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What game are you wasting time on?


Feb 10, 2018


Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I've been on a From Software kick recently. First the Elden Ring DLC, then Sekiro, and now I'm playing Demon's Souls.

I had played through the majority of Sekiro before, but this time I stuck with it and completed two playthroughs back to back. Fantastic game. For the second I tried to make use of the prosthetics as much as possible, which was a fun change of pace. Setting myself the goal of both poisoning and setting on fire every enemy that seemed susceptible to it was an entertaining challenge, and it absolutely melts those bosses that are weak to them, although it's very tricky to do it, to the point that I think it's easier to play sword only even if you practice with the prosthetics a lot. If there's ever a Sekiro 2, I hope they'll make the prosthetics more attractive options that can be more seamlessly incorporated into the regular sword combat.

Demon's Souls I'd also started before, but PS3 emulation and my computer both being a bit crap at the time made it more frustrating than fun. Now though, I'm getting a smooth 60 FPS everywhere, and the only problem I've encountered so far is the game crashing at boss kills (which has happened twice and is admittedly very annoying). As for the game itself, it kicks ass. I'm a fan of Elden Ring and enjoyed the DLC a lot, but this is just a class above. It requires you to be so much more aware of your surroundings and so much more methodical in your actions. Just now I went through the Tower of Latria and fought the Fool's Idol, and it's an absolutely brilliant level, capped off by a great boss. Looking forward to playing more.


Nov 25, 2020
Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
I knew why I didn't want to install DCS.
I knew I would spend too much time on it.
I fucking knew it.

And here we are, today I've flow to Cyprus in a P-51, a 200nm trip, try to get as high as possible. Reached 42k ft, where the engine basically quit. According to wikipedia the P-51 service ceiling was 41k, so it makes sense, even if going over 35k was painful and I'm not sure it would make sense to go higher because the rapidly diminishing engine manifold pressure kills power. Also the carb was frozen. Still managed to do an Immelman at 35k, this is a docile plane.

The recompense for this intense flying was a wonderful dive :


Managed to zoom the montains at 500mph and nail a perfect landing, taxi and shutdown in front of the sunset.

Still, I fucking knew it.


Huge and Ever-Growing
Nov 5, 2014
The Centre of the Ultraworld
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath
Elden Ring - Was keeping this for when I got the new PC. Really like it. At first, larger weapons seemed a little under-powered, considering how fast all the enemies are, but now that I've experimented a little it seems to make more sense. Heavy greatsword with Cragblade is very satisfying. Stumbling massive enemies all over the show. Still swapping out to a straight sword for most trash fights.

Terminator Resistance - This was on my wishlist for a long time waiting for a good sale, but I think I would have been happy to pay full price. Good gameplay. Great atmosphere. Cringe sex scenes. Some significant C&C towards the end. Pleasantly surprised. Making me wonder if skipping that Robocop game was a mistake.

Forza Horizon 4 - Very pretty, fun casual arcade racer. Not much else to say. The Hospital Record radio station is nice touch.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Over the past two weeks I've been on a Castlevania binge, finishing Castlevania I, III, IV, as well as Rondo of Blood and Dracula X. Also tried to beat Chronicles on Original mode but it's such a cheap game.

I'm now playing Symphony of the Night.

I'm not impressed.

All the while I'm thinking "why? For what purpose?". Don't get me wrong, I like a good metroidvania, but I just don't think this game is that.
Inventory system? Tacked on. Experience system? Tacked on. Big open levels full of uninteresting rooms? Tacked on. Second half? Tacked on. And the voice acting is laughable shit.

It's such a stark contrast with virtually every other Castlevania I've played so far, where every screen served a purposes, every enemy had its own trick to beat, every sub weapon had an use, and bosses weren't a complete push over (some bosses non withstanding).

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Demon's Souls
Good old puzzle bosses. I must have died as many times to the Dragon God as I've done in the entire rest of the game. I still don't know what you're supposed to do to get past it and trigger the second ballista, only that I happened to do it one time. (Two times, actually, since once again the game crashed just as the boss reached zero HP. It's getting very annoying, and if it happens one more time I'll be filing a bug report with the emulator people. I would have done so already, but of course they require you to submit the error message along with log files, PC specs, driver versions, mother's maiden name, et cetera. I'd very much prefer not to go through the hassle.)

