Consider using a weapon you actually have a high skill in and not picking a fight with a random ordinator with a level 1 character. [...]
I don't mean to poison the well here, but most people who criticize Morrowind's combat, either in video essays or online discussions, almost always view it from the lens of the early game, y'know, that period where things are usually the roughest?
It's always:
- fighting a rat (bonus points if it's in the Ascadian Isles)
- zero fatigue management
- fighting with a weapon you're not proficient in (short blades)
- running into fights head-on instead of choosing when to come back later when you're stronger
- fast attacking blindly (Daedric War Axe for example does ONE damage when you spam it, and 44 when you charge the swing)
- low weapon skills
Hit-chance stops becoming a problem once you reach levels 4-6 for most characters. Unlike Oblivion & Skyrim, you can easily differentiate a bad character in Morrowind, from a good one. You're only doing yourself a disservice by installing a 100% hit-chance mod because the world wasn't created for you to be hitting shit 100% of the time constantly.