Skull Man is Wood Man from MM 2. Toad Man deserves special mention for two reasons: A good player can completely prevent him from firing his weapon, and his weapon has the weakest rate of fire of them all - but it guarantees hits, no aiming required. Truly an original weapon, which sadly gets no love except for taking out Bright Man.

The audio - why, oh why did they stretch out the time it takes for a boss's health to fully charge? The sound playing is painful enough as is, now we have to put up with it for 5 seconds?

But it's not all bad. Both the Dr. Cossack-stages and the subsequent stages are fun and challenging, but I have to admit I'm getting tired of constantly cycling through all the weapons to find which ones work against each boss. That's an inherent Mega Man-problem, so I can't really bitch much about that. The Mac-stage brought a smile to my face, as well as seeing Macs with snorkels when underwater.

One thing I want to bring up is a single line in the game's manual: "As he blows these robotic rebels into oblivion, Mega Man may find a variety of special items to aid him in his journey." What this line fails to mention is that there are hidden sections in some of the levels, which may include extra goodies, including NEW WEAPONS! This adds a new layer to the Mega Man-games, as exploring is now encouraged, as shown in the last two sequels (more on that later).

Overall, MM 4 comes slightly ahead of MM 3, which comes slightly ahead of MM 1, but none of them are within reach of MM 2.

I'm getting kinda tired of these games, but I think I'm past the worst.

On to (sigh) Mega Man 5.


Aug 1, 2013
Anything to look forward to in the next few weeks?
Most looked foward to game is Space Marine 2, which is set for early September.
Was not impressed by it, to be honest.
Also was Titus demoted?
I think so.
Yes, he used to be a captain. But the Inquisitor who took him along at the end of the first game considered Space Marines to be abominations and held Titus prisoner for a while, and when he was freed there were no records of Titus being an Ultramarine. So in shame he joined the Deathwatch as a Blackshield (those who abandoned his chapter for a variety of reasons) for a while, but when the Ultramarines rediscovered him they revealed that they struck him from the record out of shame for their own failing to get him back. So now Titus is back, was turned into a Primaris Marine and is going to have to prove himself once again (because he went missing someone else was promoted) to the Ultramarines.


Sep 6, 2022
Anything to look forward to in the next few weeks?
Most looked foward to game is Space Marine 2, which is set for early September.
Was not impressed by it, to be honest.
Also was Titus demoted?
I think so.
Yes, he used to be a captain. But the Inquisitor who took him along at the end of the first game considered Space Marines to be abominations and held Titus prisoner for a while, and when he was freed there were no records of Titus being an Ultramarine. So in shame he joined the Deathwatch as a Blackshield (those who abandoned his chapter for a variety of reasons) for a while, but when the Ultramarines rediscovered him they revealed that they struck him from the record out of shame for their own failing to get him back. So now Titus is back, was turned into a Primaris Marine and is going to have to prove himself once again (because he went missing someone else was promoted) to the Ultramarines.
All because of that useless cunt Leandros...


May 3, 2017
I wish Zelda's world were more European again. The Chinese dragons with Chinese violin are so weirdly placed. Remember feeling that during the heroic moments of Tears of the Kingdom's ending as well. When Chinese violins invaded the old Zelda theme music.


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