Anyway, griping aside, this game is fantastic. Unbelievably good. With how many entries there have been from From in the Souls-and-adjacent series and how much the formula has been iterated upon in those games, it's crazy that they got it almost exactly right on the very first attempt.


Jun 26, 2024
Dropped Nightmare Reaper
The game starts strong, gets even better in the first half of the second chapter, takes a noticeable nosedive around the middle of the game and falls of the cliff in the last 3rd chapter.

The visual clutter is insane, especially so in the later stages of the game. I had to set the dynamic lighting, the fog and level decorations to low and blood amount first to low and then to family friendly. Otherwise you can't see shit what's happening on the screen.

Picture from the internet to show how bad even the damage effects alone are.


Levels are procedurally generated and at one point they all start to feel the same even though they have different themes, they all look like Minecraft tunnels made of the same assets but with different textures.
And there's too much of them, Jesus Christ this game is a bloat. 3 chapters, each has 9 episodes, each has 3 levels. So 81 level + arenas. There's a Redux mode which make each episode only have 1 level instead of 3 and makes every level bigger with more enemies (and disables achivements) I speedrunned the first chapter before uninstalling the game, and this mode is indeed better than playing as intended imo.

The music is fine, made by the same dude from Amid Evil, Doom Eternal, Dusk. This time it's metal again. It has the same issue as Morrowind — the music is good but there's not enough of it for the size of the game. It gets repititve very quickly.

The gunplay is good, the best thing about the game. Lots of guns, each has a weight behind the shots. But it's not just retro shooter, it's also a roguelite and that's where my issues lie. First of all, the rng can be just cruel in general. Each gun has a tier 1-3 and random statuses like faster reload, elemental damage, worse or better ammo consumption etc. After completing every level you can only keep one tier 1 gun and later can have upgrades for higher levels and more guns. If you're lucky you can get a great wepon in the second level of the game (I got a legendary tier 1 vampiric chainsaw with faster attack rate). Or you can keep getting trash and dying repeatedly because sometimes it's not about your skills it's just a lack of luck.

It's still easy in the early levels of the game, but somewhere around the middle the enemies are statring to turn into bullet sponges and complete this transition in the 3rd chapter. They also start hitting hard and a couple of shotgunners can kill you in seconds. I got a couple of situations when the rng desided to lock me up in a small 5×5 arena with teleporting enemies and immediately throw 10+ hitscanning shotgunners + summoners who can summon INDEFINITELY untill killed + an armored elite throwing homing aoe projectiles that turn your camera in different direction if they hit you. It's not always that bad, but it was not a one time issue. Oh and elites are just normal monsters with bigger models and A SHIT-TON of hp and some status effect. Like armored which gives them even more hp, good luck kicking it to death if RNGJesus doesn't give you any ammo or health pickups. Some enemies (a lot actually) blow up on death so close combat becomes very dangerous later on. Sometimes an elite is an exploding monster which has elemental status which makes his explosion even stronger and one shot you with full health.

To make things even worse, this already bloated game starts prolonging itself even more. In the first levels to finish it you need only to reach a teleporter. Later the game introduces color keys to open doors. Later it introduces the explosives to blow up the walls to find the keys. Later — the batteries to insert into slots to open the doors to get the explosives to blow up the wall to get the key. Later the crystals you need to feed to a half-life looking barncale to get the battery… you get the deal. Usually all that in different parts of the level so I hope you like backtracking the empty minecraft looking rooms.

The upgrades are also for some reason done in the form of mini-games. The first one is mario platformer, the second is pokemon and the third a horizontal shmup. Thank God you can disable them in the options.
The sad thing is when it works it works good. For example, I really liked the arenas, which are non story side levels with waves of enemies, because the core gunplay is just good. But everything else ranges from mediocre to sometimes straight bad, imo.

Starting The Citadel.


Jul 7, 2011
Continuing my exploration of survivalcrafting with one of the big players in the field, 7 Days to Die. I like it. It has some of the best synergy between all the elements of these kinds of games I've seen. The survival aspect is more rigorous than the likes of Conan Exiles, with food and water being quite scarce in the early game, closer to DayZ. Base building isn't as good, aesthetically, as other games, but it's more usefully integrated into the survival aspect due to the fact that enemies can and will come destroy your base if you let them; compare to CE*, Subnautica, or No Man's Sky where enemies are static/easily avoidable or a complete non threat to your shelter. On the second horde night, I thought I was safe on top of a TALL cell tower since it worked the first time and hey I've blocked off the top of the ladder and the entire structure is metal....until apparently the zombies did enough damage to the immediate lower section of the structure that I found myself falling about 3 stories down on top of a ladder sticking out into thin air, with a broken leg, 15% health, and exposed to enraged zombies all around me...

