Stuff that I've played for the last two weeks:
Dead Space 3: finished. Heh, I played it not unlike Doom 3, aka mindless zombie shooter. Waiting for the DLC now.
AoW: SW: this is I think the 3rd time trying it out, and this time I still can't get even the 1st level done. To be honest, I don't like AoW's art design. All those 3d/2d hybrid character sprites are making my eyes bleed. Otherwise, I just can't get much of the charm the game supposedly has...what a pity.
Then I looked here and there trying to find a good strategy game to play. From HOMM3, SMAC, CIV, to DOM3, AI War. Also looked at Endless Space and Stardriver, but none really hooked me...
Until Eador Genesis.
That game is just, fucking, awesome. It has great art, great soundtrack, great control. Most importantly it has balanced unit & spell design, great RPG elements, and awesome tactical combat. Also the game designer put a lot of efforts of constructing the background story and characters, with tons of humor in it. The game somehow reminds me of Space Rangers 2 - seemly simple game with predominately 2d graphics, but with actually fucktons of text and details behind. Is that true for all the Russian games?
Unfortunately, the game's campaign is waaaaay to long, and the game doesn't have much variety in the game world design. It's just green grass everywhere, unlike Heroes that have snow, desert, and so on. Now that I know the remake will come out within a month, I stopped playing Genesis, so I can preserve my lust for it to continue on the remake. However one month is a long time to wait...
I think I'll play Bioshock Infinite, and DS3's DLC. But not many stuff (especially strategy games) to keep my attention long enough on it.