RIP WoW as a thing that exists at all after Legion launches.
Looked at the DK class changes for legion. Good God, the popamole is out in force. Not only are they reducing runes to a unified resource, they also reduce then to only having one disease. (Plus it looks like self-heal might be restricted to blood spec.. Uh-oh).
On the plus side, my rotation will be simple now.
Obliterate, obliterate, obliterate, frost strike, frost strike, frost strike, repeat
They're removing frost/blood/unholy prescense too. Christo. They really DO want us to spam obliterate and nothing else
DK was an easy class to tank with in Wrath. No idea about what changes they made in the interim, though.Looked at the DK class changes for legion. Good God, the popamole is out in force. Not only are they reducing runes to a unified resource, they also reduce then to only having one disease. (Plus it looks like self-heal might be restricted to blood spec.. Uh-oh).
On the plus side, my rotation will be simple now.
Obliterate, obliterate, obliterate, frost strike, frost strike, frost strike, repeat
They're removing frost/blood/unholy prescense too. Christo. They really DO want us to spam obliterate and nothing else
Metzen's 12 year old daughter asked why daddy objectified women. He had to change the model.RIP Sylvanas... SJW's won...
"It's the reason why you have an iPhone and MacBook, sweetheart. So either hand them over or shut your mouth as long as you are in the house of the Metz."Metzen's 12 year old daughter asked why daddy objectified women. He had to change the model.RIP Sylvanas... SJW's won...
Yeah I read that... she said something like 'Why are they all in their bathing suits?' He should have replied, "Because they look sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy!!!" in his Elite Tauren Chieftain voice.Metzen's 12 year old daughter asked why daddy objectified women. He had to change the model.RIP Sylvanas... SJW's won...
I hope so. They should just let WoW die.There's a rumor about how Legion will be the last expo made by Blizzard. Is this true?
I very much doubt it. As long as the game provides high revenue (and it does), Blizzard will keep churning out expacs, every one shittier than the one before. I can see WoW being the king of MMOs for at least 5 more years, so this means we should see at least 2 expansions after Legion.There's a rumor about how Legion will be the last expo made by Blizzard. Is this true?
There's nothing shameful about playing WoW if you are into competitive skill-based MMO PvP (what game has a better system? Maybe Guild Wars 2, but WoW is much more popular, hence more events and popularity in general). However, aside from that, there is barely anything interesting left in the game... I'm looking forward to class orders though, that should add a lot of single player content and make use of those 10+ alts everyone seems to have nowadays.I'm already thinking of preordering it lololol agawd someone kill me