Progression has been slow as I started on the main map which puts you in a rural area not close to points of interest**, thus a lot of time has been spent going to and fro to do missions*** or find good loot. Much of your progression depends on crafting, and progression in crafting depends on finding skill books and magazines to raise various crafting levels that give you access to the items you want to craft. These take longer to find if you start off in a remote area like I did. Supposedly playing a rando gen map is the way to go, with chance to spawn near urban areas and thus easier access to more and better loot.

Pretty much every object, item, and surface can be destroyed in the game and resources gained from it, to an extent well beyond many other games in of this type. The comparisons to Minecraft are apt, also CDDA.

*There are the Purges, but you can have thralls help you defend.

**A PoI is any building in the game, where enemies and loot can be found and where quests can spawn. And there are different levels with harder enemies, missions/better loot

***Very time consuming because I wanted to get
the free bicycle from doing 10 trader missions
, and many of the mission POIs were quite far from this remote trader location.


Jun 26, 2024
The Citadel run is not going well. The game uses 79% of my CPU, all 8 gigs of VRAM, crashed 3 times in 40 minutes, constant drops to 40 fps. The character takes off and puts on helmet (the HUD basically) for no reason without me pressing the button, often in the middle of combat, making the game unplayable. Also after these helmet manipulations I can't move the mouse while aiming down the sights. And the mouse sensivity resets after each loading. A cursed game. At least you can see not only your legs but your booba too.



Feb 10, 2018
Citadel isn't a well optimised game(being made by a single japanese coomer who is a huge fan of Marathon, Outlaws and FEAR) but i never experienced anything this bad while playing.
Shame about your experiences, Citadel is one of the better retro shooters.
Try crouching while looking at your boobs and legs.


Jun 26, 2024
Citadel isn't a well optimised game(being made by a single japanese coomer who is a huge fan of Marathon, Outlaws and FEAR) but i never experienced anything this bad while playing.
Shame about your experiences, Citadel is one of the better retro shooters.
Try crouching while looking at your boobs and legs.
Setting the game to dx12 helped with the cpu usage and made the framerate more stable, still with drops tho, but the controls are still fucked up. I don't even understand what the issue is. I tried deleting the input ini file, changing windows language, making input file read only. My first thought was maybe the gamepad interferes with the controls, but no it's not even connected.
Began KEX Quake instead. I only had Quake 2 on PS1 and played Action Quake in LAN clubs. Finished the first two episodes. The first boss reminded me of the dragon god boss from Demon's Souls, maybe because of the post above. The music is great, Trent Reznor really did a terrific job on this one.


Sep 6, 2022
The Citadel run is not going well. The game uses 79% of my CPU, all 8 gigs of VRAM, crashed 3 times in 40 minutes, constant drops to 40 fps. The character takes off and puts on helmet (the HUD basically) for no reason without me pressing the button, often in the middle of combat, making the game unplayable. Also after these helmet manipulations I can't move the mouse while aiming down the sights. And the mouse sensivity resets after each loading. A cursed game. At least you can see not only your legs but your booba too.

Proper game optimization.
Not even once...

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Big open levels full of uninteresting rooms? Tacked on.
Funny, this is how I feel about most classic 'vania. Room after room of tedious cannon fodder to inch towards and whack 20 times for no reward just so I can walk forward through the hallway to the end or get back to the illusory floor instant death trap or whatever. Also, they usually have like, 2 good sub weapons.

SotN has a lack of difficulty for sure (could probably quadruple hp on every enemy and quarter it for Alucard and it'd be fair), especially if you explore it in a particular route, grind, or just get certain really lucky drops. But the castle is fucking gorgeous, the best artwork in the entire series, and the loot is fun to collect just for doing novel interesting things. And it's got so many secrets to find, with often cool rewards behind them, including entire areas with bosses and shit.
Still going very very slowly through Crystal Project(wasting hours of my life on infuriating jumping puzzles and trying to beat some optional bosses).
If you're genuinely raging at the jumping stuff, that gets easier the further you go along in the game, aside from like, 3 optional endgame things. Might be better off progressing instead, unless you're having fun with the challenge. Sounds like you're still pretty early. As for that particular boss, IIRC the trick was to be immune to or have ways to dispel the debuffs. Stacking debuffs are no joke in this game. Should be something available by then, that town has like 8 shops. Attacks that are neither physical nor magical (you can tell by their icon, gears are untyped) do tend to be tricky to deal with though.


