It's based as fuck, you get to blow up fags, dykes, trannies and antifa.I want a game that lets me kill Western commie larpers. Killing a bunch of gooks or russkies is fucking boring. Let me bomb the UN building, gun down the Rotchilds and drive a tank into the offices of BBC. Shit like that. But oh no, go kill some gooks in a jungle wearing a silly latex suit is what I get instead.
It's based as fuck, you get to blow up fags, dykes, trannies and antifa.I want a game that lets me kill Western commie larpers. Killing a bunch of gooks or russkies is fucking boring. Let me bomb the UN building, gun down the Rotchilds and drive a tank into the offices of BBC. Shit like that. But oh no, go kill some gooks in a jungle wearing a silly latex suit is what I get instead.
Best choice, because if allows you to kill nazis, communists, slopes and yanks all in the same game, and you can satisfy practically all your politically or racially motivated cravings within the same package.
Hong Kong 97
You can always play the GLA in C&C Generals. Most badass RTS faction ever, bar fucking none.I want a game that lets me kill Western commie larpers. Killing a bunch of gooks or russkies is fucking boring. Let me bomb the UN building, gun down the Rotchilds and drive a tank into the offices of BBC. Shit like that. But oh no, go kill some gooks in a jungle wearing a silly latex suit is what I get instead.
That's a vile insult towards the undead.Any zombie game is practically the same thing.