I think lots of brillant people precisely understand this and that's why they advocate for safer languages.
The mere fact you wrote "dumb programmers" proves that you don't know much about safety and security in programming.
Don't want to appear condescending to anyone here, but you really have to use different languages for
prolonged periods of time, preferably on production code,
and preferably in teams. That will teach you a lot about a given language. It's harder to see the advantages/disadvantages of a language if you've only ever used it in hobby projects, under no time pressure, and basically as the only maintainer of the codebase. Reading a few tutorials about the basic syntax and writing a few toy examples doesn't really teach you to
feel a particular language (it's a bit like reading the rules of chess; well, it takes less than 10 minutes, still it won't make you a master).
Sure, you can use C for "everything"... like you can write a LISP in it
Still, it's a bit like building a castle out of toothpicks, but sometimes it's necessary. Think of it like this: if walking barefoot is the only mode of transport that you know, then riding on a horse carriage might seem the best thing ever to you. But what if you learned teleportation and dimension jumping first? Well, then that horse carriage doesn't seem like the "ultimate upgrade" from barefoot walking anymore...
I'd say knowing C is all good and well, but that's really the walking barefoot category. Go and learn something
really high-level that has GC, closures, support for functional style, and preferably a nice standard library that has nice collections. Some LISP/Scheme is preferable (that's definitely the dimension jumping category), or Scala or Kotlin if you don't mind the JVM. Use it for a while in non-trivial projects, then go back to language X (like C) and compare your experience.
If you just want a "better C", even Nim, Go, Rust or D can teach you some interesting things, but it's really best to go for the most advanced languages first for educational purposes and to expand your worldview, in my opinion.