Somehow, this talentless hack is still around and churning out a new wannabe-movie every five years or so. I guess it's the power of clout and being a useful tool for pushing THE MESSAGE.
Out of the five games they've shat out so far, I've only played Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy (to the end) and Omikron: Nomad Soul (about half), but I've watched full streams of the other ones, because I need to temporarily lower my IQ by at least 50 points before I can interact with normies IRL.
I would characterize them as follows:
Omikron - an actual game, with actual gameplay mechanics, an interesting premise, and fairly cool setting. It was made in the early 3D era, which means it's butt-ugly and eventually made my eyes bleed and make me stop playing, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. What went wrong with this studio after that?
Fahrenheit: out of all the wannabe-movie video games with little to no gameplay, I think this is the best one I've ever played or watched. It goes off the rails in the second half, and ends up turning into a jumbled mess of aborted plotlines, however.
Heavy Rain: hilariously out-of-touch and wooden crime drama that blatantly cheats to pull a shocking twist on the viewer. It made me laugh in all the places that were supposed to be dramatic, and also feel very glad that I wasn't actually "playing" it.
Beyond Two Holes: creepyEllen Elliot Page molestation simulator with a cringy story and an interesting premise that isn't used in any creative way whatsoever.
Detroit: We Wuz Humanz: robots are real people and YOU'RE A FASCIST BIGOT!!! if you so much as DARE to question this dogma or be genuinely unaware of it due to a lack of information. It's horribly long, disgustingly blatant with its transhumanist, pro-immigrant and "USA sucks coz muh slavery" propaganda, the characters are extremely flat punching bags for gratuitous misery porn, and Canada is apparently some kind of heavan on earth for muh robosexual rights. And the little girl secretly being a robot all along made zero sense.
But what do YOU think? Vote now!! Sorry, you can only pick one, the responses aren't meaningful otherwise.
Out of the five games they've shat out so far, I've only played Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy (to the end) and Omikron: Nomad Soul (about half), but I've watched full streams of the other ones, because I need to temporarily lower my IQ by at least 50 points before I can interact with normies IRL.
I would characterize them as follows:
Omikron - an actual game, with actual gameplay mechanics, an interesting premise, and fairly cool setting. It was made in the early 3D era, which means it's butt-ugly and eventually made my eyes bleed and make me stop playing, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. What went wrong with this studio after that?
Fahrenheit: out of all the wannabe-movie video games with little to no gameplay, I think this is the best one I've ever played or watched. It goes off the rails in the second half, and ends up turning into a jumbled mess of aborted plotlines, however.
Heavy Rain: hilariously out-of-touch and wooden crime drama that blatantly cheats to pull a shocking twist on the viewer. It made me laugh in all the places that were supposed to be dramatic, and also feel very glad that I wasn't actually "playing" it.
Beyond Two Holes: creepy
Detroit: We Wuz Humanz: robots are real people and YOU'RE A FASCIST BIGOT!!! if you so much as DARE to question this dogma or be genuinely unaware of it due to a lack of information. It's horribly long, disgustingly blatant with its transhumanist, pro-immigrant and "USA sucks coz muh slavery" propaganda, the characters are extremely flat punching bags for gratuitous misery porn, and Canada is apparently some kind of heavan on earth for muh robosexual rights. And the little girl secretly being a robot all along made zero sense.
But what do YOU think? Vote now!! Sorry, you can only pick one, the responses aren't meaningful otherwise.