Feb 10, 2018
If you're genuinely raging at the jumping stuff, that gets easier the further you go along in the game, aside from like, 3 optional endgame things. Might be better off progressing instead, unless you're having fun with the challenge. Sounds like you're still pretty early. As for that particular boss, IIRC the trick was to be immune to or have ways to dispel the debuffs. Stacking debuffs are no joke in this game. Should be something available by then, that town has like 8 shops. Attacks that are neither physical nor magical (you can tell by their icon, gears are untyped) do tend to be tricky to deal with though.
I can't just walk away when i spotted a treasure chest in a hard to reach place. So, you can say i am having a fun with the challenge.
Didn't found items that grant immunity to this boss' particular debuff. In retrospective i should have probably given a secondary healer job to my rogue/fencer or shaman/wizard just so they could cast mend.
In addition to hunter i just unlocked chemist and reaper. Chemist looks fun and useful, especially with his flight buff that looks like will come in handy later.
Reaper looks very fun but i am not sure if i should start leveling it on my fighter/aegis or give it to my wizard/shaman for shit and giggles.


Aug 17, 2006
I like Ground Zero better than The Reckoning.
But still, both are pretty good

Ground Zero is more fun in the remastered version, because they nerfed the god damn turrets.

The Reckoning is just ok. Jarring early sections drag it down.


Sep 6, 2022
I like Ground Zero better than The Reckoning.
But still, both are pretty good

Ground Zero is more fun in the remastered version, because they nerfed the god damn turrets.

The Reckoning is just ok. Jarring early sections drag it down.
The Reckoning makes the mistake of not giving you the best weapons early on.
Ground Zero doesn't suffer from that.
Hell, in The Reckoning, you only get the BFG much later in the expansion, near the end of it.

Unkillable Cat

May 13, 2009
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy
Finally took a look at that GameBoy title I'd always intended to look at, Monster Max. For those not in the know, this is an isometric platformer made by the same guys who did Head Over Heels, except now it's on the GameBoy and monochrome and shit.

I just let the demo mode run for a minute, and I instantly realized that this wasn't going to be any fun. Because a general problem with every isometric platformer, is that the perspective can and will work against the player, especially when it comes to airborne platforms. You can't really tell where they are located, because they don't cast a shadow on the ground. Some games have a shadow underneath the player character, but nothing else. That barely helps. Monster Max doesn't have any of those modern-day amenities, so I just passed on it.

So I rummaged some more on old backups and folders I haven't touched in years... and found one I hadn't touched in quite a while, to say the least. It contained my old NESticle-installation, the DOS-based NES emulator! There were some classic ROMs in there, including all six Mega Man-games. So I figured: Why not give Mega Man a try? Especially since the save files I had were still there, dated 1997. But NESticle doesn't work in Windows, so I had to get a new modern emulator, and tried to play Mega Man for the first time this century.

And ran into a problem I have to admit has never bothered me until now: The difference between NTSC and PAL.

I live in Europe, so everything here was/is supposed to be PAL. But these ROMs were all NTSC, and the speed difference shows. I was demonstrating Gaming Journalist-levels of ineptitude because the game was running too fast for me, and I've gotten old in the years that have passed. I actually sat there for a minute wondering how the heck I beat the games back then. I was shooting things OK, but even the simplest of platforming jumps were nigh-on impossible for me. So I had to hunt down the PAL-versions of the ROMs now.

Much better. I don't feel like an ape playing a console title anymore.

So I'm gonna have a go at the Mega Man-series through the next few days/weeks, and posting some impressions.


Oct 23, 2019
Volgarr the Viking 2 has one of the most asinine mechanics I've seen put into a game. If you die a certain number of times, you enter into "unead mode" and become invincible to enemy attacks until the end of the game, basically turning it into a pure platformer. The only way to avoid this is deleting your profile and creating a new one. For a game that is based around difficulty and unforgiving combat, this seems like an idiotic idea. I liked the tough but fair approach of the first one, but this completely destroys the game for me. He should've just offered a choice between easy and hard mode imo.

Other than that, the level and encounter design are both satisfying, fans of the first game should like this one as well, as soon as the developer pulls his head out of his ass and reverses this stupid decision.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2011
Volgarr the Viking 2 has one of the most asinine mechanics I've seen put into a game. If you die a certain number of times, you enter into "unead mode" and become invincible to enemy attacks until the end of the game, basically turning it into a pure platformer. The only way to avoid this is deleting your profile and creating a new one. For a game that is based around difficulty and unforgiving combat, this seems like an idiotic idea. I liked the tough but fair approach of the first one, but this completely destroys the game for me. He should've just offered a choice between easy and hard mode imo.

Other than that, the level and encounter design are both satisfying, fans of the first game should like this one as well, as soon as the developer pulls his head out of his ass and reverses this stupid decision.
People were saying you just have to "restart" the game. I thought they just meant quit to the title screen and start a new game, like you would do in nearly ever other game. I did see that it doesn't even warn you that it's going to revert to that mode, unlike Ninja Gaiden and it's Ninja Dog mode. And they were defending this shit as a good solution to the "problem" of the game being too hard for some people to beat. The decline is undefeated.


Sep 6, 2022
Volgarr the Viking 2 has one of the most asinine mechanics I've seen put into a game. If you die a certain number of times, you enter into "unead mode" and become invincible to enemy attacks until the end of the game, basically turning it into a pure platformer. The only way to avoid this is deleting your profile and creating a new one.
Why did they include this?
Maybe they just wanted the ultimate Easy Mode for game journos and the like?
Else I can't explain...


Barely Literate
Aug 8, 2024
Eastern Scythian Steppes
As I rvpe my way to become the ruler of all of Skyrim, I enjoy playing a massively modified version of the game and simply adding a ton of sex modifications. Oh and occasionally JRPGS, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil for the Aesthetic.
Not a big fan of soy games like genshin impact or grindy time wasting FPS shooters.


Oct 23, 2019
Volgarr the Viking 2 has one of the most asinine mechanics I've seen put into a game. If you die a certain number of times, you enter into "unead mode" and become invincible to enemy attacks until the end of the game, basically turning it into a pure platformer. The only way to avoid this is deleting your profile and creating a new one.
Why did they include this?
Maybe they just wanted the ultimate Easy Mode for game journos and the like?
Else I can't explain...
I also can't explain. One would think that because the first game had a reputation for its old-school arcade level of difficulty they would be afraid this would lower sales and keep potential new players away from the game, but if that were true, they would've advertised this undead mode. Even the Steam page doesn't explain what it is:
Volgarr the Viking II is a hardcore, 2D action-platformer where precision is everything and one false move can spell a brutal death. Players of the original game will feel right at home on this relentless voyage, even with the addition of new power-ups, new forms of magic, new enemy types, and a chest-thumping new soundtrack.

While the sequel delivers the same unforgiving 1980s-arcade level of difficulty as the original, Volgarr the Viking II also (mercifully, begrudgingly) offers modern quality-of-life options such as checkpoints, save states, and an undead mode. You decide how punishing your quest should be – but now anyone can be a viking!

With new and larger worlds inspired by Norse mythology, multiple endings, and a variety of ruthless bosses to conquer, Volgarr the Viking II expands and improves on the original in every way. Draw your sword, don your helmet, and chop your way through this violent viking adventure!
It's a stupid decision, whatever excuse they come up with. Instead of focusing on pleasing fans of the first game (people who actually like this kind of design where each mistake is punished, but death is never random or unfair), they took a strange route with the sequel.


Sep 6, 2022
Yeah, they should've kept it a brutal 2D Arcade.
It was a lapse in judgement maybe...


Sep 11, 2013
Rabbit Pie. An old C64 maze game in which you control a reasonably realistic white rabbit as he picks up rabbits sitting in top hats and raids a carrot patch while avoiding predators (a hunter on the first screen, wildlife on the second). Probably most notorious for the traumatic death animation as your bunny flips over and writhes on his back for a couple of seconds before restarting. It's fun to play a bit now and then, but I feel like it needed at least one more level to feel rounded.


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